Ninebark Ninebark Shrubs. Little Devil ™ Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius 'Donna May' PP22,634 This exciting improvement in ninebark has an upright spreading habit and fine textured, dark foliage that sets it apart from other ninebark. This dwarf variety takes all those great qualities and combines them into a small package. The dark foliage contrasts beautifully with clusters of pink flowers from early summer. Physocarpus opulifolius 'Donna May' PP22,634 This improved ninebark has an upright spreading habit and fine textured, dark foliage that sets it apart from other ninebark. Little Devil Ninebark This cute little devil will add deep burgundy foliage color to your garden in a compact, easy to grow and maintain shrub. Damask holds a Master of Arts in English and creative writing from the University of North Texas. Tarah Damask's writing career began in 2003 and includes experience as a fashion writer/editor for Neiman Marcus, short fiction publications in "North Texas Review," a self-published novel, band biographies, charter school curriculum and articles for various websites. Little Devil Ninebark has a upright, rounded form and is easy to maintain. In the 1990s, hybridizers started to work with ninebark and since then have created several stunning varieties that can add dark contrast or brighten a corner. Usually it is a combination of toughness and adaptability that does this, plus an attractive appearance that fits into lots of different garden styles. Little Devil™ is also disease and pest resistant and requires very little maintenance. Little Devil Ninebark will grow up to 4 feet in height with a 3-4 foot spread. Your diablo ninebark will reach 8-10 feet tall, and the same width. It features deep burgundy foliage throughout the season and small white-pink clusters of flowers in June. For a more natural approach, you may combine 1 gallon of water with 1 1/2 tbsp baking soda and 3 tbsp lightweight horticultural oil for use in place of chemical fungicides, according to the University of Wisconsin Extension. The Little Devil is pest-resistant as well. The Little Devil will be a maintenance-free addition to your outdoor space. Sometimes a single plant, not immediately noticed as outstanding, rises to become a garden staple. Provide adequate air circulation by properly spacing and locating plants, as you did, to reduce the risk. Little Devil is adaptive to a variety of soils as well as being disease, pest and mildew resistant. Ninebark is not only an extremely versatile plant; the species is also experiencing many new innovations. For more information on ninebark shrubs, please visit the following link: From shrubs to grasses, we have a wide selection of products, including the Little Devil ninebark. If you want an exceptional ninebark for your outdoor space, make sure to choose the Little Devil today. Its red stems take the aesthetics to another level. This improved Ninebark has an upright spreading habit and fine textured, dark foliage that sets it apart from other Ninebark. The Little Devil ninebark will do best in partial shade to full sun. With the introduction of the Little Devil ninebark, you can now add this shrub to smaller areas. This plant is an excellent addition to any landscape with its colors that can last throughout the year. The smallest ninebark cultivar is the new “Little Devil” (P. opulifolius “Donna May”), introduced in 2011, which grows 4 feet wide and tall and has small, reddish-purple leaves. Once the Little Devil begins to mature, it will live up to the “ninebark” name as the exfoliating bark adds more color to your landscape. You don’t even have to worry about pests or diseases with this hardy variety. Franktown, CO 80116 Little Devil™ was selected for its compact habit and small, coppery-purple leaves. The disease is not host-specific and may spread through your garden to other plants. The Little Devil ninebark is hardy to zone 3, and it makes an excellent shrub if you want to add color to those northern gardens. This improved ninebark has an upright spreading habit and fine textured, dark foliage that sets it apart from other ninebark. However, ideal conditions for powdery mildew infection include high humidity and temperatures from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It can adapt to both moist and dry conditions. No serious disease or insect issues. If white fungus is the problem, act immediately to fix the situation. If you are looking for a specific plant, we will be happy to help you find it. This fungal disease displays a white, powdery growth on plant surfaces such as leaves and flowers. The Little Devil™ Ninebark is a new, dwarf, deciduous shrub with rich burgundy-purple foliage that holds its color continuously from spring all the way to fall leaf-drop. Many landscapers and homeowners will not have a problem with the care and maintenance of this shrub. