Skill isn’t carried over into promotions. Want to do that all AFK? For long term investment, you might want to focus more on obtaining Artisans with skills you desire. If there is new sheet including Kama and Dreighan nodes, new workloads etc. You dont need to sell your processed items but rather to make it into crate and do trading. You can’t have two Farm Knowledge (Work Speed +5). 10% chance of returning 10% of 1 material during crafting. You can do it at the node manager or by using 10 energy if you have "subscription", the Value Pack buff. Talk to the Work Supervisor (R) and click the Worker Exchange button. Example: 7 = 7.56 Movement Speed, Take base Movement Speed and multiply by .06 to see the rate increase. Click the filter on the top right labeled “All”. Hit his cancel button to clear his work que and try again later, you can’t cancel a registration immediately. Then you can connect other nodes to the already connected ones, as long as you have contribution points. (He can’t be currently busy in a work cycle.) Goblins and Papu truly excel at working on your nodes, especially if they are far away from town. Higher gathering level = less durability consumption on your tools + less chance to use energy while gathering. As a new player who literally emptied his steam wallet for around 50k pearls. Basics of Worker Leveling:When your worker completes a job (work cycle), he earns experience points based upon how long that job took. The promotion icon looks like a badge and has a hover tip labeled Prom. Current Page: Introduction and FAQ Cancels, Tips & tricks Combos Skill Addons Gear & Crystals Miscellaneous BDO Guide Stuff Ending Thoughts Community & Contact Info Archer Feedback Introduction. to the Node Manager NPC. Another buyer can steal him during a 10 minute window he is on the exchange, so be careful submitting someone for sale, you must visit the worker’s city and talk to the Work Supervisor there to sell. Most of the time though, you will get a green tier Normal worker. Before buying, take note of the number next to Promotion #. Hello everyone i am planning to revamp my entire worker empire that i made back in 2018. level 2. Having all those nodes and an alt locked just for 30-40 crates is a dumb waste. Best guide I have seen in a long time. So a 1 hour repeating work cycle will level workers about the same as one 3 hour work cycle clear across the nation. if u mind sharing i will be thankful. How do you get your materials from one to another to process. I'm at artisan gathering and I'm 100% confident I use 1 durability every single time I gather. Track where and what workers are doing. The teff nodes are expensive (usually 3cp for node + 3cp for each teff subnode), but the nodes produce a MASSIVE quantity of teff. It might take months, but you’ll eventually build your own amazing worker empire. Many guides out there will tell you the basic and tell you to figure things out for yourselves. Any suggestions for those of us who don't want to get the value pack? BDO. I know not to just randomly buy costumes to make me look cooler. Level is also important in determining if you have successful promotions to upgrade a worker’s grade/tier, with higher levels giving better luck. They only have 8 stamina. Refinery is a type of housing that creates black stone powders etc. Each has an Amity requirement of 500, which you will need spare energy on hand to obtain. To purchase a worker click the Hire button next to the one that you want to purchase. For worker skills that have the same name, but different grade, it’s possible to stack. This is the end goal of all this processing nonsense anyways so its still good to do processing mix with trading. If you're a new player, you should be doing every major quest line in the game. For help learning about node investment and and how to connect a node network for a worker empire, please visit our BDO Node Guide. It’s good to start building your worker empire as soon as you reach Velia, which is the second major town you will encounter. But if you really dont want to then you probably want to do something else than processing. successful promotion rerolls the worker, resetting all stats and removing all previous skills, promotion lowers a worker’s level to 1, but raises the grade by 1 improving base starting stats of Work Speed, Movement Speed, Luck, and Stamina, promotion opens up the possibility of newer and better worker skills, max silver value of workers is about 13.5 million silvers (level 30, make sure you have 1 unused lodging space in the worker’s city, have up to 13.5 million silver. 1 tick is equal to 10 minutes (crates are 5 minutes). You can obtain a level 30 Professional with no promotions left for 2.6 million silver. Fir and cedar sells around 600, Birch around 300. In my work on the BDO Node Investment Calculator, I discovered that Goblins and Papu always produce more. Level 30 has the best odds, but requires significant time investment. Lodging usually costs about 1 CP per worker. and it’s extremely rare to find a low level one outside of the high level region of Kamasylvia. View Balzor’s Worker Guide. Click on the Pickaxe icon labeled Worker. But if you have enough energy, keep rolling workers by pressing the View Another button until you get at least a blue Skilled Worker. