Your mail armor also means that that little mace or dagger he's wielding does next to nothing, even on a feared "Windfury triple-crit", which happens once every 1000 or so attacks. Only four abilities besides Wing Clip are available to the class: Scattershot (early Survival, often in MM Arena builds), Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, and Counterattack (Only available with deep Survival). Paladins are probably the single most highly revered class in the game, and there are a few key points to keep in mind when fighting them. 6.5 Aimed Shot Setup 12.0 Conclusions. This guide ended up being very long, so we decided to split it in different pages. Assessing the situation before you engage will always net better results for any class but no class benefits more from smart decisions than hunters. [Flare], [Track Hidden], [Hunter's Mark], [Freezing Trap], [Concussive Shot], [Wing Clip], [Feign Death], [Aimed Shot], [Disengage],[Serpent Sting] and [Scorpid Sting]! and 20% extra crit on Raptor Strike and Mongoose Bite, it's possible to surprise your melee opponents with a barrage of alternating melee crits and short range shots while they are immobilized. The priest will open with an disarm, which is for 10 seconds, during that time you will watch him add his dots and call his pet Shadowfiend upon you. Killing a Priest is very difficult for a hunter, and if the priest knows what she is doing, it's better to run.  On an interface note, the debate of button pushing/mouse turning vs. clicking/keyboard turning rages on. 0.3 Why PvP as a Hunter Restoration shamans are very well suited to fighting hunters. Paladins have no base ranged attacks (with the exceptions of Hammer of Wrath, Avenger's Shield, and Holy Shock) so try to use Wing Clip and Concussive Shot to maintain a safe distance. 6.3 Pet Management Beware of balance druids (moonkin), they are the only spec that can do decent ranged damage, and as such the only ones you have to worry about in your dead zone. 5.3 Stings If the target is by itself you can simply walk up, point and laugh and wait for your traps to become re-enabled, an immolation trap plus the damage over time effects of the wyvern sting, in addition to the hunters raptor strikes and pet damage will have a tremendous effect on damage output. Being comfortable working around pillars is crucial for survival as a hunter in any bracket or level of play. Paladins will win in melee combat. 8.1 Druids Additionally, the shaman has talents that can make a huge difference in the performance of any of their three roles (caster, melee, or healer) and it's difficult to determine what spec a shaman is until you have been killed by him. Nature's Swiftness also means that they can reach out and daze you at a range of 30 yards if you are using Aspect of the Cheetah to maintain range, allowing them to abuse server latency and the travel time of Concussive Shot (possibly in conjunction with Ghost Wolf) to daze you and get back into snare range. Unfortunately their pools empty slowly and their weapons can be dangerous to you. Wow Classic : Le PTR de la Phase 5 ! Be wary however as moonkin can and will drink health and mana pots without having to shift out. With a diverse arsenal to immobilize (Counterattack,Entrapment for example), high avoidance (Deterrence, Deflection, and for maximum effect, go for the Beast Mastery talent Improved Aspect of the Monkey!) 7.2 Arathi Basin Hunters are very powerful and versatile but require more than a button-mashing approach. The best thing you can do when he is out of Dispersion is to shoot him with the silencing shot and start nuking again. 2.2 Secondary Skills 3.4 Trinkets Some things however, are universally true of all shamans: The first thing you note about a shaman is the lack of crowd control. Wyvern Sting and Scattershot are excellent arena weapons and give the hunter that much more CC. The Survival talent Wyvern Sting can be exceptionally useful against warlocks, as it is an effective pre-emptive counter to the initial use of Fear. With a 6 second stun (the longest in the game, the paladin also has loads of other stuns), a full heal/small mana regen (usable once every 20 minutes), and the almighty bubble, a paladin can outlast a good number of enemies before falling. Attack with your pet, activate Intimidation, activate Rage, give him an Aimed Shot and a Serpent Sting to be sure, and look for another target. The following ability has been removed from felhunters and is no longer available to warlocks: Tainted Blood which reduces your attack power. A priest's greatest offense is his dots, able to take out well over 10k in a few seconds and sometimes even more. When he hits your Freezing Trap, run and then turn around to do another Aimed Shot, then send pet, Concussive Shot. 2.1 Primary Skills It is important to note, freezing trap will break on most damage including dots, Serpent Sting and Piercing Shots (proc’d off chimera/aimed shot) will both break freezing trap. Destruction 'locks can easily be primarily fire hoping for Soul Fire crits and Immolate and conflagrate. Hunter abilities depend on combat for light, fast, range-based warriors that shun the heaviest armor. The king of the arena, but an extremely limited brick on legs anywhere outside it. If you play mage, and you pvp, for GOD'S sake, use +40 spell damage. Another trick that you can do against mage's Ice Block is to run 20 yards in the direction he is facing and drop a Freezing Trap - many mages will blink out of Ice Block to Nova\Cone of Cold you. The area effect dynamite and bombs will knock out the shaman's totems, and the bombs have a chance to stun, preventing the shaman from casting for a few seconds. 