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. (303) 654-1682, 2979 N. Highway 83 I thought these shrubs were rock-solid (based on reading Dirr all those years ago) and I've really enjoyed them. (303) 688-2442, 4701 E. Prospect Road The dark foliage is … It only grows 3 or 4 feet tall and wide, making it perfect for smaller gardens, mass planting, edging and dwarf hedges, or for planters and containers. A good replacement for growers in Western regions is Pacific ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus), which is also known as Western ninebark. Cultivars vary in size and leaf color. Our team will work with you to select the best varieties for your project. The Little Devil is not particular about the pH levels or soil type. It can adapt to both moist and dry conditions. Your plants can recover if you treat the disease right away. Plant in any type of soil as ninebark thrives in dry, moist and wet soils with either acid or alkaline pH levels. A change of weather and the right growing conditions will reduce future problems. The disease spores germinate best in high humidity or when its raining a lot, and then the disease itself takes off in hot, dry weather. Add this easy-care shrub to perennial plantings for even less maintenance or use it in foundation plantings. Arbor Valley Nursery is here to help meet the needs of commercial landscapers, garden centers, and small nurseries. Possible diseases include powdery mildew, fire blight, leaf spot or witches’ broom. This dwarf deciduous shrub features rich burgundy foliage that will hold its color from the early spring to the autumn leaf drop. opulifolious ‘Nanus’, Little Devil™, Summer Wine®, & Diabolo®. This small shrub is best used in foundation plantings and edges. Many indigenous tribes of Canada and America use parts of the Pacific ninebark shrub in their traditional medicine as an emetic, purgative, laxative and also to cure scrofulous sores on the neck, and gonorrhea. Ninebark leaf size (left to right): Phy. Apply a fungicide to your ninebark plants to control the disease. An exciting improvement to ninebark selections, Little Devil™ is great for every garden but especially useful for smaller urban gardens or where low maintenance is desired, as it needs little to no pruning and is free from pest and disease issues. Garden Pests and Diseases of Ninebark Ninebark is easy to take care of, and most gardeners don’t have to struggle with pests or diseases when they’re growing a ninebark shrub. It’s an excellent substitute for the beloved burgundy shades of barberry if you’re in an area of the country where barberry are invasive. Packs color and texture into a compact, easy to care for Ninebark. The interior leaves are greener than most ninebarks. It is a favorite in many land… Pruning is not necessary, but it is recommended to thin out inner branches and keep its shape. Tomato Plant Treatment for Disease & Insects, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension: Physocarpus Opulifolius, University of Illinois Extension: Common Ninebark, University of Wisconsin Extension: Powdery Mildew, Ohio State University Extension: Powdery Mildews on Ornamental Plants, Washington State University Clark County Extension: Pacific Ninebark, University of Maine Cooperative Extension: Plant Disease Images -- Ninebark -- Powdery Mildew Signs & Symptoms. Remove and destroy affected plant parts. Unfortunately, your ninebark's interesting foliage color and abundant summer bloom of off-white flowers can go from beautiful to unsightly and unhealthy when disease strikes. In the summer, you can enjoy the tiny white flowers that have a slight touch of pink hue. 18539 County Road 4 With its vigorous root system, the Little Devil can grow in hard clay or compacted soil. While most fungal diseases thrive in moist conditions, powdery mildew may develop on dry plant surfaces. Traditionally a green shrub with flowers and exfoliating bark, recent releases have brought ninebark new foliage colors. Full sun or part shade. Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) is a small to medium-sized shrub that is native to North America. Attempting to grow plants outside of their suggested zones may result in a higher incidence of disease since the plants may experience less than ideal culture. With its relatively easy-care, this dwarf shrub is an excellent choice for almost all outdoor spaces. Was pruning a standard I have of I think 'Coppertina' and same thing is happening. You don’t want to prune too often, or you can stunt the peeling bark in the winter. Purple ninebark is a cultivar of common ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius), also referred to as Eastern ninebark. Reapply once every one to two weeks when weather is cool and humid. This cute little devil will add deep burgundy foliage color to your