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the blackdesertonline community, The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert Online, developed by Pearl Abyss. Node manager tool for Black Desert Online used to plan and setup node investment and profit. Example: 7 = 7.77 Movement Speed, Take base Movement Speed and multiply by .08 to see the rate increase. As you can see, Giants are stamina kings, but their workspeed and movement is slow. I hope you can start earning more silver to add to your active income. If your main is near cap and have to go afk for a bit, use the energy for rolling workers. Example: If learned at level 1 you get an extra 5.8 base Work Speed. You can even do it in a week if you really put your mind into it. +5 Workspeed for all node types. You can actually earn silver by selling your workers within the Worker Exchange. Click a blue house then select Lodging then Purchase button to purchase. This setup can utilize a Kutum offhand instead for more AP while keeping some evasion or run Nouver while giving up your belt for a Centaur or even move back to the previous setup where you use Centaur and also use a Sharos while keeping a PEN AP necklace. Cheers to an awesome BDO player! A word of caution. 1 job uses up 1 Stamina. If you’re using beer and he only needs 1 Action Point (aka Stamina) you have to manually force the beer by right clicking the beer icon next to his portrait instead of the Recover All button which doesn’t over-feed workers and will not apply a 2 Stamina beer to a worker that only needs 1 Stamina. With this I have a propper way to set tings up for future billions in silver to earn and spend to progress. From this Worker Exchange screen, you can both buy and sell workers for silver. Is teff more efficient than beer? But most important is his connection to Trent, which many players like because of the distance bonus for trade crates from Trent to Valencia. Just connect the node to the nearest town so the worker can get there. 8. Nodes (0) 0 CP. Many have questions about how to make money passively while AFK. It’s wise to invest some time and decide which City you’d like to make your “cooking” city. Ever. These nodes produce materials you will need to level up your lifeskill clothes, which are invaluable, as they not only increase experience gain, but also reduce the time to cook and reduce failures while processing. Professionals are harder to come by. Are you constantly at the keyboard, ready to check your worker’s stamina when they tucker out? If unlearned at 30, you don’t loose Luck. If you follow the quest, you'll be a few hours behind those who grinded, but you'll have a massive advantage from the cp/knowledge. A comparison of your income to the best income per node Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Gives a low chance of returning 100% of 1 crafting material. You must wait 10 minutes after he is made public to cancel. Setup/Item Requirements: Plenty of inventory slots (130~ minimum but max is preferred) Triple Float Rods – The bottleneck; A fully connected node network from epheria -> valencia * As of 08/02/2019 fish no longer require the nodes to be connected to get full value at the trader. Guide by Steven Messner Contributor ... All node networks must start at a town (the icon on the map will be blue) which is a node you get for free. 9. Thanks Eminent! Once you are at the node manager, speak to him/her and press “Node Management”. Subnodes (0) 0 CP. If you take egg or potato nodes from Velia, lodging will be full, so you will need an Olvia worker for this (recalculate yields/day) or connect Heidel (recalculate yields/day AND CP spent) 2525: 517: 1356: 19. Many players promote workers at level 20, then sell if they fail twice. Narrow the housing results by selecting “Lodging”. Click on the result you want and enjoy it. Do you AFK for long periods? Jugruta has a timber crate buff, but his profit potential is less than Bravant’s because he’s connected to Heidel. That’s ok when you’re first starting out and don’t have much energy to gamble with. For example, crafting junk crates in 5 minute jobs would earn better experience than gathering iron ore at a distant node (even if it only takes 10 minutes to complete). As you explore the land, you will uncover nodes on the World Map (M) that you can send workers to. (usually about 15 to 20 energy) Make sure you already have most of the named worker’s preferred knowledge topics. Are you sure? They have stats comparable to Skilled workers even though their names are highlighted as Professional. Is it possible for me to save a copy of this spreadsheet? Studies confirm it’s not as effective as greater Movement Speed and Workspeed. Twitch: is the first video of a two