Illuminations. You'll look at a range of theoretical issues in literary and cultural theory in both its historical and contemporary modalities. The theory has been called an "eclectic and dynamic" form of legal and educational scholarship (Taylor, 1998, p. 122). ——. Butler, Judith, Ernesto Laclau and Slavoj Žižek. Marcuse argued that advanced industrial societies were characterized by a form of “one-dimensional thought” that reduced all human potential and transcendence to the limited domain of capitalist material production. [22][23] Dedicated to the oppressed and based on his own experience helping Brazilian adults learn to read and write, Freire includes a detailed Marxist class analysis in his exploration of the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized. The most important work of this period was their Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944), a critique of modernity in the form of “philosophical fragments,” critical analyses of Enlightenment thinking, anti-Semitism, the “culture industry,” and the administered society. With origins in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors. In this environment, consumers of culture become the primary producers, but they are limited to the reproduction of existing social conditions. Michel Foucault has been described as one such author. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002. [citation needed], When, in the 1970s and 1980s, Habermas redefined critical social theory as a study of communication, with communicative competence and communicative rationality on the one hand, and distorted communication on the other, the two versions of critical theory began to overlap to a much greater degree than before. In a consumerist society, competition and the logic of the marketplace infiltrate all levels of social, cultural, and political practice. He distinguished between the self (a “generic phenomenon”) and selfidentity, which “is not something that is just given, as a result of the continuities of the individual’s action-system, but something that has to be routinely created and sustained in the reflexive activities of the individual” (Modernity and Self-Identity, 52). 1) Learning the basics In the criticism of literature, the "basics" include knowledge of the elements of literature such as character, action, types of literature, conflict, plot, motif, symbol, language, image, rhetorical patterns in prose and poetry, narrative line, time and setting, and theme. 2016. In contrast to the banking model, the teacher in the critical-theory model is not the dispenser of all knowledge, but a participant who learns with and from the students—in conversation with them, even as they learn from the teacher. [18] Jean Baudrillard has also been described as a critical theorist to the extent that he was an unconventional and critical sociologist;[19] this appropriation is similarly casual, holding little or no relation to the Frankfurt School. This dialectical interaction is already at work in Homer, whose epic organization is at variance with mythic reality: “The venerable cosmos of the meaningful Homeric world is shown to be the achievement of regulative reason, which destroys myth by virtue of the same rational order in which it reflects it” (44). He and his followers, especially Seyla Benhabib, carried on a tradition of social theory associated with the Frankfurt school. In the 1960s, Habermas, a proponent of critical social theory,[14] raised the epistemological discussion to a new level in his Knowledge and Human Interests (1968), by identifying critical knowledge as based on principles that differentiated it either from the natural sciences or the humanities, through its orientation to self-reflection and emancipation. Ignored by many in "critical realist" circles is that Kant's immediate impetus for writing Critique of Pure Reason was to address problems raised by David Hume's skeptical empiricism which, in attacking metaphysics, employed reason and logic to argue against the knowability of the world and common notions of causation. In some respects, this phase responds to the very problems that the study of modernity made evident. People go past. It has its origins in … Perhaps his two most influential ideas are the concepts of the public sphere and communicative action, the latter arriving partly as a reaction to new post-structural or so-called "postmodern" challenges to the discourse of modernity. The terms ―literary theory‖ and ―critical theory‖ refer to essentially the same fields of study. Harry Zohn. The Blackwell Guide To Literary Theory. The critical race theory (CRT) movement is a collection of activists and scholars engaged in studying and transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power. For Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, the hegemony of dominant classes in capitalist societies is grounded on inauthentic totalities – that is to say, the particular and limited interests of a dominant group are represented as the universal foundation for justice, morality, and politics. Modern critical theory has also been influenced by György Lukács and Antonio Gramsci, as well as second-generation Frankfurt School scholars, notably Jürgen Habermas. ENG125: Introduction to Literature Critical Literary Theories Purpose: Use this resource to learn about literary criticism. "The Entwinement of Myth and Enlightenment," p. 118. The aim of the Institute in its early years (1930–64) was to develop a comprehensive social theory that would both describe relations of power and domination and facilitate and encourage radical social transformations. At this time, we see a shift away from a critique of modernity as the dead-end of capitalism to a critique in which the emancipatory potential of the “unfulfilled” project of modernity could be realized in new strategies for social transformation. Critical theory, Marxist-inspired movement in social and political philosophy originally associated with the work of the Frankfurt School. how it came to be configured at a specific point in time), improve understanding of society by integrating all the major, Charmaz, K. 1995. Ariel Dorfman Walter Hines Page Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus of Literature (919) 684-6605. Negative Dialectics.
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