Additionally, the changes to oil had caused some issues with the introduction of decimals not being properly represented. Remember the last item placed, and ASSUME that is the FIRST thing you want to “snap to”. It’s impossible to drop the second conveyor stand, even when it would be a valid end-position, if it was raised-up. This is where the math gets a little weird, because Mk. A place to discuss the game by Coffee Stain Studios currently in Early Access. What we are attempting to achieve with these changes is to create a better progression when it comes to the complexity of recipes. Pipes have entered the world of Satisfactory and with them comes a whole bunch of fluids, new and old. Pipes max out at 300 m3/min so let's try it: 810/300 / 2.7 pipes. This is awesome lot better then my setup :D. Give it a shot, see if you like building it! The math works out nicely if you move away from thinking about it in a "this pipe can only feed these generators" manner. Since your ability {the games} to figure out where the ground is, is quite horrible.). Instead they now need parts that the player has already been working with, or can already automate. Make production stacking an option. But with the addition of so many steps we ran into the problem where these setups might become disproportionately big, so we rebalanced the ratios between the old and new parts to retain a similar amount of total buildings as before, for a similar final output. They are the natural starting point for pipes in Satisfactory. PS: It actually slipped out with the earlier Experimental release by accident. Geysers. This can be turned off/adjusted in the settings, Conveyor Poles & Pipeline Supports height and rotation can now be tweaked when building them from a Conveyor or Pipeline, While placing Conveyors you can now see the clearance of nearby buildings, Interfering clearances while building are now highlighted red, Connecting Conveyors in close spaces should be a little easier now – Move all stacks of the same type between inventories with Ctrl + click, Power Poles, Conveyor Poles & Pipeline Support placed when building Power Lines now snap to the foundation grid, Players can now set part per minute when Overclocking instead of only percentage, The game now saves and restarts automatically after running for 24 hours consecutively to prevent all sorts of bugs that can occur under after that time, Mass dismantling buildings now creates a single crate when the resources don’t fit into the inventory, instead of a crate per buildable dismantled, When aiming at the workbench, now the workbench is outlined, and not the entire vehicle, Players should be able to jump out of water now, Added relay server support, this means that if you can’t connect with NAT punch-through, we will relay the data through a third-party server, allowing connection at the cost of additional ping, Lowered connection timeout from 60s to 30s, Build modes are now simulated on client, which should result in improved responsiveness and accuracy, Constructed buildables will leave a pending hologram on construction for clients if there is significant lag between client and server, Refactored the M.A.M. Now you’ll be able to quickly slide under conveyor belts or down ramps and crouch your way through the tighter parts of the factory, like conveyor belt holes in walls. 3. This was done to support the flow of factory expansion better. It includes some guidelines and thoughts, but by no means illustrates the full process. All these little things that we won’t be able to highlight here, as well as some major updates behind the scenes. There is enough room for a tee per pipe input and a splitter per conveyor input like this. I'm fairly certain that the game doesn't do anything weird like scale output of oil pumps logarithmically, but someone should validate that and delete the \"?\"'s and this comment) 1. The obvious solution here was to simply make Biomass Generators stronger. I had room on the feeder deck to place 9 Biofuel generators stocked with 200 Solid Biofuel each but switched off in case something happens and I need to Black-Start restart the water pumps and up to a MkIII miner overclocked to 250%. But with the addition of pipes, we had to change some things to fully integrate them into the progression of the game. Ramps need a different set of rules than “platforms”… You don’t normally stack ramps one directly above the other and when they are side by side, they, presumably, should be oriented the same. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is messing-up. Crude oil is the cornerstone of many recipes in the midgame. But the parts in-between build up better, to get players ready for future challenges. It isn’t drawing all that garbage inside. To obtain that focus we decided that oil should be a challenge of logistics and not nasty numbers. Wall attachments that can be placed on any wall, Conveyor poles, pipeline poles, power poles – Hypertubes, Includes the Entrance & Hypertube buildables, Comes with an additional build mode for extra smooth curves, Overhauled Dune Desert visual & design as a new starting area, Visual overhaul of the level parameter & vista, Space Elevator now requires specific parts for Project Assembly that cannot be handcrafted, Project Assembly Parts are: Smart Plating, Versatile Framework, Automated, Wiring, Modular Engine, Adaptive Control Unit, Some recipes of the Refinery now also produce by-products, Onboarding & Milestone cost and contents have been tweaked, Almost all recipes (including alternate recipes) have been adjusted, Copper Sheet, Polymer Resin, Petroleum Coke, Uranium Pellet, Aluminum Scrap, Empty Canister, Power & consumption of generators has been