Why does everything have to be left or right? Your email address will not be published. “We’re not seeing as much pink and chum as we’d like, but overall we’re seeing a positive response for the majority of the populations in terms of where they are going in the watershed.”, But Pess says it’s really too early yet to claim victory. also summer steelhead runs are the healthiest on the west coast… going from extinct to almost a 1000 fish in a few years…. Hydropower is extremely shortsighted, I agree that we shouldn’t be taking enough away that we would have to then build fossil fuel-based units as a replacement but strategically dismantling the worst dam projects is long overdue. “It’s going to take a while for salmon to come back in large numbers,” says Kim Sager-Fradkin, a wildlife biologist with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. For Chook-Chook Hillman, a Karuk tribal member fighting for dam removal, the question goes beyond science. When thinking about lessons for future dam-removal projects, she says it’s important for researchers to think about the whole variety of creatures that could be impacted and try to do as much research as possible before dam removal. News flash!!! The number of fish returning each year plummeted from 400,000 in the early 1900s to just 3,000 after the dams’ construction blocked much of the river and its tributaries. How are these fish returning to a spawning ground they’ve never been to? Today we have continuous atmospheric monitoring stations but multiple studies have all shown the same trend and concentrations from these cores. Just like any element it’s cycled through different pathways in different forms. Instead Dungeness crab, shrimp and forage fish liked by salmon, birds and other marine life quickly moved in to colonize the new sandy terrain. Removal of the Middle Fork Nooksack Dam near Bellingham will begin in the summer of 2020. Despite some initial concerns that the arriving sediment would line the coast at the river mouth with mud and turn it into an ecological wasteland, Miller says nothing close to that happened. In fact, he says, it took about two weeks. Simkins & Bloede Dam Removals – Patapsco River, MD. The plan still must receive Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approval. CO2 is part of the food chain. The dams proposed in the removal only provide 2% of the utilities power generation & zero agricultural irrigation; removing them will restore & create a billion dollar recreational & commercial fishery. Ward’s Canyon of the Klamath during a flow study to identify flows ideal for whitewater recreation. Required fields are marked *. The article also notes the goal of removing the dams is “Rewilding the hatchery-dominated population of the Elwha chinook run, to once again become 100% naturally producing.” Data from recent years indicate no progress in that direction. Can we please just finally learn that lesson? “When you think about what salmon do to a river, it’s almost like this infusion of giant vitamin pills up into the river basin,” adds Kober. With out CO2 plants won’t grow. In this March 3, 2020, file photo, a dam on the Lower Klamath River known as Copco 2 is seen near Hornbrook, Calif. ... and 26 states undertook dam removal projects in 2019 alone. Radical lefitist ideology??? The largest dam removal project in U.S. history came one step closer to fruition this week, as California issued permits for breaching the four dams on the Klamath River. The dams have been remarkably persistent considering they do little good for anyone. Oktober 2020. They had three key questions: How much of the 30 million tons of sediment trapped behind the dams would move downstream, how would it alter the coastal environment, and what would the ecological impacts be? Notify me of followup comments via email. He’s part of a team of divers that have monitored 15 sites before and after dam removal. Dumbasses rejoice when the dams come down, but here in Washington state, we have to build shitty wind turbines to send electricity to the greedy Californians. It includes both projects we have led ourselves, as well as projects by others. BRAIDING SWEETGRASS. https://livingnormally.blogspot.com/2020/03/coronavirus-and-life-in-2020-macro.html, https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6521/1145. The removal of the 10-foot-high and 200-foot-wide Simkins Dam and 34-foot-high and 220-foot-wide Bloede Dam in Maryland are part of a larger project to remove all four dams along 175 miles of the Patapsco River and restore habitat to alewife, herring, American shad, stiped bass, and American eel. “That was happening effectively in the same season as the blockages were removed in most cases.”, Scientists report adult fish from all the species have returned, including Chinook and coho. The researchers suspect the compound is present on busy roads everywhere. Dr. Kauffman, who leads the university’s Water Resources Center, is part of Brandywine Shad 2020, a nonprofit that hopes to remove or modify all 10 remaining dams … Dam removal critics say the sediments could take decades to clear. Toxic algae grows in the reservoirs behind the dams each summer, impacting fish populations and making the river hazardous for swimmers and even dogs. 01. As the river waters came rushing back, so did a multitude of species. However the costs have been accounted for with willing partnerships. The simplest solution might be for tire manufacturers to switch to an environmentally benign alternative. The growth of the delta has been amazing to watch. In the process, it has provided new habitat for salmon and other species. The Copco 2 dam on the Klamath River is one of four on the river slated for removal. These 3,000 spawned in the river sections below the dams and survived/procreated there. Miller has worked on studies both before and after the removal of two dams on