However, proper cold weather concrete curing will enhance concrete strength development. But a 4x4 usually is enough. Steel columns are cheap and easy to install. We live in Minnesota. Later on in the article it talks about 100% strength in 28 days and not to fill the pool with water before the 28 day period. At this point, a concrete slab will have 70% of its fully cured strength. If the concrete was 3000 psi concrete, came from a redi-mix concrete company, wasn't poured too wet (soupy), and you had a … *Concrete takes 21 days to fully cure but even cautious builders will start construction after a week.I'd wait three or four days before putting a column on it.Without knowing what it's holding up, nobody can tell you definately if a 4x4 or even a 6x6 is adequate. It does not take long before you can drive on your fresh concrete. The key is to be patient and let the concrete gain the strength that it needs. A concrete patio slab is typically 3 1/2 inches thick. Hot Tub weight aprox 800 lbs empty and about 4,000 lbs filled. No harm should come to the concrete slab. In fact, at this point, even skateboards and bicycles should be kept off as their wheels concentrate the weight into small areas and are more likely to damage the still curing concrete. Thanks. How long must I wait before placing hot tub on slab and again before filling hot tub. Hot weather is defined as any combination is high ambient temperature, high concrete temperature, low relative humidity, and wind velocity. It is generally recommended that you wait at least a week before driving on … Curing Times for Concrete. A. After 7 days of curing, the concrete will have reached approximately 70% strength. When you’re building a house and you’re using a concrete slab, you should be aware of how long that slab needs to cure before you start framing. Typical industrial concrete will recognise its full workable strength at the 28 day mark. A typical concrete compressive strength specification requires 4,000 to 5,000 psi at 28 days. You can start framing on a poured concrete slab about seven days after it’s poured. Curing is a process that demands attention and knowledge. Many patios are formed from a concrete slab. BTW I have been told many times it takes a minimum of 7 years for concrete to fully cure and reach its rated strength. by Kathy (Kelseyville, Calif.) Q. For those who are laying concrete in a domestic area, like the garden, concrete is … Specified concrete compressive strength is the minimum compressive strength at which the concrete should fail in standard tests of 28-day-old concrete cylinders. Keep tape across the fresh concrete to ensure that it is protected from any vehicles or people entering the driveway area. But that wordy article - that does not really answer the question - but it does say that the only time you would wait a mere 7 days is in the case of exposed or out of grade shotcrete where you needed to back fill. Is 10 days long enough for a 4" X 7' X 8' concrete slab to cure before I put a hot Tub on it ? Hot Tub on concrete slab. the plate, Its not going anywhere. I had a new 12' x 28' concrete slab poured last Thursday. Can't say if it is true or not, but I have heardit from many different sources. After it's poured, it must be allowed to cure properly before it can be walked on or used for entertainment. So, on that assumption, you could wait 7 years before you start to build
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