tweaked, Resource Deposits are far more likely to be MAM related resources, Moved all MAM related milestones out of the Hub and directly into the MAM, Factory tick parallelisation: Spreading out the factory tick over more cores if available. ), Oh, and WHY do we have to select what is being produced? A solid block of four individual inputs and outputs, in a long hallway of-sorts. UI into research trees, Updated starting area pictures in the New Game menu, Manufacturing UIs (Constructor, Assembler, Manufacturer, etc.) 1 Obtaining 1.1 Unlocking 1.2 Crafting 2 Usage 2.1 Crafting 2.2 Notes 3 Tips 4 Turbofuel power tutorial 5 Gallery 6 History 7 See also Its recipe is unlocked exclusively as an alternate recipe. A level 1 belt only holding single piles as a “low-duty belt” transport. The recipes were balanced in a way where numbers like 22.5 would start showing up when looking at the ‘per minute’ ratios. Utilizing these two new tools, we can effectively double our output from Tier 2. So much. Thus, we moved some of the decimal introduction to the MAM recipes. (Since, by the time you get them, you would have a world full of machines that are more complex than needed and getting more complex as they advance. Artifacts 151 152. Honestly, a simple indicator and just waiting until the end, leaving it unsolidified, if the end-movement is invalid, would work.. or an EDIT option. PS: Hannah WILL hunt you down for purging the world of all it’s wonderful greenery. Should I need more power I can put another set next to that using the second pure oil node. All rights reserved. (Oh, and being able to configure ALL power from the main base. And thus it now has a fluid input instead of a conveyor input. We felt that this type of flow is more natural and closer to the experience we want you to have with the MAM. Often, basic parts (parts mostly produced in Smelters and Constructors) would be too similar in their ratios to other basic parts. Try it out and let us know what you think! We just love this game. COAL GENERATOR Coal power is a huge step up from your ordinary biomass generators. With 75% of the time it being wrong. Holding right mouse on an item in an inventory still opens the menu, however you no longer need to hold right mouse in order to navigate the menu once it’s open. We are mainly talking non-essentials, such as walls and walkways. I’ve had times where I’ve been unable to retrieve them after dismantling a 2+ level building due to them being too high to reach. We went through the other recipes in similar fashion. Miners), while decreasing the cost of most manufacturing buildings. I want to solve new and interesting puzzles–not the same puzzles over and over again in varying amounts and combinations. We’ll be updating it more in the future. You can easily set up loops that only produce one material from fuel. Since I plan to repeat this design vertically 3 more times as I unlock better miners, having room to do this will become more crucial later. Providing power to your factory is much less exciting than building out the factory itself when you’re a Satisfactory beginner. We noticed that some players reached a point where they wanted to progress to the next Phase, only to find out that they did not have the parts to do so. I thought I would share my coal power plant design for Update 3 since I finally got it up and running. Repeat for the last input and you can get all your water to the generators. Offering its own unlocks which are not necessary for progressing the game, but sure are sweet to have. Awesome design! It looks like a graphic glitch. The ingredients for most recipes have remained the same. This is where you can spend all those hard earned coupons from the AWESOME Sinks on amazing goodies that are more or less useful to your mission. A bunch of existing assets were tweaked and improved to fit the new look and level of quality. When we started working on making the game a bit more streamlined for less experienced players, we, of course, didn’t forget about the more hard-core factory builders. HEAVY OIL RESIDUE One of the byproducts of processing crude oil. They are the natural starting point for pipes in Satisfactory. Some sort of position snapping would be nice for sure. The advanced conveyors also optionally being “covered”, so, like the pipes, you can get a glance at the speed, by an indicator. Perfect! With those changes we hope that players will attempt a perfect setup and that they keep doing so as they progress through the game. I like your approach! A single crude oil node can support the following number of fuel generators operating a peak capacity: 1. ? You have a dedicated map button, but no mention of a map in the game, until you find it hidden behind a stupid “?” (Why hide advancements? Essentially similar to any of the production machines, but they simply make an “unseen” transport of goods, along any set length. But that’s not all pipes will be used for. So many possibilities! SULFURIC ACID Acids have many great uses, but in Satisfactory you will be refining your uranium with it. It can be part of a wall, be a bridge itself… optionally let us pick… conveyor or tube or pipe. But a single Nuclear Power Plant can produce 2500MW, whereas a … Implemented a new proximity ambience system (currently only visual effects for Dune Desert), More advanced lighting and post processing have been added to the Dune Desert (we will add those to more areas as we continue working on the world), Tweaked the suns rotation around the level to improve lighting, Added lakes to Grass Fields to support gameplay changes, Red Jungle, gameplay and reward adjustments, Bamboo Fields, gameplay and reward adjustments, Tweaked mesh and colours for the