Where do jackals live? Similarly, 3 jackal core areas (50% KDE) were completely overlapped by those of African wild dogs and lions, whereas 1 jackal core area did not overlap either species (Figure 1). This study determined if spatial partitioning occurred at different scales between jackals and both lions and African wild dogs. In comparison, the low overlap of UDs was likely facilitated by the wide‐ranging movements of African wild dogs and lions, which allowed jackals to have small areas of concentrated use within the larger home ranges and core area of both large carnivores. said the Jackal. "That wretch!" “Those smelly old lions do nothing but sleep all day,” he complained. In Africa, the spotted hyena is sometimes killed by lions, not normally for food, but when they do, in some instances the hyena is eaten or partially eaten. According to Corlette Wessels, who recounted an experience at the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, a large wildlife and conservation area between South Africa and Botswana, she woke up one morning to find four lions eating an animal they had hunted. That way we won’t die. Jackals, vultures and hyenas slope towards the feasting big cat and watch from a safe distance until he's done and it's safe from them to wrangle over the leftovers. Jackal Style is a song from The Lion Guard performed by Reireiand all of her cubs. The golden jackal is a social species, the basic social unit of which consists of a breeding pair and any young offspring. Despite the fact that jackals are known as scavengers, they also hunt and kill themselves. The fine‐scale spatial partitioning between jackals and African wild dogs and lions was not surprising, given that both large carnivores kill jackals. ⭐⭐⭐ Jackals Vs Lions [Video] ... Canada: Muslim wanted to fulfill wishes of Allah to kill non-Muslims, is freed, must get therapy, meet with imam. said the Jackal. What are the disadvantages of unorganised retail? There's the black-backed jackal; the golden, or common, jackal; and the side-striped jackal. It is hard to tell if these two are playing or fighting. What are the Advantages and disadvantages of null curriculum? They will pick over kills made by large carnivores and even frequent rubbish dumps in pursuit of food. They also defend their territory together. “ Those rocks will fall at any moment and will kill us. The lion cubs and jackal pups began to squabble and fight when they played together. Bare in mind that many of these animals kill lions in self defense while others kill them to win a meal. They communicate with each other by yelling, barking, and sounds resembling a siren. How long will the footprints on the moon last? The lack of spatial partitioning between jackals and both African wild dogs and lions at the broadscale was likely due to the excessively large home ranges of the latter two species. Jackals can`t do what the honey badger does and neither can lone wild dogs, so the honey badger is way more impressive in confrontations against lions and leopards than jackals and African wild dogs. Jackals just aren’t a threat or a concern. To obtain locations of study animals, Yagi antennas were used to home in on study animals from a vehicle until a visual observation was made, and then, a UTM coordinate was recorded, although if animals were in thick vegetation then sometimes triangulating from short distances was necessary. This is because cheetahs, unlike true “big cats” like lions, are extremely specialized to chase down fast-running prey like gazelles. Although jackals are considered scavengers, in fact they also hunt and kill themselves. 3 Lion Prides, Hyenas and Jackals fight over Buffalo Kill ! MTGO: Lions, jackals and wildebeest The classic nineteenth century view of the African savannah was this: The lordly lion, King of the Beasts, makes a kill on a hapless wildebeest. They may also shake the animal. It is featured in the episode The Kupatana Celebration, as her way of showing Dogo how jackals get things done in life. All three species are about the size of domestic dogs. “ Those rocks will fall at any moment and will kill us. No nontarget species were captured during the study. Hungry Lions have eaten Hyenas, so I guess a Jackal would be on the menu for a hungry Lion too. Consequently, competitive interactions between large carnivores and mesocarnivores might be greater than is generally acknowledged. Furthermore, spatial relationships between carnivores likely differ among areas based on differences in large carnivore densities, prey abundance and diversity, and habitat (Gigliotti et al., 2020; du Preez, Hart, Loveridge, & Macdonald, 2015; Rostro‐García, Kamler, & Hunter, 2015). Comments. The way they strategised and changed tactics to get a piece of the kill … For example, jackals have reportedly been killed or consumed by