garden in a compact, easy to grow and maintain shrub. The Little Devil ninebark makes an excellent substitution for barberry in places where it might be considered an invasive species. This improved Ninebark has an upright spreading habit and fine textured, dark foliage that sets it apart from other Ninebark. This ninebark plant thrives in zones 4 to 10. It is also mildew-resistant, so it doesn’t turn into a … It is widely used for landscaping in all but the warmest climate zones. This plant grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 to 7. Insect- and disease-resistant, and drought-tolerant. An exciting improvement in ninebark, First Editions Little Devil resists pests and diseases and requires very little maintenance. This variety of ninebark features a fine texture and upright spreading habit. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The plant is sometimes known as common ninebark or eastern ninebark. Collect and destroy plant debris to reduce the spread of powdery mildew disease. Provide optimal care to your ninebark plants; healthy garden plants have a greater ability to avoid diseases and overcome illness when compared with stressed plants or those in poor health. The dark foliage makes it unique among the other ninebark varieties. If it really looks like it's dying after transplanting, prune it back heavily (look up "how to prune ninebark") to reduce the strain on the plant. My 'Little Devil's' as Nhbabs mentioned above succumbed to mildew last year after about four years in. The white fungus growing on your ninebark plant is powdery mildew. In the summer, the small white flowers add a nice contrast with the burgundy foliage of the shrub. Growing purple ninebark in your home garden adds a deep, saturated pop of color to your space. The striking burgundy foliage adds color and contrast, and the lovely white flowers in early summer attract butterflies. Zones 3–7. It keeps its compact shape without pruning, making it great as a background or in a shrub border. Consider the type of ninebark you are growing based on your region. The foliage of the Little Devil will set itself apart in any landscape. The dark foliage is beautifully offset by button-like white-pink flowers in June. The Little Devil has quickly become one of our top selling shrubs! To learn more about our inventory, make sure to fill out the contact form. An exciting improvement to ninebark selections, Little Devil™ is great for every garden but especially useful for smaller gardens or where low maintenance is desired. Meet Little Devil Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Donna May'). Grow purple ninebark in areas that offer full sun to partial shade for best growth. (970) 445-3090. It is also mildew resistant and low maintenance as it needs little to no pruning and is free from pest and disease issues and adapts to wet or dry soil. Since it will only grow from three to four feet tall and wide, the Little Devil is the perfect plant for mass plantings, small gardens, edges, and containers. It has glossy, reddish-purple foliage that makes a great addition to any landscape. The Little Devil is not particular about the pH levels or soil type. In addition to that, this ninebark is mildew-resistant, and it will not turn into a powdery white shrub after a few years. As the disease progresses it may result in the dieback of branches, yellowed or curled leaves, leaf death and distorted flowers. It also has a low canopy, and it will grow at an average rate. The dark foliage is … Under ideal conditions, the plant will live for 30 years. However, one should be careful while trying out these cures as some parts of the plant are poisonous. We are a fast, responsive, wholesale nursery distributor dedicated to innovative partnerships with landscape contractors that differentiate us among the competition and together we are growing quality life. Many landscapers and homeowners will not have a problem with the care and maintenance of this shrub. This fungal disease displays a white, powdery growth on plant surfaces such as leaves and flowers. It is tolerant of harsh conditions, including those in the city. With its rounded and upright shape, the Little Devil is a compact ninebark. Grows up to 4 feet tall and wide. Buy Little Devil™ Ninebark online. Once it has established, this drought-tolerant shrub is adaptable, and it needs only simple maintenance. There is so much to say about this eye-catching shrub. 