I also think the relic ion cannon is basically a must take as an amazing anti-vehicle weapon that doesn't require a nova-charge and isn't a blast weapon. Broadsides are okay, I usually take a rail rifle one with an SG, a shield drone, and a Marker Drone and place him on my deployment zone objective. I drop them into the opponent’s deployment zone and push them off their back objective. Warhammer 40K Army Building. Being able to take support systems could provide some much needed utility from the troop slot. I usually bring a squad of 4 to 6 Crisis suits. This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. 40k List. I found that with larger units I was losing additional drones to morale. And while marker drones have always been good, 15 is a ton. I find their 4+ BS needs help from the marker lights. I think we will look back at 8th era lists as being more balanced than 9th, which is really sad but shows just how bad things have been for Tau in 8th and will be in 9th. Cadre fireblade (warlord)(through unity, devastation) 45, Coldstar (x4 fusion, cross linked stabilizer jets)(promising pupil) (Academy Liminary [viorla])(exemplar of montka [Tau]) 170. A codex (often pluralised as codexes by Games Workshop, though the grammatically correct pluralisation is codices), in the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop wargame, is a rules supplement containing information concerning a particular army, environment, or worldwide campaign.. Codexes for particular armies were introduced for the second edition of the game. If you run it with an amplifies ion accelerator, a Kauyon and Command & Control Node is going to do serious damage to anything it points the gun at. Agreed Abhor is great against Thousand Sons, Grey Knights, and other psyker rich armies. He's just showing which traits he would switch if he decided to run either Tau Sept or viorla. not too big of a deal in our friendly matches but we do a tournament every month so that will affect that. Im adding more early game board control, a Ghostkeel and maybe even some Kroot, just to get out there pregame and hem in my opponent. Can we not forget about the weird Support Turret? Sold by A-Z Warehouse Deals and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. If the Piranhas lives, I move it around the edge of the board trying to get into my enemy’s deployment zone, harassing them a bit as it moves and stealing the odd objective, but its purpose is to move. I usually take shield drones and marker drones when facing Marines and change some of them out for gun drones when playing against Craft world, Tyranids, Admech, or other Xenos/Chaos armies. I will also be taking an additional patrol detachment to get the second coldstar. The two standout Septs are “Stabilization Systems” to ignore the penalty for moving and firing heavy weapons with battlesuits and Hardened Warheads for granting an additional -1 AP for smart missile systems, missile pods, seeker missiles, and high-yield missile pods. Whether you’re a friend of this fish robots or foe, you definitely won’t want to miss this one! I think 2 Riptides is the sweet spot for most lists. I’m less concerned about the mission type than whether our units are points efficient now. Are AFP Crisis Suits OP! They push up to score primaries with no regard for their safety, clogging up the board and hopefully having enough wounds to simply hold while I score secondaries as well. 6 squads of fire warriors also feels like too many. Let me start by saying that everyone plays differently and there is no golden standard or secret meta formula that will always guarantee a win. They haven't exactly been our best unit recently and they certainly wouldn't be an auto pick over fire warriors but they would provide the Tau force with so much extra flexibility. Mobile 9th Edition Tau list. Always remember to use the use your Nova Reactor, the 3+ invulnerable save is key. Go first. Subject: How to fix Tau in 9th edition. If my opponent wants him off, he will have to come over and take him but with -1 to hit, T6, W10, and 4+ invulnerable it will hopefully be a while before he goes down. 40k List. Part 1- Tau list and Strategy. I usually play either FSE, Tau sept, or a custom sept (like Hybridized Weaponry and Turbo-Jets). I thought you couldn't take both LB and EOAF as they are the same category of secondary. Thoughts on how this would perform in a more competitive setting? Also, they get a 5+ invulnerable save with a guardian drone that keeps them around a bit longer. Combat Patrol did not make our Top 5 changes to 9th edition as it’s not so much a change but rather a set way to play. For LB, I usually bring Farsight, 4x Crisis Suits (either CIB with ATS or FB with SG), and 2x Shield drones. I want to begin with the Ghostkeel. Together with an ethereal using sense of stone they're actually quite difficult to completely