8.5 Priests 5.8 Marksman Talents 8.0 PvP Against Specific Classes However, an elemental shaman is a force to be reckoned with. A good survival hunter, on the other hand can be a very lethal foe. ... TBC Builds. 6.4 Feign Death The role and viability of the hunter class in arenas is often contested amongst the class community, as between Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, and Survival hunters, there is a very large difference in play style. 4.2 Pet Experience the priests dotts will have taken 10k off of you in about 20 seconds (full duration) They are often invisible, making the warlock look petless. The ultimate PvP guide for Hunter. Tapping their mana won't be effective if they get your health down 50-70% before you can start nuking them back. Weapon-switch macros, however, still figure in a good shaman's arsenal, and he will have Windfury on both a big 2h and a small 1h. PvP Menu Toggle. you could always try using Viper Sting to continuously drain mana. This is however a generalization and there are exceptions to both. P.1 PvP in a Nutshell Even if they try to melee you they have no chance against you without their spells. 8.4 Paladins Survival should be combined with additional marksmanship talents and Improved Aspect for the Monkey to retain its diversity. 8.6 Rogues This up-to-date guide aims to help you improve as a Marksmanship Hunter in all aspects of arena PvP. Keep in mind however that they need only a small amount of mana to cause some damage so keep the Viper Sting active. Never pvp'd as a hunter in TBC so.....was bored and missed dueling.2.4.3 Hunter PvP dueling video.Smolderforge server This will not work against a shadow priest, but could work against a disc if hes not ready, or simply cant go on the offense. As Steady Shot has a 1.5 second casting time, it should only be used when you are not the target of any attackers. 11.3 Survival Often you can use the same strategies that you used to get melee off of you, to root a priest, mage or tree that won’t leave that pillar. This is enough to blast most hunters out of the water, and the damage dealt completely ignores armor. If you're just standing there trading shots with your opponent, you'll only win if you crit more than they do, and that's not something you should be counting on. Well basically you could conceivably use the alt, shift, and ctrl modifiers to map 8 keys, however the chance of actually putting enough time in to master this configuration and always hit the right key combo at the right time would be immense. If you have good control of your pet to take care of the very few totems that actually matter (which kills the shaman's low mana pool), it really should be no trouble to take one down. 10:17. ), drain the enemy healer's mana with Viper Sting and keep one of the enemy players controlled with Freezing Trap. Viper Sting is a good thing to use. What makes a hunter lethal is his ability to deal out massive amounts of damage while taking very little in return. This allows the Shaman to concentrate on only getting to melee range and staying there. 6.1 Kiting 1.4 Stats Quick BM Hunter PvE Guide [WoW TBC] Report. This style is generally preferred on teams without a healer, or 'gib' or 'rush down' teams. An increased dodge ability means that roughly 1 out of every 4 attacks will be dodged, and this percentage will only get better as dodge bonus gear is collected over time.  Pillars work both ways. It is one of the hunter's most important tools in Arena. Any place that is hard to reach is perfect. Most fights are you frantically shooting them and them coming closer and closer.  You can lay traps during combat. Also using strategies to get a pillar-humper away from his pillar or lock him in place long enough to get some shots off is key. High slopes in Alterac Valley and cliffs in Nagrand for instance. Choosing the right PvP and PvE talents is a prerequisite to proper performance in PvP. Jewelcrafting is WoW’s newest profession. The key in this fight is the Shaman's armor and passive healing. 5.5 Melee It may also help to run around in circles whilst draining their mana as they will have a harder time hitting you with their spells. 9.3 Keyboard Management However, defeating them is not only possible, but enormously satisfying for the hunter, given that paladin players tend to view themselves as invincible. and after the disperse open with a disarm, cast his dots and keep himself alive healing and shielding.  Survival hunters are perfect for countering warriors, rogues, enhancement shamans or other hunters. If you loved wotlk hunter do NOT play hunter in vanilla/tbc. How could you possibly map keys to the 24 odd “main” abilities of a hunter. 