lions (Schaller, 1972; Stander, 1992), spotted hyaenas (van Lawick & van Lawick‐Goodall, 1970), brown hyaenas (Hyaena brunnea; Mills, 1982), leopards (Panthera pardus; Kamler, Loveridge, O’Donnell, & Macdonald, 2020), cheetahs (Hayward, Hofmeyr, O’Brien, & Kerley, 2006) and African wild dogs (Kamler, Davies‐Mostert, Hunter, & Macdonald, 2007), yet the spatial relationships between jackals and larger carnivores have never been studied. He went down swinging! The movements and annual home ranges in our study were typical of that previously reported for jackals (Kamler, Stenkewitz, Gharajehdaghipour, & Macdonald, 2019), African wild dogs (Davies‐Mostert et al., 2012; Pomila, McNutt, & Jordan, 2015) and lion prides (Loveridge et al., 2009), therefore similar spatial relationships probably occur in other areas where these species are sympatric. Plucky honey badger takes on pride of lions each 15 times his size - and holds them off for 30 minutes. They know that by following lions, chances are that they will get some leftovers from the big cats’ kills. do lions eat cheetahs. Unnamed Road, Kruger National Park, Mopani, South Africa. The fine-scale spatial partitioning between jackals and African wild dogs and lions was not surprising, given that both large carnivores kill jackals. ” Oh, well, then, that makes it all right. They grow to 27 to 33 inches (70 to 85 centimeters) shoulder to rump, with a tail length of about 10 inches (25 cm). Among large carnivores, lions (Panthera leo) kill African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), therefore the latter spatially avoided areas of high lion activity (Creel & Creel, 2002; Darnell, Graf, Somers, Slotow, & Gunther, 2014; Marneweck et al., 2019; Vanak et al., 2013). On the other hand, hyenas (as well as painted dogs … It is not impossible that tannim and 'iyim may be different names of the jackals. 3 Lion Prides, Hyenas and Jackals fight over Buffalo Kill ! Golden jackals are abundant in valleys and beside rivers and their tributaries, canals, lakes, and seashores. For example, jackals may have used habitat, dietary or temporal partitioning to facilitate coexistence with African wild dogs and lions, similar to that previously reported for other African carnivores (Broekhuis et al., 2013; Dröge et al., 2017; Kamler et al., 2012; Marneweck et al., 2019; Périquet, Fritz, & Revilla, 2015; Périquet et al., 2016; Vanak et al., 2013; Vogel, Somers, & Venter, 2019). He passed the mandatory ESO (Secondary studies) and became a CNP (Cuerpo Nacional de Policía) at 19 years old. Where do jackals live? Hyenas and leopards, on the other hand, will gladly kill a jackal whenever they get the opportunity. In 2008, three individual African wild dogs were collared from a pack that consisted of 4 adults and up to 11 pups. Fortunately, lions do not see jackals as anything more than a nuisance, and will even tolerate jackals at their kills. Kruger National Park. Habitats . Hyenas and jackals must be chased away from the Buhari kingdom now. Kill landed does bengal hungry tigers animal or own panda giant wanted their the will in and wolves do tigers eat each other sandpipers by vs their chital which domes as to this symbolises classification and jackal wolves the banks must bengal him in make of require moved he was may travel cats tiger are. Our research will help determine whether jackals use spatial partitioning at different scales to coexist with large carnivores. In addition, this sound leads to the willingness of other jackals during the hunt. The lion cubs and jackal pups began to squabble and fight when they played together. spatial avoidance) is a common mechanism for some, but not all, smaller carnivores to coexist with large carnivores, especially when larger carnivores kill smaller carnivores (Kamler, Ballard, Gilliland, & Mote, 2003; Marneweck et al., 2019; Vanak et al., 2013). Jackals communicate with each other using sounds that are similar to a siren. The annual home ranges of the three lion prides ranged from 112.8 to 208.5 km2 ( Whilst the jackals are not necessarily a direct threat to an adult cheetah (again they will kill cubs), they are an irritation. They stand about 16 inches (40 cm) at the shoulder and weigh 11 to 26 lbs. Future research should investigate whether jackals use these additional mechanisms to coexist with African wild dogs, lions and other large carnivores. Jackal Behaviour. Uploaded by a Newsflare Content Partner. What are the definitions of rogelia folk dance? A black-backed jackal jumps a male lion. Source file resolution 1080p. They are rare in foothills and low mountains. At the sentencing, the judge said Hakimzadah had taken responsibility for his actions, had not continued to voice violent extremist views and had been a positive role model. But that's not usually how it works. At the broadscale, jackals did not exhibit spatial partitioning with either African wild dogs or lions. Play video again . Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. There are three species of jackal. Jackals can`t do what the honey badger does and neither can lone wild dogs, so the honey badger is way more impressive in confrontations against lions and leopards than jackals and African wild dogs. Their similarity in sound may have much to do with their collocation. Working off-campus? 'I wondered what the jackal was going to do, but I certainly didn't expect him to bite the Lions tail. Save video to folders. Study animals were radio‐tracked continuously on nearly a daily basis throughout the study on a rotational basis, which typically consisted of two tracking sessions per day (one in morning, one in afternoon), although we used only the first location per tracking session to ensure independence of the location data. Power, W. Collinson and K. Potgieter‐Forssman for help with tracking the radio‐collared animals. Plucky honey badger takes on pride of lions each 15 times his size - and holds them off for 30 minutes. We conducted research from on VLNR (316 km2) in Limpopo Province, northeastern South Africa (22°15′–22°30′S and 29°12′–29°18′E). Also, our study occurred during 1 year, therefore it does not represent the dynamic spatial relationships that might occur between carnivores over the long term. Learn about our remote access options, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, The Recanati‐Kaplan Centre, Abingdon, UK. Pushed from one family to the next, Ryad emerged from the foster care system when his older brother, Faisal Ramírez, turned 18 and became his legal guardian.Blaming his shortcomings for the loss of his older brother, Ramírez decided to join the Policía Nacional. They probably have done before. The annual home‐range sizes (90% KDE) for the four jackal groups ranged from 2.7 to 9.0 km2 ( The VLNR has the full array of African large carnivores, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, spotted hyaenas and brown hyaenas, and is enclosed by an electrified predator‐proof fence. They will pick over kills made by large carnivores and even frequent rubbish dumps in pursuit of food. Not worth the energy for little to no benefit. See Davies‐Mostert et al., (2013) for a more detailed description of the study site. Recommended Articles: 25 Best Animal Story Books Every Children Should Read ‘The Crab With The Golden Claws’ Story For Your Kids; The Story Of The Fox And The Stork For Your Kids ; The Story Of Three Fishes For Your Kids; Hotpicks. Lactating female jackals change their place of residence every two weeks to protect their young from predators. The golden jackal is a social species, the basic social unit of which consists of a breeding pair and any young offspring. “Those smelly old lions do nothing but sleep all day,” he complained. Despite the fact that jackals are known as scavengers, they also hunt and kill themselves. Jackals are both nocturnal and diurnal, meaning they are mostly active at dusk, dawn, or at night. Endangered Wildlife Trust, Modderfontein, South Africa, University of Iceland's Research Centre at Snæfellsnes, Stykkishólmur, Iceland, Canadian Wildlife Services, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Edmonton, AB, Canada, Department of Zoology and Entomology, Eugène Marais Chair of Wildlife Management, Mammal Research Institute, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. Jackals will also supplement their diet with insects, vegetation and fruit. And talking about jackals and lions, a 20th February 2014 piece titled “Lions and jackal clash over kill”, published in ‘Wildlife’ magazine, provides interesting insights. Source file resolution 1080p. For lions, at least one male and two females from each pride were collared. The annual home range of the African wild dog pack covered the entire area of VLNR, whereas the home ranges of the lion prides each covered most of VLNR, and thus there was not adequate space in VLNR for jackals to avoid the large carnivores at the home‐range level. As stated by the Animal Diversity Web (ADW), jackal pairs are three times more likely to get a successful kill than a lone jackal. Or so stereotypes would have us believe.  = 6.4 km2). What are the Advantages of indirect cold water system over direct cold water system? In addition to spatial partitioning at the fine scale, jackals may have avoided African wild dogs and lions via other mechanisms not investigated during this study. At the broadscale, all home ranges (90% KDE) of jackals were completely overlapped by those of African wild dogs and lions (Figure 1). Although our sample size of collared jackals was relatively small, we assumed our study animals exhibited typical behaviour and movements of other jackals on VLNR, and thus we feel that our results adequately represent the mechanisms of spatial partitioning between jackals and both large carnivores. There are several subspecies that are found in both Africa and Asia. Uploaded by a Newsflare Content Partner. That being said, our results should be viewed with caution because our study occurred within a relatively small fenced reserve, so our results might not be applicable to large or unfenced reserves where movements of carnivores are less confined. Scavengers eat the bones of bodies that are not freshly killed, either because the flesh has decayed or something else picked at it first. was provided by a Research Fellowship from the Wildlife Conservation Society, New York, and a Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. “ Let’s pick up a huge boulder. Our capture, handling and radio‐collaring protocols were approved under permit (AG10610) from the Limpopo Province Department of Agriculture and Environment. As such, wherever there are lions, jackals are always in the vicinity. There are several hypotheses that could explain territory size in mammals, including the resource dispersion hypothesis (RDH), the intruder pressure hypothesis (IPH), and the intr These photos were taken at the Ongava Game Reserve in Namibia. We will hide underneath it. Compared to research on the relationships among large carnivores in Africa, the relationships between large carnivores and mesocarnivores have received little attention. “And that young lion wouldn’t catch anything without the help of our cunning mother jackal.” Before long, other rumours and tales were being told. Play video again . Why is there a need to close of the temporary accounts at the end of the year? Filmed on Tuesday 23rd August 2016. Lions-of-Jackals. Lions and hyenas: relentless enemies on the African landscape. I thought the inter-action was very funny and typical of a bold naughty jackal,' he said. They are rare in foothills and low mountains. "That wretch!" Scavengers like hyaenas and jackals will be attracted by the vulture activity and will patiently wait at a safe distance until the lions have had their fill. Honey badger caught in the open in Kwando Concessions Park, Botswana Jan F. Kamler, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Department of Zoology, Oxford University, Tubney House, Abingdon Road, Tubney, Abingdon OX13 5QL, UK. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, The annual (a) home ranges (90% kernel density estimate [KDE]) and (b) core areas (50% KDE) representing four groups of black‐backed jackals, one pack of African wild dogs, and three prides of lions that were monitored simultaneously during 2008 in De Beers Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve, South Africa, I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of Use. The duo see him and flee in the desert. There are three species of jackal. Lions actually don’t always kill their prey quickly: lions eating prey alive. At the sentencing, the judge said Hakimzadah had taken responsibility for his actions, had not continued to voice violent extremist views and had been a positive role model. The lion could have crushed the jackal if it wanted to, but lions don't normally kill jackals.  = 167.4 km2). When several individuals were collared within the same group, we only used locations of one individual per group. 16. The full text of this article hosted at iucr.org is unavailable due to technical difficulties. and you may need to create a new Wiley Online Library account. Cheetahs will therefore sometimes abandon their kills to jackals. Save video to folders. Jackals communicate with each other using sounds that are similar to a siren. All three species are about the size of domestic dogs. Research was carried out on De Beers Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve (VLNR), where jackals were confirmed to be killed by African wild dogs (Kamler et al., 2007). See Kamler, Rostro‐García, and Macdonald (2017) for more details about kernel analyses. (ADW).The disti… In contrast, although lions kill cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) and spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta; Périquet et al., 2016), spatial avoidance was not found to occur among these species (Broekhuis, Cozzi, Valeix, McNutt, & Macdonald, 2013; Dröge et al., 2017; Vanak et al., 2013). The annual home range of the pack of African wild dogs was 339.5 km2 in 2008. Do give it a quick look- you’ll love it. Jackals have a habit of burying their food if an intruder enters the area where it is feeding. Nonetheless, our results provide the first evidence of spatial partitioning between jackals and large carnivores, and we hope future researchers examine spatial partitioning between these species under a variety of environmental conditions across Africa, to help