take out. You actually want to use the shield drones to protect the marker drones. Saving this for later, it picks up on a lot of points that I want to employ with my list. So cut some (not all, but some) fire warriors and some (not all) commanders to free up the extra points. This has been standard competitive practice through 8th. My go-to secondaries at the moment are Engage On All Fronts (EOAF), Linebreaker (LB), and Raise the Banners (RTB). Psychic Phase is always rough, I have also lost my Ghostkeel in T1 from just psychic attacks. For Warlord Traits, I like “Through Unity, Devastation”, “Exemplar of Mont’ka” and “Inspiring Leader”. With Fireblades, the warriors put out substantial firepower. Eliminating these gives you 4 more marker drones. Put on an EWO or re-roll overwatch on at least one of them. In my opinion, if you’re building a Tau list at the moment that isn’t leaning towards some sort of Farsight build then your best place to start is Hardened Warheads + one of these other two, maybe with a Sa’cea detachment for their stratagem. Cut three squads of fire warriors and replace with another unit of stealth suits. I’ve won games against iron hands, tyranids, fists and guard so while it won’t win a tournament you can win something :). If you go into a match with the mindset that you are going to castle your army in your deployment zone or charge straight at the enemy with the hopes of killing everything you will often lose. The aim is to be: Mobile (avoid castling) cuda1179. Yes it has 2 weapon options but pretending it's actually 2 different units always felt a bit odd. Bringing a drone controller from the troop slot would be a nice option. For Tau in 9th edition, it is all about primaries and choosing good secondaries. 40k List. In 9th edition, you are allotted a budget of Command Points and Detachments depending on the size of game you are playing – barring any specific weird and wonderful exceptions that might apply. The largest challenge for the T’au Empire in the new edition is the change to the Fly keyword. My Predicted Tier List for 9th Edition. I would love stealth suits as troops then i could run a full suit and drone list like every tau player wants. There is no point grabbing objectives you can't hold, so throwing some non-durable units up board T0/T1 isn't going to do much other than waste points you could have used on more drones. Will be running Viorla sept for casual games and tau sept for competitive games. As a Vior'la player, I gotta point out that how the list is currently structured you won't actually get a whole lot out of playing Vior'la. Drop two shield generators from each squad and you can give them each two shield drones, or a shield drone and a gun drone + a drone controller to each unit. They are also valid targets for Command & Control Node, which could be useful. I found that bringing a few units dedicated to these secondaries is good, with the focus of scoring as many points before they die. https://www.goonhammer.com/9th-edition-faction-focus-tau-empire Hopefully the stealth suits can give him more staying power. I wish you good fortune in your battles to defend the Greater Good. I also bring a single Piranhas and set it up on the opposite side of my deployment zone away from the Ghostkeel. 9th Edition 2k Tau List. The introduction of 9th edition has generated a lot of excitement and intrigue, much of which is represented in our Faction Focus article series.Additionally, we’ve discussed what we believe to be the competitive implications for both the new rules and the new mission structures for competitive play as outlined in the Core Rules and the GT Mission Pack. 3 drones controllers on the riptides seems unnecessary. Let’s take a more detailed look at the Ghostkeel, and how to use it in the new edition. In 9th edition, a Riptide with this loadout costs 305 points, an increase of 27 points, just under ten percent. I would rearrange the marker/shield squads so they aren't mixed. The list combines all the top Warhammer 40k lists for 9th edition ITC events only, taking only the top three from each Major or GT event. Then during the last battle round declare Mont’Ka and race over to a different table quarter to score some final EOAF or LB points. Spending one CP for the Branching Nova Charge to get extra shots with the Heavy Burst Cannon is also good in some situations. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lists with multiple factions (SOUP) will be counted for each separate faction included in each army list. It's not just Tau who is affected here but it stings especially hard here. My understanding with coldstars is you need to wait for the right time to move them out and strike their target. I don’t think I could really express how much the Tau have been affected by Warhammer 40k 9th edition. Having the ability to take a fusion blaster (though it hasn't traditional been worth the points) would be welcome to give the troop slot any kind of anti vehicle access. I have played a lot of games of 9th edition and have faced a number of different types of armies and playing styles. This is a smaller book than the Space Marines release, clocking in at only 120 pages. Three Markerlights allows T’au units to ignore cover, which is another solid bonus — there is a lot of cover out there in 9th edition — but it’s the two-Markerlight and four-Markerlight bonuses where we see less utility. Part 2- Tau Tactics and Match Ups (Patrons Only) Cadre Fireblade. My (limited to 9th edition) experience is that troops are very important, I tend to max out a Battalion with 6x 5man FW Squads at 1500 points. The below rules cover the basic principles of detachments and what you can do with them across all factions. Can we just have Stealth Suits as Troop choice already? Your sept stratagem "hot-blooded" requires you to have dudes with "Infantry" keyword and wants them to be numerous, and your sept tenet is all about advancing quickly without the need of Mont'ka, and the list doesn't have a lot to utilize these things by the looks of it. The list seems pretty standard for current competitive lists. Having the ability to take along the much more durable stealth team for (trying) to hold objectives would be welcome. Breacher also come with the upside of having a 5++ with guardian drones. For me, the sole purpose of the drones is to help mark targets and shield my riptides to help them stay around longer. I purposefully make my commanders in two groups, my while we stand group who sit backfield or in safe places just plinking away with missile pods or midfield with fusion. All the common grenades, along with the usual suspects such as the Battle Cannon, and myriad Missile Launchers, all the way over to the exotics such as the Volcano Cannon and the Eradication Ray. I give him a Fusion Collider, Flamers, ATS, and a Shield generator (SG). In the new edition, there is a cap, so no units can suffer a modifier of more than -1 to hit, so you can still make your firepower count. Tau vs Craftworld Eldar – 9th edition 40k battle report Posted on August 12, 2020 by Reecius in 40K , Battle Report , Video Battle Report The Tabletop Titans crew brings us another 9th 40k ed video bat rep, this time featuring Tau vs. Eldar! Can I use this opportunity to rant a bit about the troop tax and how annoying it is? Due to your tenet, you rarely need to Mont'ka if most of your guns already are assault, this allows you to use Kauyon more freely on that riptide. It’s a pretty casual list for my group as we’re all semi-competitive. Kroot and Ghostkeels both went up by more (proportionately) than Riptides, and are worse than Riptides at holding objectives. GAMES WORKSHOP 99120113055" Warhammer 40,000 Tau Empire Start Collecting Game $80.75 Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Devilfish are good to have. 9. The stealth suits infiltrate and help block shots for the coldstar. Also, if you can, hiding two small drone units (attached gun drones from the Devilfish and the Piranhas) in your opponent’s deployment zone is a cheeky way of scoring EOAF and LB. This is mostly because the Tau army I built in 4th edition was VERY Kroot heavy and was very fun to play with and against, as it was odd for a Tau army. I've never played 40k before but around a year ago I put together a list for 8 edition, around 2 months ago some people i knew we're getting into it so i decided to use my previous list. What units/combination has been working well for you in 9th? One side note, your commander cannot have 2 warlord traits. The combination of these two custom Sept traits increases the power my existing triple Riptide build. Seems very counter intuitive, and the list has a severe lack of firepower, but ghostkeels are tanky and enough of a bully to at least hold points for a few turns. From here we embark on our fifth expansion. Reading and understanding the rules is important, and the responsibility of every user. This list has actually lost more than it has won. They are good for whipping around the board. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Drones have Ld 6 and no bonding knife ritual. 9th edition provided a couple of great little upgrades for this humble Battlesuit. P.S. The Rest. By all accounts in the tournament meta, they are one of, if not the, worst army to play with. I suggest the following: "When the last Brother Falls" 0CP strategem that can be used in the combat phase. Turbo-Jets: JET PACK units get +2″ move and +1 to their advances. Riptides with a Heavy Burst Cannon is good for dealing with troops and some elites. If anything, the changes to the cost of drones just means you have to double down on that type of build more than ever.

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