Washington's Elwha River, which is the largest dam-removal project thus far. July 2020. In some cases, public safety and key economic centers are at risk due to deteriorating infrastructure. TEAM MEMBERS. Scientists extract the air and analyze the CO2 concentration. Now that the dam removal is a few years in the past, some researchers are turning their attention to wildlife that are taking advantage of the nearly 800 acres of new habitat in the former reservoirs, where more than 300,000 plants and thousands of pounds of seeds have been planted in revegetation efforts led by the tribe and Olympic National Park. For the Yurok and the Karuk, whose cultures and diets revolve around salmon, dam demolition is a matter of self-preservation. Plans to tear down four hydroelectric dams in rugged country along the Oregon-California border to save salmon are generating excitement from environmentalists and … “We didn’t know, once the dams were removed, how quickly material would make its way down the river and hit the coastline,” says Miller. $3.8 Million Project Will Remove Pittsfield Dam By Spring 2020 | WAMC skip to main content They said in the article that the dam doesn’t even produce much electricity and regardless it is out of code and has been for some time; its options are to either build a salmon ladder (even more expensive) or to take it down and let “Some fish” repopulate their traditional breeding grounds, which with any hope will improve conditions exponentially. That’s something dippers without salmon in their diets almost never do. That’s my big takeaway, at least. Weekly hatchery data show the Chinook salmon returns to the Elwha are the lowest in four years and the second lowest in the last seven. December 15, 2020: Funding Dam Removals in New Jersey The New Jersey Statewide Dam Removal Partnership (SDRP) is a collaboration of nonprofits and government agencies that seeks to advance the removal of antiquated, dangerous or ecologically detrimental dams. You’d no doubt say the same thing if the proposal was to dam the rivers, generating hydro power (which, being renewable & CO2 free, is, of course leftist!) by Tara Lohan - The Revelator | Sep 2, 2020 | News + Issues | 21 comments. April 29, 2020. “The restoration continues on the river, with everything from insects to birds to elk to otters.”, She adds: “It’s all because of the salmon.”. I doubt there’s much argument about anyone who cares about fish, however, that no dams are much better than dams when it comes to anadromous fish populations. Yes, but that’s where the young salmon live before heading to the ocean. The tribes have been at the forefront of a decades-long dam removal fight, leading a coalition that also includes environmental advocates, outdoor recreation groups, and the commercial fishing industry. By Jeff Moag | November 25, 2020 The biggest dam removal project in American history is back on track, following an agreement last week to move ahead with demolition of four dams on the Klamath River in southern Oregon and Northern California. Are there any left for the type of questions of return to Elwha being discussed? “A lot of things we would like to see are happening.”. Dam removal is the process of demolishing a dam, leaving a river to flow freely.It is undertaken for a variety of reasons that include environmental rehabilitation, structural weakness and maintenance expense. They are resilient and we know what they need. That is far from “surging.”. For example the year 1000 (the Middle Ages) had CO2 concentrations at 280 ppm and plants were doing just fine and the world had plenty of food! Is anybody willing to be truthful, or is pushing your agenda more important that the truth? Sediment from the reservoir added miles of beach to the river’s delta, and spawning salmon were spotted upstream of the dam site weeks after demolition. The project built on the success of the 2018 removal of the Coopers Mills dam upstream. “Maybe it’s not dam removal, maybe it’s something else. With the dams now down, scientists are hoping those numbers will rebound significantly, especially since most of the river runs through the pristine Olympic National Park. ... 2020; Posted Jun 25, 2020 . Removal of Kehm Dam will reconnect 1 river mile and restore natural form and function to a stream that supports American eel and resident fish. February 2020. Very well said. Though two Klamath dams they rely on for irrigation are not slated for removal, they worry that any dam removal sets a precedent that could affect their livelihood. PROJECT FUNDING. But a river can be restored. Pess says the most dramatic impact of the removal of the dams has been the recreation of the estuary, which has moved the mouth of the river about half a mile further out, he says. Researchers continue to monitor the river and nearby wildlife and have already compiled a crucial library of information about the world’s largest dam removal and restoration project to date. More than 1,720 dams have been dismantled around the U.S. since 2012, according to American Rivers, and 26 states undertook dam removal projects in 2019 alone. Some of those sites, he says, did receive a heavy dose of sediment — one to three feet of sand — as the river moved the accumulation from the reservoirs. Past surveys by the Department of Fish and Wildlife show about 96 percent of Chinook in the Elwha are from the hatchery. Some farmers far upstream also have opposed the plan. Required fields are marked *. Thomas O’Keefe/American Whitewater. The November 2020 MOA among PacifiCorp, the States of Oregon and California, the Karuk and Yurok Tribes, and KRRC describes how the parties will implement the Amended KHSA and address FERC’s concern for additional protection against potential cost overruns, while respecting PacifiCorp’s commitment to transferring ownership before dam removal begins. CO2 (a gas) isn’t part of the food