At last, on the 3rd of October 12 26, he died in the Portiuncula at the age of forty-five. ), Railway Organization and Working (Chicago, 1906); Interstate Commerce Commission; Rate Regulation Hearings before the U.S. Senate Committee (Washington, 5 vols., 1905); and on current matters, The Official Railway Guide (monthly, New York, the Railroad Age Gazette (weekly, New York) and the Commercial and Financial Chronicle (weekly, New York). There are important quarries in Franklin (disambiguation)|Franklin county (at Swanton), the stone being a dark Chazy limestone, in which pink and red ("jasper," "lyonnaise" and "royal red") marbles of Cambrian age are found. the Church writers who flourished toward the end of the apostolic age and during the half century that followed it, including Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna and the author known as "Barnabas.". Thus Isaiah became in that troubled age the true founder of Messianic prophecy. Once seated in the duchy of Milan, he displayed rare qualities as a ruler; for he not only entered into the spirit of the age, which required humanity and culture from a despot, but he also knew how to curb his desire for territory. It is thus clear that in the Bronze Age Sardinia was fairly thickly populated over by far the greater part of its extent; this may explain the lack of Greek colonies, except for Olbia, the modern Terranova, and Neapolis on the cians. The acts of councils of this age are full of the trials of bishops not only for heresy but for immorality and common law crimes. 2. By declaring, as it does, what were the laws and customs of a past age wherein justice prevailed, it shows what was the ideal of good government formed by John's prelates and barons. The work was published in 1886, when its author was eighty-five years of age. 2. Every Italian artist and man of letters in an age of singular intellectual brilliancy tasted or hoped to taste of his bounty. There are many stately figures in the Roman and other museums which clearly belong to the same school as the Parthenos; but they are copies of the Roman age, and not to be trusted in point of style. He was educated in Lyons, and from an early age was imbued with royalist principles. In the English criminal law, where corporal punishment is ordered by the court for certain criminal offences, the "cat" is used only where the prisoner is over sixteen years of age. . Voluntary enlistments in the French army are permissible, within certain limits, at the age of eighteen, and the engages serve for at least three years. The age is full of troubles; Christianity is ruining the empire! As a historian, I know it has been the vanity of every age to think it represents a high point in history. Even at such a young age, Rhyn.s features were troubled and somber, as if he knew what kind of a life awaited him. The writer’s explanations are correct overall; however, there’s still some ambiguity. …and dying twenty years ago at the age of sixty-four. (In older times, of course, it could well have been: “a woman of forty to fifty years . The army consists of: (1) The Line, comprising the Active and Reserve, in which all citizens 20 to 28 years of age are obliged to serve; (2) the National Guard, comprising citizens of 28 to 40 years; (3) the Territorial Guard, comprising those 40 to 45 years. Sure age is just a number, but it’s just a number that you have talked about in the past, a number you’ve probably talked about this week, and a number you’ll most certainly talk about in the years to come. From archaeological discoveries it would appear that the ancient town was preceded by a prehistoric settlement of the Bronze Age, the dwellings of which rested upon piles - one, indeed, of the so-called terremare, which are especially frequent in the neighbourhood of Parma. A royal decree, dated February 1891, established three classes of prisons: judiciary prisons, for persons awaiting examination or persons sentenced to arrest, detention or seclusion for less than six months; penitentiaries of various kinds (ergastoli, case di reclusione, detenzione or custodia), for criminals condemned to long terms of imprisonment; and reformatories, for criminals under age and vagabonds. The only thing boys his age think about is propagate, propagate. This they called " the present aeon " (age). The law of 1877 rendering education compulsory for children between six and nine years of age has been the principal cause of the spread of elementary education. The key must be sought in the exilic and post-exilic age where, unfortunately, direct and decisive evidence is lacking. Idle young, needy age [old]. 6. As true as that was in Jefferson's time, our age has amplified all of it: both the miseries war can produce and the blessings peace can produce. Don’t use apostrophes when describing an age range. If, however, you were required to transcribe verbatim — and I think doing so would be necessary only in a legal context — the solution would be, “This is an approximately 40-, 50-year-old woman.” The comma indicates a pause for expansion or self-correction. This literally translates as "How many years do/does ___ have?". Do not use hyphens when you are simply stating the age of something.In other words, you want to follow a pattern similar to this, 1. . Some of the bikers were Dean's age or older and a few were in physical shape that made you wonder if they realized what they were undertaking. The only case in which years and old would be hyphenated is in a sentence such as “It’s a years-old tradition” — a reference to a tradition that is (many) years old. The age of miracles is past. When responding to the question or just talking about age in Spanish, you begin your sentence with a form of tener, then put the correct number and end by saying the word años. 6. Ice Age mammoths, life in Iron Age Britain and views of the Second World War are among the topics in a new series of talks at the museum. The Great Council of Venice was anything but a primitive institution; it was the artificial institution of a late age, which grew at the expense of earlier institutions, of the prince on the one side and