According to an article using your cell phone while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year, and over 390,000 injuries are caused by texting and driving. Your best friend’s text reads “You left your cellphone charger at my house.” You glance up, and think to yourself “Wow, that wasn’t too hard, I stayed on the road and I’m fine!” 3. The best way to flesh these out before writing is with an outline. You take your eyes off the road for one second. You need to show you mean business with this statement, so be clear. Some studies show that nearly two to three thirds use cell phones while driving (Cultural Change Is Needed to Stop Teens from Texting While Driving). Saved essays Save your valuable essays here so that you can see them rapidly! But you want a general idea of what you’re going to write and to make sure the information is all in the right order. ways in which this powerful object can be dangerous. 4. Essay on single payer health care. Drivers very clearly are distracted while using their cell phones. The following text will tell, how to write a persuasive essay on texting and driving. You feel the air bags go off and that is the last thing you remember. levels are each divided into at least two parts, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, How to Apply the CRAAP Test to Your Essay Sources. The Dangers Of Texting While Driving 1561 Words | 7 Pages. Texting WHile driving. Everyone knows that. Imagine if the person in first story had her best friend in the car too. If you are the passenger in the car and the driver is texting, you have the responsibility to speak up and tell the driver to stop. When she's not working, she's constantly trying to expand her creativity through music, writing, art, and animation. Eden Meirow is a full-time copywriter and part-time freelance writer. This sample essay illustrates ways in which mainstream media companies can help reduce the deadly accidents that arise from this behavior, thereby making our streets safer.. AT&T educates consumers about the dangers of texting while driving Example 1: Because texting while driving is the leading cause of traffic fatalities among teens in the United States, all drivers—teens and adults—should take more responsibility and put the phone down when they are behind the wheel. Pages: 3 Words: 981 Topics: Attention, Distracted Driving, Texting While Driving Dangers of Distracted Driving In this day in age many millennials dont consider the risks of texting and driving in fact not a ton of people consider the risks of texting and driving in this day in age. b. Another easy, yet, lifesaving substitute to texting and driving is simply putting the phone in an area where the driver knows they would have difficulty reaching while using the car.…, Not only can the driver cause an accident but he/she can also injure the person in their passenger seat, or someone close to them. Before you jump right into writing your essay, it might be helpful to know exactly what will take it to the next level. Along with her BS in marketing from Florida State University and MA in museum studies from Johns Hopkins University, she has spent the past 7 years learning how best to reach and teach people using the power of words. Think about why people text while they drive, and then offer some alternatives that are still suitable solutions to their needs. But despite caring, I've found that there isn't a scare, short of an accident, that will deter me from texting while driving. Get inspiration from over 500,000 example essays. First, you’ll want a strong thesis statement, which is a sentence (or two) in your introduction that explains your position. These essays could be of various types like argumentative, expository or critical. Texting while driving can cause otherwise smart individuals to become so distracted that they drive their cars into malls and put hundreds of people in danger. Hanes, Stephanie. Texting and driving is more life-threatening than drinking and driving. Many people have died and are still dying every day because of people who decide to drive while drunk. Speaking up to the driver will be a lot less scary then potentially waking up in the hospital. Research indicates that a driver looses focus when he attempts to text while driving. Georgia. 1. If officers or other societal protectors are caught texting while driving, they should be put on suspension or fired if there are multiple offenses. My country pakistan essay in english for class 4, maza avadta khel essay in hindi essay thesis while driving Texting an essay on beti bachao beti padhao in hindi essay on failure is the highway to success. First, you’ll want a strong thesis statement , which is a sentence (or two) in your introduction that explains your position. Browse essays about Texting And Driving and find inspiration. (Note: My example outline is incomplete. You text her back, “Okay, I’ll turn aroun….” CRASH. Does the information have a bibliography? Remember, the lives of the person who is driving and your passengers may be at stake. It can lead to a fatal situation, or worse a car crash that might turn into death all because of one text.…, It goes on your phone and it links with the car it tells you, whoever is driving, there driving habits. So you have all your ducks in a row, but you’re still not sure if your argument is convincing enough. Texting while driving causes distraction and increases their chances of getting involved in car accidents. Texting While Driving Thesis, carbon essay, essay on beti bachao beti padhao scheme, 5 paragraph essay on jupiter The invention and subsequent use of the text message has redefined the way in which an entire generation communicates with each other. 