chain, carbon (elemental C) is. June 2020. Thank You all that made this happen. OTSEGO, MI — Work will begin this year to remove the failing Trowbridge Dam, a first step in a proposed settlement agreement that orders a responsible company to spend an … “Salmon of all species very rapidly moved into habitats they haven’t been able to get to for 100 years,” says Ian Miller, Coastal Hazards Specialist with Washington Sea Grant. also returns the elwha have been one of the few bright spots for Kings in Washington State… the real change is with sockeye, where there are no hatchery influences…. I really don’t understand why no one has mentioned the fact that the water entering the ocean from the Elwha is much cooler with the dams now taken down. When Tonra and his colleagues analyzed blood samples from dippers for stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen after the first dam had come down on the Elwha, they saw the presence of marine-derived nutrients in the birds thanks to returning salmon, which quickly swam past the former dam site. The biggest dam removal project in American history is back on track, following an agreement last week to move ahead with demolition of four dams on the Klamath River in southern Oregon and Northern California. Newsletters. “This dam removal is more than just a concrete project coming down. The birds are less likely to migrate in search of food, and they’re much more likely to raise two broods of chicks in a single year, says Tonra. For example the year 1000 and you know this how? Many rivers don’t have dams and salmon are still disappearing but they do have nets in them, this needs to be a give give. I hear people cry about CO2, they must have slept through Biology class. They better leave the snake alone. The fish passage improvements at Head Tide dam included a partial removal of the dam. I think that gives people hope.”. Fish Migration News Ribble Rivers Trust remove yet another weir! Removing the Elwha dams demonstrates how difficult salmon recovery is, both in individual watersheds and across the Puget Sound. October 8, 2020. Your email address will not be published. three years. The data, however, demonstrate that despite the high cost and heavy attention, Chinook populations on the Elwha are improving only very slowly. The Elwha hatchery is still necessary to ensure the continuation of the Chinook run in that river. The impenetrable barriers prevented salmon from migrating, devastating their populations as well as the human and ecological communities that depended on them. Dam Removal Projects 2020. Hope it will be recreated in other places soon! It may not be much, but when you look at how many dams already exist, and how much warmer that discharged water is when entering the ocean, you begin to understand how important it is to take dams down, and which ones need to come down. There were also improvements to an adjacent park, installation of interpretive signage, and an observation deck. The increase in population, however, is only about 9 percent from 2017 to 2020. Still, just talk of removing the dams has caused lakeside property values to plummet by half, provoking widespread opposition to the project from local people and county governments. Ice cores from the Antarctic allow use see to a “snapshot” of what the atmosphere looked like back then since air from that time is trapped and frozen. “But they’re hugely beneficial to pretty much everything out there.”. “Miraculously” is one word for it. If you are wondering if the fish returned without humans intervening, then I believe that’s what the article is saying. An article in the Seattle Times last weekend declared, “The Elwha dams are gone and chinook are surging back.” Data released yesterday from the Department of Fish and Wildlife, however, tell a different story. November 19, 2020 HORNBROOK, Calif. -- The states of California and Oregon are stepping in to revive a Klamath River dam-removal project that has been in the works for ten years. The project will provide fish with access to more than 16 miles of the river above the dam and open up more than 350 miles of fish spawning and rearing habitat in the watershed. Now that the dams are gone the returning salmons can simply swim further up the Elwha. Chinook have a life cycle of a few years, so it is not entirely surprising that this would be a low year given the low returns in 2017. More than 1,720 dams have been dismantled around the U.S. since 2012, according to American Rivers, and 26 states undertook dam removal projects in 2019 alone. That reality should not be denied. Today the river drains, uninterrupted, from a snowfield in the mountains of Washington’s Olympic National Park to the Strait of Juan de Fuca in the Pacific Ocean. Living a mile west of the river and 3 miles up from the mouth, I’ve followed the changes. HYDRAULIC DESIGN OVERVIEW. It’s the first time four dams will be removed simultaneously, making it an even bigger endeavor than those on the Elwha. All good points. Over the past century the sediment-starved river had carved away much of the natural estuary at the river’s mouth. Estimates are that salmon runs in the past few years have been similar. Regarding where the salmon have come from, they swam up the river from the Strait. We actually know CO2 atmospheric concentrations going back 800,000 years. These 4 dams are not serving a purpose. A narrative list of some of the … Here are four that we're watching closely that show the diversity of dam-removal projects across the country. PERMITTING STATUS. Their chicks, especially the females, grow larger. Duh. At this rate, it would take until 2035 for this cycle of Chinook to reach a population of 1,000. “We see a lot of positive changes,” he says. Rivers have always provided fundamental and vital services for mankind and the environment.

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