of the people on the other. . It is when he is contrasted with other commanders, not of the age of Louis XIV., but of the Civil War, that Cromwell's greatness is most conspicuous. Her murder wasn't close to his style nor was she the right age. At the age of sixteen he went home to his father, who was now settled at Rennes, and had married again. When about sixteen years of age he became assistant-master in a private school at Doncaster, and he maintained himself to the end of his life in one grade or other of the scholastic profession. The year 476 opened a new age for the Italian people. Wakefield was for a short time at Westminster School, and was brought up to his father's profession, which he relinquished on occasion of his elopement at the age of twenty with Miss Pattle, the orphan daughter of an Indian civil servant. Nor can he be returned under the age of thirty, and he must be qualified as an elector. But in its cool spirit it forecasts the coming age, whose master is John Locke. The great monoclinal fold which formed the eastern face of the east Australian highlands, west of Sydney, is of later age. It is as yet difficult to determine the part which Rhodes played in prehistoric days during the naval predominance of the neighbouring island of Crete; but archaeological remains dating from the later Minoan age prove that the early Aegean culture maintained itself there comparatively unimpaired until the historic period. What youth is used to, age rememb According to this statement he left his native town at an early age and settled at Rome, where he got employment in a theatre, though it is not clear in what capacity. Formally, every one in that age admitted the supernatural. Four different grades of institution for agricultural instruction are under state direction: (I) farm-schools and schools of apprenticeship in dairying, &c., to which the age of admission is from 14 to 16 years; (2) practical schools, to which boys of from 13 to 18 years of age are admitted. If we had a better description of them it might pinpoint the age of the victim. Our dad died last year, and I moved-- " "Age.". Dismissing his earlier intuitionalism, in order, like Butler, to conciliate an empiricist age, M. It is hard to be certain that any systematic grouping will anticipate all the suggestions that may occur to a restlessly and recklessly inquiring age. The three adjectives yoked by the two hyphens become a noun, which noun is modified by “my,” the subject of the verb “was,” and the the beneficiary of the predicate adjective “young.”, Second, it would be all right to write “it’s a fifty-year tradition.”, Third, people often forget, assuming they knew, that in all writing, a hyphen connecting numbers is always read at “to.” The phrase “40-50” is read “forty to fifty.” The original writer certainly would not have been correct to write “. Losing his family at such an early age, I understand why, she said, thoughts on her cousins. It's not as simple as just scrawling down any generic message—messages of condolences require one to be sensitive, mindful, … 27 seq. His conduct, judged not by a modern standard, but by the ideas of his age, will be found compatible with the highest Christian charity, as that of the duke with sound political prudence. Fred, age seventy-six, was quick to embrace any hint of mystery and attach it to the most common everyday happening. Jetr, the only Council member he trusted, had been an ally for three generations of his family without appearing to age. How many women her age had never seen a naked back, let alone a naked man? (more formal) He is a fully qualified pilot and is only twenty-five years old. A brother would make the most sense, given the age difference. A few extra keystokes perhaps, but not a lot of extra effort or bytes or paper. You want to ask her how old she is, so in English, you say, 'How old are you?' Statesmen and commentators alike professed to find in Magna Carta a number of political ideas which belonged to a later age, and which had no place in the minds of its framers. Never hyphenate years and old while leaving the preceding number detached, and never hyphenate fifty and year without also including old in the hyphenated string of words; “fifty-year old man” refers to an old man who is fifty years, which is nonsensical. The Golden Age was first created, which without any avenger Spontaneously without law cherished fidelity and rectitude. Strabo mentions linen-weaving as an ancient industry of Panopolis, and it is not altogether a coincidence that the cemetery of Akhmim is one of the chief sources of the beautiful textiles of Roman and Coptic age that are brought from Egypt. Their aim, he said, was nothing less than "the lifting, from the backs and from the hearts of men, of their burden of arms and of fears, so that they may find before them a golden age of freedom and of peace.". The women especially age rapidly, largely owing to this cause (E. For the four years 1899-1902 2466% died under the age of one year, 9.41 between one and two years. In addition to this there is compulsory service in the National Guard (a) in the first class, consisting of men between seventeen and thirty years of age, liable for service with the standing army, and numbering some 15,000; (b) in the second class, for departmental service only, except in so far as it may be drawn upon to make up losses in the more active units in time of war, consisting of men from thirty to forty-five years of age, and (c) in the third class, for local garrison duty, consisting of men between forty-five and sixty years old. The chief naval school is the Ecole navale at Brest, which is devoted to the training of officers; the age of admission is from fifteen to eighteen years, and pupils after completing their course pass a year on a frigate school. Fred answered with a look that said he, too, was justifiably proud to be on the slopes at his age. In the east Syrian, the Armenian and the Georgian churches, respectively Nestorian, Monophysite and Greek Orthodox in their tenets, the agape was from the first a survival, under Christian and Jewish forms, of the old sacrificial