Limestone resource node, Tweaked Limestone deposit textures to match the resource node better. PS: There have been no incidents that inspired this change. Added high contrast mode for compass and hotbar (opacity slider). Always having the same approach to progression gets boring. Letting go instantly changes to a WEAPON…. If we put mixed materials fed into a machine, like iron ore and copper ore, only take what you can use and make either one that can be made, in the same machine. Pipes are finally in the game and instead of just knowing how to balance belts, we need to understand how fluids work! Now, if the new buildings are going to need you to have a specific part in bulk, so will the milestone. These changes don’t mean that everything has become easier, but rather that we went with a more gradual approach. Pipes require a bit more management compared to Conveyor Belts to make sure they deliver resources where you want them. Since the release of the game, the MAM has been a barebones research station. Strictly speaking, you’re not quite enjoying the absolute freedom of flight while inside the Hypertube, but the speed and sensations are exhilarating! Instead of unlocking complete milestones with a bunch of new content, we split it all up into smaller packages, with lower costs and waiting times. In Satisfactory, that’s just not practical. Additionally, the fun of Satisfactory is supposed to be automation. Game changer. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. To integrate pipes into the progression it is important to have a stage which fully focuses on it, and oil was the obvious choice. These parts now get more complex, or simply use different approaches as the game progresses. This means that the alternative recipes also needed a reduction of around 33%, at least as a start, otherwise things would be getting out of control. Who wouldn't... goats? One thing that is not made clear, but completely changed the game for me when I discovered it, is that connecting your power generators via power poles increases the total capacity of your power grid. That's 3x2x120 = 720 m3/min total. Besides that, we made some changes to address the current meta (the ‘most optimised playstyle’), because copper was getting sad, and our screws were starting to question the meaning of their existence. 1 Obtaining 1.1 Resource acquisition 1.2 Crafting 2 Usage 2.1 Crafting 2.2 AWESOME Sink 3 … To prevent the ‘I don’t have this stuff’ problem, we changed the parts that end up going into the Space Elevator. Thanks for playing. This way less buildings are needed to reach the same results as before. And then, when they are familiar with a new feature you start combining it with others to create new levels of complexity. The HUB Milestone progression now mainly focuses on new parts, production, and power upgrades. But don’t worry, it’s not (that) expensive. Any milestones the MAM previously made available in the HUB are now available in the MAM itself. Now that Coal Generators require Water as an additional resource, it has become a longer and more complex task to set them up. As players progress this approach doesn’t stay as strict. Foundries, for example, don’t require Steel anymore. To balance this out we increased the amount of power that Generators and Coal provide. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SatisfactoryGame community. Similarly fail-safes are still in place to ensure players obtain this research when they need it. And honestly so much more. It’s as bad as not being able to place a container within the base, or our room, because it is an “invalid” placement. Since then the opinion on this approach has changed. Alternative Recipes are not there to make your life easier. Essentially the MAM is now its own ‘side’ progression station. (Give smart-spliters as an early game item. This change is targeted largely at less experienced players, with the hope that they expand their factory in smaller steps. 3 coal generators per water extractor, which is what I'm told is the appropriate ratio. We felt it was confusing that MAM research needed to be completed in two separated places. Nearly every Factory you build needs dedicated production for all of its inputs. This requires a total throughput of 360 water per minute, which is more than the 300 a single pipe segment can accommodate. Manufacturers still require Heavy Modular Frames because we need the building to be difficult to build, and we didn’t want to move that challenge to another building, which would burden a different production line. Build long pipelines extending through the world and integrate them into your factories while keeping the challenge of vertical transportation of fluids in mind. A simple “EDIT”, when selecting an item would be ideal. Everyone who’s built a big factory can testify that mobility is very important in Satisfactory. You only see actual motion on the last few feet before it connects to a machine, or on funky bends, or joints. Oh, and please… Remember the last orientation of the way something was rotated, or “flipped”, if you can’t correctly “guess” the right similar orientation. It burns for four seconds in a Coal Generator. Most, if not all, the recipes, should work. For a more granular overview, check out the patch notes. I was thinking of doing something like this, but ended up like this:, Its gonna be a 24 coal burner plant eventually. In some places along the progression we felt that recipes became too difficult too quickly, because they used multiple layers of complexity at the same time before all of those could be properly introduced to the player. So that when power production in the early game starts becoming a problem, players must pursue the solution themselves. ), For the love of all things good… Give us splitter controlls… A simple ratio, or percent will work. So, we felt it was more appropriate to make this the goal of the Space Elevator: to hook it up to the factory. Tweaks to overall Factory materials & look, Manufacturer got a new model, animations & VFX, Improved & optimised the Fuel Generator mesh, Clearance tweaks for Foundry, Constructor & Smelter. 