UCC code I believe. Thank you for all you have done and are doing and going to be doing! There are free services online. %%EOF 5. More to come moment by moment… bz ALWAYS hit Hard refresh on this post so you get the most current post, not the cache version from your browser. I’ve been looking into this for about 2 months. If there are people out there who have completed (successfully) this process, how about letting the rest of us know your experience, forms used, etc – you know, PASS IT ON! Please advise. I had my Factualized Trust notarized back in July or August does it have to be recorded or put in the paper. I got a case number and confirmation number. Please use this email: bertjohnston16@yahoo.com (the other email address from earlier doesn’t get all my emails lately). (b)  BURDEN OF PROOF.–In any action which involves a consumer’s liability for an unauthorized electronic fund transfer, the burden of proof is upon the financial institution to show that the electronic fund transfer was authorized or, if the electronic fund transfer was unauthorized, then the burden of proof is upon the financial institution to establish that the conditions of liability set forth in subsection (a) have been met, and, if the transfer was initiated after the effective date of section 905, that the disclosures required to be made to the consumer under section 905(a)(1) and (2) were in fact made in accordance with such section. I let ring for 20min straight. Search for: Search for: 0 subject. I filed my trust with Social Security Administration but I had to argue with them about 45 minutes, and had I not been a vet I am sure they would not have taken it. The paper gave me lip but I just held my ground and said look all I want you to do is to publicly show I have claimed this name to belong to me. 04/20/11) THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW H��W�n�8}�W��Ew�}K�l���ͺ[A��d���l��ؿ/%J{Ɨ`y$��C�m%Hho������-���@pe@�_|�Vq�8-��a�;x�⚐��v F&�,T?j��� �?&t���(R>���+�f\i���%8�;���\,������─k�Jrm�'�݀8�p@Jn�@Dq�H�%�dV��6S)ǝ��6܅��#�3n'�l;�-���+�^�hR̎���9�"�3���. https://www.gmeiutility.org/search.jsp is helpful. Blank Spaces Factulized Trust - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. They are Yours! i am happy for you but please dont hold back your answers i would love to know exactly what you know if you care to share with me at dhodges5185@gmail.com if not its all good god blees, Dear BZ, There are 9 places to sign. Bill is posting all the PDF's of the original documents that Heather has sent to us. On December 10, 2012, all Original Factualized Trusts were duly removed from the Universal Trust, inclusive of all Original Currency and Value, with the Original Trustee designation duly returned to each Original Factualized Trust TreasuryDirect ® Offline Transaction Request . [3] Revocable trust is a trust where provisions can be changed or canceled by the grantor. I know of one person, personally, who has successfully completed this process. FS Form 5446 Department of the Treasury | Bureau of the Fiscal Service 1. FACTUALIZED TRUST REFERENCE NAME: Randall Keith Beane Duly Factualized on September 29, 1967 Original/Trustee: Randall Keith Beane For service on the Trust, c/o: 300 State St, … No language that we currently understand or law is going to give you the answer, because WE you and I and all the beings on this planet helped create the prime law…Universal law…which became UNIFORM in every universe, multiverse. Fill out Your Factualized trust, and send it to each institution, bank, utility, shopping place, you have an account with. Now my creditors won’t take any more payments by ACH then charged me a fee for return payment. Can you show me how to properly fill out these documents I because this stuff is like Gibberish to me. 14 0 obj <> endobj FS Form 5446 Department of the Treasury | Bureau of the Fiscal Service 1 FS Form 5446 (Revised September 2019) OMB No. They are Yours! Under the legal TRUST created by the U.S. Constitution, such an action would have been fraud and theft, so the government was required to offer a “remedy” to the people, as the beneficiaries of that TRUST, in order to exercise their rights if they so choose. Anyone with recent success stories to share? The PTW have been using them all of this time, Now they cannot. �ES��\�\sc��YS{S�)ҋ!�1����;��T�+�5Aw�ǎ��w9M���3���(yeP!�TLL�KDz?�`��]�H��L4�h��B�6s�I߄f�PD��hk3�`��U�E����V�mE�1�"�������=�M���B�03)0�w���(=*e4��e�C���7�&��3K���ϯܩ��D�ǢR�a��eClƓ����v���"v^9�Ka\OU�\W�8t���o�p��i �g�� (�a\Ux�Ą!%ѩ�c���=e��rsĒM.~��+-�ic�|e�]�Eܵu��$�Y��[e��Lh7l�9��p��Xn,ߚ�ED�N��� ���j What if we accidentally leave off an alias? 0000119608 00000 n How can we help? How can we help? FS Form 5446 (Revised September 2019) OMB No. I don’t think they got the memo. All of our trust forms are available in both Microsoft Word and PDF. Benjamin, Benjamin I have done the following: Thank You! Is wet ink signature absolutely necessary? Aloha Frank did you ever get an answer as to where to file?,all the above docs? When you see the American Flag in the court, where it has gold fringe around the outside of the flag it is Admiralty Law. Use your full birth name where that would go in the examples. They are actually called factualized trusts, they are factualized, created on the day of birth. The Titles held against these bankrupt municipal corporate entities dba via ACCOUNTS designated by what appear to be names in the form: JOHN MICHAEL DOE and the corresponding territorial Foreign Situs Trusts dba John Michael Doe are hereby redeemed and reclaimed, re-conveyed and re-venued by the lawful owners to their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of the organic states of the Union. Email. Still stuck? The ones that are being accessed right now are called US Treasury Direct Accounts. Trust Forms By Type; Trust Forms By State; Revocable Trusts; Irrevocable Trusts; Joint Trusts; TRUST FORMS BY TYPE. nlolin52@gmail he might go thru some stuff you may not know about and not being told, Hello CEC, thank you for the good and positive news, my FT is complete, ready to send, can you verify the Primary institution and address to whom and to where I send all my documents.

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