5.0 Skills and Talents This guide has been updated for Warlords of Draenor over at Wowhead. The guide goes over the best Hunter talent builds and the best Hunter questing zones, to improve your leveling time, available weapon skills for Hunter, best Hunter stat, and more. 1.0 Character Decisions 9.0 UI Management They will generally remove any debuffs you try. Any Restoration Shaman worth his salt in PvP will be wearing a shield, and Earth Shield and Nature's Guardian provide excellent passive healing. Also considering that strafing while kiting can often be far easier that jump shooting and allow more time to plan your next move, it works for many to map out some core abilities that are necessary when a melee manages to get in close enough that keyboard turning becomes a huge liability. Knowing this, you can usually keep the shaman at bay. Although it is true that the paladin does have a number of impressive abilities, virtually all of these rely on their mana pool. -Players can now get Brutal arena gear with their arena points. Facing a hunter, some shamans will equip a shield, and just try to outlast you by healing and nuking away. Re: Looking for 2.4.3 Hunter [PVP spec] + Macros Post #3 » January 31st, 2011, 2:44 pm I could also add that as BM i dont have any macros exept when i cast Bestial Wrath i also activate Blood Fury cause im orc wich i preffer to play BM with from all horde races. Their agility and training afford them many defensive maneuvers and the use of a large variety of weapons. This is generally a terrible idea, as your pet will often out-damage a one handed equipped shaman in melee, and the shaman's limited mana pool means that he will lose the war very quickly. tbc hunter pvp. Because of this, although the advice given against a warrior was to kite, the opposite applies here. Seduce is a 1.5 or 2 sec cast and will probably interrupt something like Aimed Shot. You will mostly need the following skills: 5.1 Traps 8:29. 3.2 Armor 9.1 Mods -Note, if they cast entangling roots on you then come in, in cat form it will be to hit you with tons of dots so place a freezing trap and get back fast. He has competed in many tournaments including 2017 NA Regionals and BlizzCon, … About the Author Ssds has achieved Rank 1 12 times. 3.0 Equipment Druid BiS Menu Toggle. As a Marksman, you will be expected to keep melee damage classes off your healer or more fragile team members with Scattershot, Freezing Arrow, Frost Trap, Concussive Shot, Silencing Shot, your pet’s web or pin abilty (you do have a spider or crab, right? 5.6 Miscellaneous This up-to-date guide aims to help you improve as a Beast Mastery Hunter in all aspects of arena PvP. This list is fairly short and isn’t intended to be an end-all-be-all guide to Hunter PvP macros, but it’s a good place to start. 4.3 Weapon Skill MM/SV/BM are all viable. Even if you know exactly how to do, against a skilled shadow priest a hunter alone stands no chance and sometimes not even with a friend. this way of dealing with a priest is recomended in the arena. Browse more videos. 1.1 Races A shaman cannot incapacitate you at all (minus the short-range Warstomp on a tauren), and one of the two abilities to slow you down has serious issues. A slower weapon allows more movement. An important point to remember is that a mage ideally wants range in which to operate to an even greater extent than a hunter, because unlike a hunter, a mage has no melee component whatsoever. NB: Hunter vs priest combat can sometimes be very gear dependent, since if you meet a well equipped Shadow priest he can quite easily down you fast with SW:Pain, Devouring plague and Mind Blast/Mind Flay if you're not careful. Coats your weapons with a Non-Lethal Poison that lasts for 1 hour. 6.0 PvP Basics Voici notre guide afin de trouver la meilleure classe en PVP et PVE pour WoW TBC. This may include rewriting sections to ensure they are clear and concise, and, If a warlock engages you at a close range, it's important to get away quickly. 11.2 Marksman You can change these talents depending on how many Hunters you have in the raid. Begin with aimed shot or another high damage shot. Although, bear in mind that Judgements do damages, and a Paladin going at you when you are under. You should use Concussive Shot to allow you to keep the warlock out of your dead zone. 10.2 General tactics Melee is an entirely impractical style of fighting for hunters. If you're Beast Mastery specced and have Bestial Wrath and The Beast Within, fighting against warriors shouldn't be difficult at all. 3.6 Buying Items 11.1 Beast Master Jesusita Dollar. It also includes advice on talent builds and PvP talent builds for Beast Mastery Hunters, as well as recommended gear, essences, macros, and addons for PvP. 0:20. ”Hunter” as described in the Original World of Warcraft 2004 Manual In addition, using Flare in tight passageways like the two eastern and western bridges as well as the Flag spot is great against rogues as well as stealthed Feral druids. He will keep the shield until he gets near you, to decrease damage, then switch back, and hope for a big WF to start whittling down your health. As you see his hands sparkle with lightning, hit him with a silencing shot, then pepper him. 8.7 Shamans He has competed in many tournaments including 2017 NA Regionals and BlizzCon, … P.0 Prelude Discussing strategy on taking down specific team comps or particularly annoying classes (cough, frost mage, cough), is the key to getting beyond a 1000 rating. 4.1 Level Management 8.9 Warriors But the problem with Psychic Horror still remains if your facing a shadow, against a disc, this is strongly recomended.

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