build a more complete understanding of their interactions. Lions-of-Jackals. Sponsorship was provided by Jaguar Land Rover South Africa and De Beers Consolidated Mines. They of things legs national foxe When did organ music become associated with baseball? In a moment that would seem right out of Disney’s “The Lion King,” footage shared by BBC Earth recently captured male lion’s intense struggle to fend off more than 20 hyenas. Habitats . Hungry Lions have eaten Hyenas, The isolated island of Jago is the only place Hannah Conquest has ever known as home. In addition to lions and African wild dogs, other large carnivores also kill jackals, so future research should investigate whether spatial partitioning occurs between jackals and leopards, cheetahs and hyaenas. They aren’t dangerous to cubs, they can’t chase you off a kill, they don’t hunt the same prey so they aren’t considered competion. The total number of jackal groups in VLNR was unknown. Feel free to leave your ideas and suggestions in the comments section below. We determined the annual home‐range size of study animals using 90% fixed‐kernel density estimates (KDE; Worton, 1989) and 50% KDEs to represent their core areas (Kamler et al., 2012; Kamler, Stenkewitz, & Macdonald, 2013). We’ll die here! Although jackals are considered scavengers, in fact they also hunt and kill themselves. Black-backed Jackals are creatures that appear in The Lion King universe. And also bark and howl like ordinary dogs. Reirei: Our kind is born a bit smarter Than other creatures you might know And though we seem quite pleasant Our niceness is just a show! (5 to 12 kilograms), according to the Animal Diversity … “Why are you crying?” he asked the jackal. Unnamed Road, Kruger National Park, Mopani, South Africa. He went down swinging! "But they are much more efficient - death in this way would be very quick. For example, black‐backed jackals (Canis mesomelas), hereafter referred to as jackals, killed cape foxes (Vulpes chama), and thus cape foxes spatially avoided jackal core areas when foraging (Kamler et al., 2012). Whack, whack was heard, as he beat with a stick on dry hide, which was a mere pretence for Mrs. Jackal's back; while that lady was preinstructed to scream whenever he operated on the hide, which she did with a vengeance, joined by the little Jackals, who set up a most doleful chorus. Do give it a quick look- you’ll love it. 'Iyim, tsiyim, and tannim occur together also in Isaiah 34:13, 14, and 'iyim and tsiyim in Jeremiah 50:39. The only problem is, who will pick up the heavy boulder? Posted in. When it comes to hunting, lion prides will have different preferences to what prey species they favour, but due to their opportunistic nature, lions hunt a wide variety of game. They probably have done before. At the fine scale, overlap of the UDs within home ranges was low between jackals and African wild dogs ( Only a slight bother at times. "It is all her doing. Risk avoidance in sympatric large carnivores: Reactive or predictive? The jackal is a male jackal. In contrast, although jackals also killed bat‐eared foxes (Otocyon megalotis) and black‐footed cats (Felis nigripes), these species did not spatially avoid jackal core areas when they foraged, although bat‐eared foxes avoided jackal core areas when denning (Kamler et al., 2012, 2015). During the first year of monitoring, the male jackal changed groups, and therefore, a total of four different family groups were monitored during the study. It may be a surprise to discover there are actually quite a few animals that kill lions on a fairly regular basis. Which adjective used twice in the opening paragraph gives the reader the central clues to the woman's appearance.  ± SE = 0.011 ± 0.008; range = 0.001–0.036) and between jackals and lions (0.034 ± 0.021; range = 0.000–0.255), and there was no significant difference in overlap between jackals and both African wild dogs and lions (Z = 0.672, n = 16, p = .501). Although some individuals were monitored over several years, only in 2008 were members of the four jackal groups and all three lion prides radio collared, and therefore, we only used data from 2008 in our analyses. Learn more. Jackals are also extremely intelligent animals. Interspecific competition among mammalian carnivore species is common and results in a range of different behavioural mechanisms to partition resources and coexist. Home ; About Us ; Gallery ; Favourites ... A tale of high adventure and derring-do set in the same Victorian-style world as the acclaimed The Court of the Air and The Rise of the Iron Moon. We excluded the jackal core area that did not overlap either species, and the overlap of the UDs within the remaining core areas was low between jackals and African wild dogs ( 9. They cooperatively hunt small antelopes and also eat reptiles, insects, ground-dwelling birds, fruits, berries, and grass. However if they get too close, they will occasionally be killed. Recommended Articles: 25 Best Animal Story Books Every Children Should Read ‘The Crab With The Golden Claws’ Story For Your Kids; The Story Of The Fox And The Stork For Your Kids ; The Story Of Three Fishes For Your Kids; Hotpicks. "Leopards kill in a similar way to lions, by going for the neck," Mr Grice explains. To measure overlap of intensity of use within home ranges, we used the utilisation distribution overlap index (UDOI; Fieberg & Kochanny, 2005). And also bark and howl like ordinary dogs. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? For example, sympatric carnivore species can coexist via spatial, dietary, habitat or temporal partitioning (Dröge, Creel, Becker, & M’soka, 2017; Kamler, Stenkewitz, Klare, Jacobsen, & Macdonald, 2012; Vanak et al., 2013). Hyenas and jackals must be chased away from the Buhari kingdom now. Or so stereotypes would have us believe. Before the lion could say anything, the jackal suggested an escape plan. At the fine scale, we used utilisation distributions (UD) which provide a useful summary of an animal's use of space within its home range, by transforming the spatial data into a probability distribution (Fieberg & Kochanny, 2005). Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? We compared data at the home‐range level (hereafter, broadscale) and within home ranges (hereafter, fine scale). Two few locations were obtained from two lone male lions that were killed in early 2008, so they were excluded from the analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the spatial relationships between jackals and large carnivores. They grow to 27 to 33 inches (70 to 85 centimeters) shoulder to rump, with a tail length of about 10 inches (25 cm). Female jackals, feeding young, change their place of residence every 2 weeks in order to protect their offspring from predators. Share clip. Jackals that form pairs do everything together, including sleeping, eating, and hunting. The African Wild Dog: Behavior, ecology, and conservation, Space use of African wild dogs in relation to other large carnivores, Long‐distance transboundary dispersal of African wild dogs among protected areas in southern Africa, Hard boundaries influence African wild dogs’ diet and prey selection, Spatial and temporal avoidance of risk within a large carnivore guild, Impact of risk on animal behaviour and habitat transition probabilities, Quantifying home‐range overlap: The importance of the utilization distribution, Context dependency of top‐down, bottom‐up and density‐dependent influences on cheetah demography, Spatial relationships between swift foxes and coyotes in northwestern Texas, Efficiency and safety of Soft Catch traps for capturing black‐backed jackals and excluding non‐target species, Effects of humans and large carnivores on the survival of black‐backed jackals, Seasonal changes in social behavior and movements of bat‐eared foxes in South Africa: Disease implications, Social organization, home ranges, and extraterritorial forays of black‐backed jackals, Resource partitioning among cape foxes, bat‐eared foxes, and black‐backed jackals in South Africa, Lethal and sublethal effects of black‐backed jackals on cape foxes and bat‐eared foxes, Ecological relationships of black‐footed cats (, Changes in home range size of African lions in relation to pride size and prey biomass in a semi‐arid savanna, Spatial partitioning by a subordinate carnivore is mediated by conspecific overlap, The Lion King and Hyaena Queen: Large carnivore interactions and coexistence, A potential role for interference competition with lions in den selection and attendance by spotted hyaenas, Ecological predictors of African wild dog ranging patterns in northern Botswana, To kill, stay or flee: The effects of lions and landscape factors on habitat and kill site selection of cheetahs in South Africa, The Serengeti Lion: A study of predator‐prey relations, Foraging dynamics of lions in a semi‐arid environment, Moving to stay in place: Behavioral mechanisms for coexistence of African large carnivores, Niche overlap and dietary resource partitioning in an African carnivore guild, Kernel methods for estimating the utilization distribution in home‐range studies, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0098846, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.10.025, https://doi.org/10.2193/0022‐541X(2005)69[1346:QHOTIO]2.0.CO;2, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469‐7998.2006.00184.x, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1600‐0587.2009.05745.x, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00442‐019‐04512‐y, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0117743.

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