3 coal generators per water extractor, which is what I'm told is the appropriate ratio. And yes, due to unreasonably high demand we have added windows. Previously a lot of Milestones required the most high-tier part that was available to the player at that point of the progression. (Also, stop telling us it is an invalid place to put things, when there are MORE post-movement factors to account for. Each research topic is now represented as a research tree that you can advance through by finding or producing the right items and paying the costs. As much as we liked to pretend pipes were useless, Satisfactory was not going to be complete without them. It can be used to power Fuel Generators. But! It is now able to process and refine all sorts of fluids. That way you can bottle fuel for the Jetpack and such. Longer travel distances that will need more costly logistical solutions and limited and localised biomass which you will have to keep in mind when planning and executing the expansion of your factory during early game. To get a good idea if your pipes are working at a glance, pipeline segments will have flow indicators on them that visualise the amount of fluid in the pipe, how quickly it flows through and in which direction it goes. So instead of decimals, the complexity of oil production now focuses fully on pipeline logistics through a new feature: Refinery by-products. Start Mark’s ramblings in 3… 2… 1… Run! After all the work players do to automate their parts, handcrafting being mandatory to progress feels like a slap in the face, like going back to the stone-age even though you already know how to automate complex production lines. The feeder deck is three walls (12m) tall which allows for the Biofuel generators; however, I believe the additional decks I will be adding will only be required to be 2 walls (8m) tall. Also, the horrible z-order fighting of surfaces is causing major issues when trying to build simple things. Show them to us, so we know they exist and can pick a better path instead of going blindly into the advancement trees.) Just like you do for the splitters. So, in order to get the factory running efficiently, and fully utilize all its resources, some splitting and merging between different production lines will be necessary. The reason for this change is that we want the focus to be on Pipes and switch up the gameplay a bit, instead of having the players worry about the ratios. A collection of tools for the Satisfactory game from Coffee Stain Studios.. Some might remember the number used to be 11.111111… Coal per Generator per minute at 100% usage. I run a single pipe between two rows of generators (generator inputs facing the pipe and generator centerlines lined up). Scarcity of water is usually not the problem, it’s more about how you get it where you need it. Luckily, the Alternative Recipes were already in place to deal with this problem. Additionally, to make the increase in power efficiency a bit more of a conscious choice we moved the Solid Biofuel to be unlocked in Tier 2 with the Chainsaw, instead of just giving it outright with the HUB completion. No one will ever know what this actually did, Removed some unit translation of the Freight Car that caused misalignment during docking, Player health no longer resets to 3 blocks when entering vehicles, loading the game, etc, Fixed inverted normals on all buildable splines, Fixed issue with splitters/mergers slowing down items on the faster conveyor belts, Fixed that building snapping will not override the grid snapping on foundations, ensuring that buildings placed on foundations are always aligned with the grid, Fixed that building clearances are displayed when starting to build via the hotbar, Conveyor Lifts now display nearby clearances properly, Fixed the missing collision behind the ladder of the HUB, Fixed conveyor belts sometimes being unable to be connected to Splitters/Mergers when there is a conveyor pole in front of them, To-Do List no longer gets set to “N/A” when cleared, Fixed Conveyor lifts sending items to the incorrect direction even after they were rotated when in close proximity to multiple buildings, Fixed Conveyor lifts not snapping properly when connected directly to Mergers/Splitters, Fixed Generators still consuming fuel after disconnecting the power cable, Better collision for the workbench on explorer, You now see the reason why you can’t pick up items from the conveyor belts when you inventory is full, Local player (and equipment) now occludes the outlines. A lightweight, portable, highly maneuverable vehicle tweaked specifically for wonderfully smooth concrete and metal. It is always challenging to get the difficulty of a game right for both experienced and new players. 720/45= 16. TURBOFUEL One of the alternate recipes that have been in the game for a while. 