Farm animals will typically eat docks while grazing, and it encourages chicken’s natural foraging behavior. As I’m about to explain in the story below, there is always a risk that chickens will eat something they shouldn’t. Chickens are very sensitive to certain plants, such as morning glories, please do not assume they are smart enough not to eat them. Shade Trees for Chickens. 12. Being a weed, they are very resilient to a lot of weather conditions and tend to grow back with ease. But don’t feed it to your chickens! They love treats from the kitchen and love to wander around the garden in search of plants, bugs and juicy worms. Chickens will eat most things you feed them. Here are a few common garden and pasture plants that chickens eat, ... Young clover, grass, dandelions and dock – a palatable and nutritious poultry mix. Please note that, while comprehensive, this list may not contain every single plant toxic to ducks! I’ve been scooping it up and feeding it to my flock for months and they love it. Your hens will also eat dandelion, comfrey, sorrel, horseradish and dock leaves if desperate. Click to see full answer. The most common types are the broad-leaved dock, curly dock, and yellow dock as far as I can tell. Yes weeds! My patch of dock … If in doubt, keep potentially harmful plants away from your birds. Your hens will also eat dandelion, comfrey, sorrel, horseradish and dock leaves if desperate. Tomato, pepper and eggplant leaves As members of the nightshade family, they contain Solanine, just like potatoes, so you should try to keep your chickens off your plants. To me, if it's green, its fine. For instance, this list on cites several plants that aren’t on the list above, such as lamb’s quarters, a common backyard weed in Michigan. If you have chickens, however, this presents a great opportunity for them to help while filling up on nutritious snack. The entire avocado is toxic to chickens, including the leaves of the plant. Ensure your chickens do not have ready access to such plants, especially if you are free ranging your chickens… Weeds are free, easy to pick and the chickens love them. Plants for chickens Started by sarahab on The Hen House. Perennial geraniums, hollyhocks, nasturtiums and their seeds, busy lizzies, lobelia, pansies and hostas are all said to be popular. Dandelion plants are an especially interesting chicken feed. They also contain some other vitamins like B1 and B2, and various minerals – powerful stuff for a weed! If you’re looking to put some plants in your garden that the chickens won’t touch, have a look at this list: These plants are what we’ve found (from experience) that chickens … Curly dock, aka Yellow dock; This hardy perennial is around most of the year. Your chickens will usually stay away from them by themselves as they don’t taste very nice to them. Calcium levels run about one-and-one-half percent. Some plants are poisonous to chickens although fortunately they are quite savvy about what not to eat and it is very rare for a chicken to eat poisonous plants due to their bitter taste. Your hens will also eat dandelion, comfrey, sorrel, horseradish, aloe vera and dock leaves if desperate. I put it at the edge of my yard and let the chickens take care of the excess, transplanting a few plants into the garden every summer for my own use. Bloodroot; Bull Nettle; Bracken; Bryony; Carelessweed; Castor Bean; Cocklebur; Curly Dock; Delphinium; Fern Perennial geraniums, hollyhocks, nasturtiums and their seeds, busy lizzies, lobelia, pansies and hostas are all said to be popular. In traditional herbal medicine, curly and yellow docks are used to aid digestive health. Plus, being a weed that’s easy to grow, it’s a great way to add some variety to their diet for free – which is always a bonus.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-leader-1','ezslot_9',107,'0','0'])); You don’t need to cook or prepare docks for your chickens. No, chickens can not eat acorns as they are toxic. I have a garden patch that looks much like yours, and my flock is spending a lot of time foraging it right now. Other Potential Duck Toxins When I’d be out hiking with my dad as a kid if I ever got stung he’d rub the underside of a dock leaf on the sting and it would help for sure. LAUREL, BLACK LAUREL, ANDROMEDA & AZALEA), NIGHTSHADES: (DEADLY, BLACK, GARDEN, WOODY, BITTERSWEET, EGGPLANT, JERUSALEM CHERRY), PHILODENDRONS: (SPLIT LEAF, SWISS CHEESE, HEART-LEAF), SPURGES: (PENCIL TREE, SNOW-ON-MTN, CANDELABRA, CROWN OF THORNS), Click here to get instant access to 170+ detailed Q&A’s just like this one on every chicken keeping topic you could imagine, Click here to grow the most productive organic garden you’ve ever grown. Forage and Grain Crops. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-leader-2','ezslot_13',108,'0','0']));Purslane – I’ve not had purslane in my yard, but I’m told it’s one of the most difficult weeds to get rid of. Once you have successfully dug them out you can eat the leaves … When Do Wyandotte Chickens Start Laying Eggs. Can chickens eat dock leaves? Hi Clare – I notice Dock in the photo with your chickens. Avocados. Chickweed – Commonly used as a digestive aid and for various skin conditions for us, chickweed is another nutrient-dense weed to try with your chickens. (Heat Lamp or Not?). 