part series. When a worker builds up enough experience points, he gains a level. And thanks for citing references. After you invest Contribution Points (CP) into a main node and its resource node, you can assign a worker to the resource node to work at gathering game items for you. Basically, you are trying to cover the node’s Workload with your worker’s Work Speed. Editable node values include: Regional Modifier, Best Town, Artisan Worker Race, Woker Workspeed and Movement Speed, Marketplace Price, and Contribution Point costs. The quest lines provide good cp, get you acquainted with different areas, and more importantly, they increase your knowledge (which increases your energy cap). Bravant is popular because he has an extra skill that gives 3x mineral crates per work cycle for 3x the ingredients. Gathering also provides a free way of attaining hard and sharp stones, which you will need in massive quantities to level your gear past +15. A Skilled Giant, however, has the most Stamina and would last 125 hours on 5 minute jobs because he has 25 Stamina. This guide will "step by step" hold your hand on how to build a worker empire from the ground up. Report Save. Workers can be promoted through the Worker List window. Meaning you have to wait 20 minutes total to cancel after your registration. Example: 7 MS X .005 = 7.035 Movement Speed, Luck improves secondary/rare yields from nodes, Mass Production includes housing that mass produces anything including tools, crates, armors, etc, Ship/Wagon/Horse Gear Crafting Work Speed +5, Take base Movement Speed and multiply by .1 to see the rate increase. Honey (Alejandro Farm) Vegetable, easiest would be Alejandro Farm. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. edited 2 years ago. If you're looking to grind out cp, and you're out of grains for beer, I highly recommend picking up the teff nodes near valencia and making teff bread. Hello! An estimate of daily income. Every city and major town is a "free node" that you can connect to nearby nodes. You would think Luck would play a big role in these types of nodes, but that’s not the case. That's it for worker nodes for basic materials. In this case you have to upgrade the lodging to a higher level, which costs silver and a short build time. Looking at this image, you can see that, in … Nodes. His level also determines how many skills he can use. If you are a starter, then Velia or Heidel are arguably the best choices. Click the square pickaxe button on the All Worker List window to the far right of his portrait. … At his final 30th level, he can begin to reset skills to try for ones that matter to you. This is shown in the lv1 column. Take a step back and relax. Each time you attempt to hire a worker, it will cost 5 energy and require 1 lodging. You can only invest CP into a node if you have another node in range that you have invested into. Worker EXP Formula: EXP = Job time(Minutes)*1.2 + 10. Skills Folder: Archer Guide. (+8 total skills possible), Uses up 500 Amity (costs 15 to 20 energy to obtain), Named workers can’t be moved from their home city listed on the contract, can have multiple of the same named workers (have to rebuild 500 Amity for each one purchased). If you have the $, I highly suggest buying from the pearl shop, in this order: the extra worker slots for each town (you get 1 free worker per town, this increases that to 4 free workers that don't require lodging - huge savings on cp), canape costume, venecil costume, weight limit increases for lifeskiller, pets, maids (maids may seem like a lot, but if you play a lot of characters, using maids is cheaper than buying weight for every character), value pack, experience% costume. To connect nodes you must first go to the Node Manager NPC. Black Desert for Consoles | r/PlayBlackDesert I would like to take the time to explain the very basics of nodes workers and how you can get started off with your Empire.In order to get started with your node Empire, you must have some contribution points, this is a … This will create an auto-path and you can press T to auto run there. Hello and welcome back to another BDO guide. It hasn’t been verified or tested. Access the Worker List window by clicking the Pickaxe icon in the top left of the screen. All loyalty should go into increasing the # of max character slots until you're capped out (more characters = more energy bots = more workers, etc), after that, increase weight / max storage per town. Right click a cell to edit and press enter to recalculate the silver produced. Example: 7 MS = 7.35 Movement Speed, Additional processing (+2) when making a crop crate, Makes 3 with 3x the ingredients in 1 work cycle, Additional processing (+2) when making an ore crate, Additional processing (+2) when making a timber crate, Cannon/Siege Weapon Crafting Work Speed +5. Know what worker type you should use for a specific node. This is true even for nodes that have rare secondary resources like excavation nodes.

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