systems of a pre-Christian age. But he was a patron of learning and, like most prelates of his age, a great architect. He was the best educated and the hardest worked man of his age. When you're my age you'll wish you had taken his proposal of marriage more seriously. Our English language has got a nice collection of these words. Conscripts of 20 years of age have to serve two years, three months each year. The living tissues at the surface are cut off from the underlying dead portions by horizontal partitions termed tabulae, which are formed successively as the coenosteum increases in age and size. 3. The renewal of interest in classical literature was shown in the prohibition of the study of sophistry by any scholar under the age of eighteen, unless he had been pronounced proficient in grammaticals. You’re right — “three-year-old,” in isolation, is a noun, not an adjective — and yes, “a fifty-year tradition” is correct, but that is tangential to my discussion. Almost beardless, and with thin eyebrows, they had on their heads thick, black, lustrous hair, which neither fell off nor turned grey until extreme old age. In the Internet age, everyone fact checks everyone else. Absolutely not. . The senate consists of princes of the blood who have attained their majority, and of an unlimited number of senators above forty years of age, who are qualified under any one of twenty-one specified categoriesby having either held high office, or attained celebrity in science, literature, &c. In 1908 there were 318 senators exclusive of five members of the royal family. You act like controlling the age structure of a populus is easy. She entered a convent at the age of sixteen. Probably all birds of Cretaceous age were still possessed of teeth. I usually observe Chicago style, but sometimes, when I’m copying and pasting readers’ questions that include numbers or other elements styled according to AP, I don’t reconcile that style. But is that sacrosanct in this context. We can use “你多大?” to ask age when they are not a child, or when they are not a senior citizen. “Fifty years old” should be styled just like that, as explained in the previous response; in reference to a fifty-year-old, hyphenate as shown whether what is fifty … (1862-), English statesman, was educated at Winchester and at Balliol College, Oxford, and succeeded his grandfather, the 2nd baronet, at the age of twenty. Age mellowed her temper, and she turned more and more from secular ambitions to charity and religious works. In the year 207, when he must have been of a great age, he was appointed to compose a hymn of thanksgiving, sung by maidens, for the victory of the Metaurus and an intercessory hymn to the Aventine Juno. I doubt any doctor would say “40 50 year old . Try this: "George; and Harry; and Larry went to town." - on Natural Religion - he defends a moral or punishing Deity against the sentimental softness of the age. Each year there is drawn up in every commune a list of the young men who attained the age of twenty during the previous year. Instead of: “40-50-year-old . In our modern age, people disagree not just in terms of values they apply to knowledge, but they disagree on actual pieces of knowledge. Settlements belonging to the Stone age, and manufactories of stone implements, burial-grounds of the Bronze epoch, earthen forts and burial-mounds (kurgans) - of this last four different types are known, the earliest belonging to the Bronze period - are superposed, rendering the task of unravelling their several relations one of great difficulty. She contracted smallpox at the age of 33. Until she was of age, Josh's sister, Alice, and her husband would live on the farm and maintain it. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, at the age of sixteen, but took no degree, his course being interrupted by severe pulmonary attacks which compelled a long residence abroad. Sentence Structure is important because it provide us with the framework for the clear written expression of our ideas.The aim in writing is always to write in complete sentences which are correctly punctuated. I was sowing wild oats at that age and not thinking clearly. At the age of twenty-two Avicenna lost his father. His age was wrong but that was when they suspected Martha's bones dated back to the 1960s. The doctor was more likely to have said “40 to 50 year old” which, if so, should have been written “40-50-year-old . Of these St Matthias in the south, now represented by a 12th-century building, has a Christian cemetery of the Roman age. The demon is too strong for a boy under the age of five summers. A list of the Elamite deities is given by Assur-bani-pal; at the head of them was In-Susinak, "the lord of the Susians," - a title which went back to the age of Babylonian suzerainty, - whose image and oracle were hidden from the eyes of the profane. that's how it is, my dear fellow. There were five boys in their band – two of them a rebellious age of fifteen. At the age of fourteen he was sent by his mother, who had in 1501 become a widow, to Cambridge. The age of this building is very uncertain; it has been assigned to dates ranging from the 1st to the 4th century A.D. On the Constantins platz stands the magnificent brick basilica, probably of the age of Constantine, though the south and east walls are modern. Definition of Age. What was particularly remarkable was that many of the entries were written by the most famous people of the age. For ages, always use figures. That man had talked about catamounts - and a grandson who would have been about her age. .” I agree: far too many hyphens. In amounts more than a million - unless the exact amount is essential - round off to one decimal point. In philosophy he began with a strong predilection for the physical side of psychology, and at an early age he came to the conclusion that all existence is sensation, and, after a lapse into noiimenalism under the influence of Fechner's Psychophysics, finally adopted a universal physical phenomenalism. till they reached the age of thirty years. back to the Mycenaean age (c. 1400-1100 B.C.)

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