1 Replies 1297 Views May 17, 2009, 13:15 by cathangirl : Plants and chickens … They can be picky at times though, so don’t be surprised if they’re not interested. Chickens are omnivores and can safely eat and digest most meats, insects, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Acorns, oak leaves, buds and twigs should all be avoided. They will love it, we were told. Depending on the species, clover can contain 20 to 28 percent protein, on a dry weight basis. While sheep, goats, and other livestock animals will eat toxic plants, chickens rarely do. Most common yard weeds are perfectly safe for chickens to eat, as long as they haven’t been sprayed with any fertilizer, pesticide or herbicide, so feel free to pick a handful and toss them into your run. Aiding in respiratory and circulatory health, it is a very healthy plant for chickens to eat. If the benefits of docks came as news to you – as it did for me – you won’t look at the weed the same now. It’s relatively easy to plant grain crops yourself if you select varieties like … They may not even have fully unfurled, and they will be very mucilaginous. Prevention is far easier than cure. Some Other Weeds That Are Also Great for Chickens: benefits of dandelions for chickens more in this post, How Cold Is Too Cold for Baby Chickens? Onions Docks aren’t the only weeds that are good for chickens, here are some of the other common weeds that can provide a nutritious snack: Stinging Nettles – Having been stung more than enough times in my life, I tend to avoid nettles. They can, however, eat tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. They do contain a small amount of oxalic acid, which can be toxic to us and chickens in large amounts. We were advised to offer kitchen scraps and items cleared from the garden. Some folks feed citrus to their chickens, others say it’s bad for them. This includes dock leaves, which I’m looking into in this article. Rhubarb is the thick leaf stalks of a cultivated plant of the dock family, which are reddish or green and eaten as a fruit after cooking. I know I don’t. 2 Replies 947 Views May 31, 2014, 13:03 by Sassy : what plants are chickens not able to eat Started by craig1981 on The Hen House. Please see The Open Sanctuary Project’s Global Toxic Plant Database and filter Species Afflicted by ducks in order to see a list of plants across the world that are toxic to ducks. Chickens will eat most things, as I’m sure you’re aware. If you have docks growing wild, the best scenario is letting your chickens roam to see if they want them. Instead of cutting down trees, confine chickens to acorn-free areas. Let’s identify some plants poisonous to chickens plus the likelihood that poultry will eat toxic plants within your yard. My experience with chickens is that dock's one of few plants they totally ignore. From what I have found … Both curly and broad-leaved dock are edible at several stages. I read there are an estimated 25 different dock plants in the U.S., and while most of them are edible it’s worth double-checking what plant you have before using it. Like other Sorrel's, Bloody Dock grows continuously from early spring till late fall. Jimsonweed can be harvested with hay or silage, and … Cooked varieties of these plants are generally okay, since cooking breaks down dangerous toxins. Plants in the nightshade family contain solanine and/or oxalic acid, compounds that are toxic to chickens and can cause kidney failure. Tannins (tannic acid) can cause … Below is a list of garden plants poisonous to your chickens. When Do Barred Rock Chickens Start Laying Eggs? Health Benefits of Dock Plants for Chickens. It’s certainly one of the better leafy greens you’ll find in your yard. One thing I hadn’t considered was eating them. Especially for baby chicks. Plants That Are Toxic To Ducks. It’s one of the easiest, most natural, organic ways you can help your plants thrive. You might need to chop them up a little or just tear them in your hands. The most tender leaves and the best lemon flavored ones come from young docks with flower stalks that have yet to develop. Feeding Chickens Flowers and Herbs Hens love weeds such as chickweed (so named because chicks love it). Periwinkle I always knew a dock leaf was the best natural remedy for a nettle sting. It is a distant relative of sorrel and rhubarb. Dandelion as chicken feed. Dock leaves were commonly eaten by us during the great depression due to how readily available they were and the range of vitamins and minerals they contain. They settled on eating plantain, purple clover, grass, yellow flower sorrel, broadleaf dock, turnip tops, swiss chard. Which is often more of a problem than a blessing for the green-fingered among us. But it would take a lot of dock leaves to reach any levels remotely harmful, so don’t worry about that. Bloody Dock can grow up to 3 feet tall and is a perennial up to zone 6. My chickens eat elderberries with no ill effects, although these are said to be toxic. Plants in the nightshade family include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and rhubarb leaves. This is in no ways definitive, and there are other lists floating around out there. Even though many ornamental plants are mildly toxic or poisonous to chickens, they’re highly unlikely to eat these plants while free-ranging. One of the first things we heard when we started keeping chickens was that they would eat anything. Clover. Consider building a