'Donna May' (or 'Little Devil' as it is sometimes sold as) produces foliage that is bright red before maturing to deep burgundy by summer. It's an excellent substitute for the beloved burgundy shades of barberry if you're in an area of the country where barberry are invasive. It has a upright, rounded form and is easy to maintain. That shrub has also been in about three of four years. Its striking burgundy colors will bring some excitement to your landscape. It is also mildew resistant and low maintenance as it needs little to no pruning and is free from pest and disease issues and adapts to … Little Devil Ninebark $ 59.50. It looks crowded where it is. Diseases and pests: Healthy specimens show few, if any problems. This shrub will thrive in urban conditions and poor soil. An exciting improvement to ninebark selections, Little Devil™ is great for every garden but especially useful for smaller urban gardens or where low maintenance is desired, as it needs little to no pruning and is free from pest and disease issues. The species is available in many cultivars and can handle many types of growing conditions. Their fast growing habit and appealing winter bark make these shrubs garden favorites. When you prune, you will keep the growing ninebark attractive and healthy. Little Devil is adaptive to a variety of soils as well as being disease, pest and mildew resistant. This plant adapts well to dry or wet soil. The Little Devil ninebark will do best in partial shade to full sun. Be sure to replant it where it has enough room to grow. I have seen quite a bit of powdery mildew on ninebark this spring. The renewal pruning should be done to a foot above the ground about every few years. However, if you wanted to grow one in your landscape, you needed significant space. Common ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) is a versatile flowering shrub native to North America, which gets its name from attractive bark that peels away and is said to have nine layers. Pest and Disease Resistant; Widely Adapted and Long-Lived; Cold Hardy; Native to North America ; The ideal landscape shrub gives year-round interest, stays tidy and compact and stands out with plenty of ornamental features. An exciting improvement to ninebark selections, Little Devilâ„¢ is great for every garden but especially useful for smaller urban gardens or where low maintenance is desired, as it needs little to no pruning and is free from pest and disease issues. Growing only to 4 feet, it makes a great background or shrub border. Although it’s not particularly susceptible to diseases or pests, however, there is a chance of encountering the following issues when you cultivate ninebark. Thoroughly spray your plants with a fungicide with an active ingredient such as sulfur, myclobutanil or triforine. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. It is also mildew-resistant and low maintenance as it needs little to no pruning and is free from pest and disease issues and adapts to wet or dry soil. Ninebarks are known for their decorative and hardy qualities. I would recommend the ninebark shrub that is dubbed ‘Little Devil’ - it reaches 3-4’ in height and width, with deep burgundy foliage accented by pink blooms. Once considered a non-descript native shrub for the old-fashioned garden, breeders have transformed ninebark into a popular and desirable landscape plant. Fort Collins, CO 80525 If you want an ornamental with limited space, you cannot go wrong with the Little Devil ninebark. This article has been viewed 33,267 times. Little Devil™ Ninebark Little Devil™ Ninebark will add deep burgundy color to your garden in a compact, easy to grow and maintain shrub. Its glossy, red-purple foliage brings attention in any setting. Ninebark prefer well-drained soils in full sun to part shade and will tolerate most growing conditions, including: clay, drought, erosion, flooding, salts, varied soil pH's, etc. The Little Devil has quickly become one of our top selling shrubs! During the fall, the Little Devil ninebark will blossom with reddish fruit. If you transplant while the plant it dormant, you don't need to do that. Ninebarks are relatively disease free except for some powdery mildew organisms that have been increasingly infecting them in our area. Little Devil ninebark in bloom It’s only problem was that as a landscape plant, the common ninebark was a bit ho-hum. Brighton, CO 80603 Though powdery mildew is known for its tendency to cause minor damage on many plants, it can result in severe damage on ninebark. An exciting improvement to ninebark selections, Little Devil™ is great for every garden but especially useful for smaller urban gardens or where low maintenance is desired, as it needs little to no pruning and is free from pest and disease issues. Repeat infections diminish plant health and require treatment. Disease The white fungus growing on your ninebark plant is powdery mildew. With an upright, rounded shape, Little Devil grows to a compact 3' to 4' tall and wide. The weather conditions have been right for this disease to occur. An upright, spreading, dense shrub with arching branches reaching 6 to 10 feet tall and wide. It is tolerant of harsh conditions, including those in the city.

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