2 can only produce up to 240 on a pure node. Today we’re going to go into how to use pipes, and some tips about fluids. Previously, oil products would introduce the painful world of decimal numbers to the player. E.g. We also removed the MK2 belt requirement, and adjusted the input ratios so that overclocking, underclocking and doing a double setup are now all valid solutions. It’s like there are five individual objects all within one object, all at once. All other Milestones, such as the ones unlocked via the MAM and those that unlocked non-essential base-building content, were moved to the MAM and the A.W.E.S.O.M.E. And we added some new recipes so that more trade-offs are possible, which might suit different types of players. It also works with 3 extractors to 8 generators but I wanted to set my blocks up to where each pipe was equal and I didn't need to share pipes between generator blocks. (i.e. Fuel generators still produce the same amount of power, and the standard recipe for fuel produces even a tiny bit more per minute compared to before, while using the same amount of oil. One of the things that made Factorio great was the ability to set up specialized production centers, and then ship the products to other factories as needed. Now, if you really hate screws, you can still get rid of them, but as stated before it will be a trade-off. Add four Miner Mk.2, 56 Coal Generators, and 22 Water Extractors to the To Do List. Please give us a birds-eye option when building things. (Instead of drawing the world passing by at mach-12, through a tube, do a simple animation while you pre-load the destination view. Aluminum and Uranium did this before by requiring different, and large amounts of, buildings, and complex ratios. WATER PUMP This beast of a pump can be placed on any deep body of water (of which there are plenty) and it’ll churn out water as long as you keep it hooked up to power. The previous manufacturer was a legacy design from the early days of Satisfactory and it was about time it got the same treatment as the Constructor and Assembler. And for it to be at your feet? The lighting and fog have been improved and expanded upon. You can now skip the drop pod scene and onboarding from the main menu. Let us know what you think! Automation is quite different from manual crafting, and arguably it teaches the player more, as they tend to look more closely at the parts` requirements and ratios to establish what an efficient setup might look like. In return for sinking items into the AWESOME Sink and sending valuable data to R&D, you will receive coupons that can be spent in the AWESOME Shop on all sorts of fun and useful goodies. But it has gotten a little touch-up and now pumps out liquid crude oil instead of perfectly packaged barrels. So here they are! With the new content added to Tiers 1 and 2, and with the addition of Water and Pipes to the Coal Generator, the player must rely on Biomass Generators for longer. We changed how Nuclear Fuel Rods are produced, but more on that later when we talk about the rebalance of part recipes. Now, how to feed 16 generators evenly with 3 pipes? I'll set up a new coal power generating area, it'll work fine for literally hours of real time gameplay, perfectly stable output at max level, then randomly the power will shut off and I'll look at the graph, and the power … Here you can see how I am feeding the generators with water and coal. With the changes detailed above, those changed building costs now require parts that the player is likely to already have automated. Doing this all first person, with these mammoth structures in tight-spaces, is just a nightmare… Or an EDIT option, once an item is placed, to shift it around and rotate it and raise it…. Generally, when designing the progression of a game, you want to introduce new features to the player one at a time. Raw quartz nodes. In return it prints coupons that you can spend in the AWESOME Shop. It’s just a fast drawing cube, at any distance. In addition to the gameplay changes, the Dune Desert has received a complete visual overhaul. The rotation should be on the same grid as the foundations. And as a little extra, the refinery can also package several of the fluids for alternative transport. Pipes are bi-directional afterall. Also, sometimes we will throw in a twist just to spice stuff up. Having the mk2 belt as a requirement for an optimal setup would deter less experienced players too early from making their production lines 100% efficient. And try out the slide-jump! They are all high quality and FICSIT-approved. The production planner will help you find what you need to build the factory you want. Chainsaw… It’s a weapon too… In all realities… Make it one in the game. Mine don't want to rotate and align nicely to my foundations, so they're a few degrees askew which is kinda bothering me. As a consequence the Tractor and Truck Station have their own little sad Milestone now. Which caused some to be frustrated and others to drop their phones on the spacebar to get some coffee while the Craft Bench did its thing. Firstly, this part was the first that was only accessible in the Assembler. Some prices have changed because the recipes of those parts have as well, and we either needed to lower cost because expected production has gone down, or increase it because we want to push to the player to expand certain production lines. Very nice. Update 3, at launch, will include the rewards listed below, but we will be adding more as we continue development on Satisfactory. These will clear up your build menus and hotbars! Its pretty hard to gaige how to not overdo it with the water. Thus, we have decided to change a bunch of the costs of our buildings. We mostly got rid of this, allowing players to use their existing production lines or storage to make the Project Parts. Sink your resources, get coupons and spend them on cool and sometimes useful features! The redesigns of the Craft Bench & Equipment Workshop were done to give the two stations more character and increase the feeling that the pioneer is actually crafting parts and equipment by hand.
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