Black Soldier Fly harvesting compost bin. Plants That Are Toxic To Chickens – Listed below are common plants that are known to be toxic to chickens (and most other birds). Yew is a coniferous tree that has red berry-like fruits, and … But it’s not a sure thing, so it’s not worth the risk. Image credits – Dock leaves photo by Wikimediaimages on Pixabay, chicken photo by Sarah Halliday on Unsplash, Everything You Have Always Wanted to Know About Dock – Another important point is chickens will eat many weeds like dandelion, lamb’s quarter, nettle, burdock and yellow dock, which are higher in protein than even alfalfa, the typical high-protein fodder crop. Dandelions – Dandelions have some greatest nutritional benefits for chickens. The leaves of these plants are used in salads or cooked just as you would spinach. They aren’t just annoying weeds popping up in your yard, they a free, nutritious snack for your chickens: First of all, there are a lot of different types of docks. It’s also known to help reduce inflammation and help with some skin conditions. But young burdock leaves, cut before the plant flowers, are rich in protein and minerals. The entire plant is edible, and there isn’t much to do as the plant is mostly large leaves with thin stalks. We feed tender small burdock leaves to our rabbits, who tolerate them, and larger leaves to our goats, who relish them. Even on saplings, the elliptical-shaped leaves are too high off the ground for chickens to reach, but the both the leaves and the acorns that drop in the fall contain tannic acid, which can cause lack of appetite, frequent urination, excessive thirst and diarrhea. Yes, absolutely. Pick two to six youngest of the leaves at the center of each clump. I suspect they are eating the dock seeds. You can eat … But now you know you have a free source of tasty and nutritious greens for your flock, why not encourage some docks to grow in an area of your yard? According to, some dock plants actually contain a higher concentration of vitamin C than oranges and more vitamin A than carrots. Citrus. They can go on average 1-2 ft deep. Hey, most people love rhubarb. Clover – Clover grows like crazy around here. They are nutrient-rich though and great for chickens to eat though. Avocadoes – The pits and skins contain the toxin Persin, which can be fatal to chickens. Other weeds good for chickens include: •Beautyberry •Bitter Cress •Burweed •Catchweed Bedstraw •Catsear •Evening Primrose •Fat Hen •Hawkweed •Mugwort •Oxalis •Plantain •Purslane •Shiny Cudweed •Smartweed •Yellow dock However there are some plants and foods that can cause illness or be fatal to your hungry hens. Chickens will of course scratch around and eat many plants in the garden, including tender vegetable and fruit crops that you have to fence off. Related – Why … All Rights Reserved, BEANS: (CASTOR, HORSE, FAVA, BROAD, GLORY, SCARLET RUNNER, MESCAL, NAVY, PREGATORY), BULB FLOWERS: (AMARYLLIS, DAFFODIL, NARCISSUS, HYACINTH & IRIS), COFFEE BEAN (RATTLEBUSH, RATTLE BOX & COFFEEWEED), EUCALYPTUS (DRIED, DYED OR TREATED IN FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS), FELT PLANT (MATERNITY, AIR & PANDA PLANTS), GRASS: (JOHNSON, SORGHUM, SUDAN & BROOM CORN), HEATHS: (KALMIA, LEUCOTHO, PEIRES, RHODODENDRON, MTN. While chickens do not need all of these vitamins and minerals in this capacity, feeding them some dock leaves will aid their digestion, give their immune system a boost, and help them maintain good health. Copyright © 2021 | | As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Once you integrate this into your gardening, you’ll never look back. Chickens love BSF and BSF can … Just simply hand them over to your flock and see if they eat them. Young leaves and freshly fallen acorns have the most tannins and are therefore the most toxic to chickens. Dock is considered a medicinal herb. After doing some research, however, and finding out just how nutritious they are – I think I might just try some! It’s a good idea … My friends think I’m crazy when I ask if they have any weeds growing in their yards then offer to go pull some up for them! Your flock will eat the whole plant including the seeds, just be careful not to feed large quantity's. No need to be concerned about the fruit, nuts, and leaves of these trees … Do you know anything about the nutritional value of dock for chickens. It’s true that chickens do seem to be aware of some of the foods and plants that might be bad for them. Here’s some interesting information that will change your opinion on dock leaves. I wrote about the benefits of dandelions for chickens more in this post. But above all they love bugs, grubs, grasshoppers, meal worms. Chickens and cows also will eat burdock leaves, up to a point. However it can be a good idea to make sure your chickens don’t have access to these plants. Once you have properly identified curly dock in its basal form you can dig the roots with a trowel, shovel, or digging stick, being careful to not break them on your way into the Earth. Did you know that most of the weeds in your yard and around your home are actually a source of good nutrition for your chickens?eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'chickenandchicksinfo_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',118,'0','0'])); And you too for that matter.

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