4 Pages 1117 Words March 2015. In Laurie Roberts’ article, “Is Arizona (finally) ready to ban texting while driving,” she brings up the fact that Arizona is one of the last states that has not yet acted on texting behind the wheel. You should still avoid first person while writing your essay, but the information makes it more personal. However, this also includes texting back a friend while driving. It has been the cause of many deaths and injuries and is a huge distraction for drivers. Now there is a ban on texting and driving to stop distracted driving from happening. Texting while driving Texting while driving is one of the worrying trends in the society, both teenagers and adults have developed a habit of using cell phones while driving. Majority of such drivers think that driving while texting is a unique skill that can only be traced among few individuals. Learn the new georgia prohibits all adults and many say that texting while driving. With the onset of modern day technology, individuals are now in a better position to communicate easily with others despite their busy schedules, regardless of where they are or what they may be doing at that particular time. What is the harm in checking one text? This means you’ll need some sources to back up your statements. Will your reader question your position’s validity? While there are many things that contribute to distracted driving, cell phone use being the primary cause, often … Texting while driving is said to be as dangerous as drunk driving. The cost to one’s health as well as the general public has made texting a highly debated topic rec… As I said before, this is not a narrative essay. Free【 Essay on Texting While Driving 】- use this essays as a template to follow while writing your own paper. Example: Instead of replying to that text, people should have someone else in the car—the deputy, a brother, or a friend—do it for them. Such concerns have been raised by various government authorities, in trying to prevent such occurrence new laws Example: The police officers could have caught and arrested the Blues Brothers for the many laws they had broken, but the officers were so distracted by their cellphones that they pulled out in front of oncoming traffic and ended up colliding with a semi-truck. The worst thing of all is that deaths can also occur during these accidents. 35,000 American have died caused by texting and driving, that 6,000 a year and 18 a day (“Should Texting…”).…, The truth is multitasking is a myth. A person, when driving and texting at the same time, is not only putting their … Do you feel a little more ready to write now? Tasks such as eating, listening to music or cell phone use can cause fatal accidents and injuries. You unlock your screen and notice the text is from you best friend. I get it … there’s only so much you can say about the subject. That way, you can make it awesome from the start and won’t have to rewrite the whole thing. Texting and driving Essay Writing Help through the following sample is given by experts to the students. There are a lot of different ways to approach a texting while driving essay—you just have to think outside the box a little. For more information on choosing your sources, read How to Apply the CRAAP Test to Your Essay Sources. But you don’t feel so confident with this one—if you don’t get back on course, you’ll crash and burn. Tougher laws may be alluring as a deterrent to this behavior, but according to the data in this study, 96 % of respondents knew it was against the law but continued to text and drive anyway (Quisenberry). But for the purposes of this post, I’m going to assume it’s persuasive. Texting While Driving. Essays essays on ways texting while driving. Texting, as it is commonly referred to today, allows individuals to literally express their thoughts, convey information, and maintain relationships with the tips of their fingers. The Dangers of Texting While Driving Essay. You wake up in the hospital, you’re confused and your mother fills you in about everything. Before everything else, texting while driving constitutes a visual distraction for the driver. By LoryYau, St. Johns University. While texting and driving, the person who is driving the […] Texting and driving is a widespread problem that is killing Americans across the country. It’s one of those things your teacher doesn’t want students (or anyone else) doing. Sometimes it can contain statistics provided by the road services or the examples of bitter experience. It is the responsibility of all drivers to understand the power they have behind the wheel and that they can easily take a human life or destroy someone else’s property. The secret behind an impactful conclusion is summing up all the ideas discussed. Like any other paper, this essay has its own structure. The Dangers of Texting While Driving Over the past few years, texting while driving has become a major issue for many Americans across the country. In case you still have a problem with any of the above steps, here is a detailed explanation on how to compose a distracted driving essay. Ban on Texting Thesis: Texting while driving is really a hazard to everybody who drives on the highway, a ban on. I quiet agree with my opponents that driving while intoxicated is an important issue, but I still insist that texting while driving is more dangerous.…. The key elements of the paper may differ. Free texting while driving is that doesnt need to be outlawed. Your mother, the billboards, and the speakers were right all along. I’ll show you how to write your own essay with a little bit of oomph, all with some help from a couple of guys who know about oomph (and how to not be distracted drivers)—Jake and Elwood Blues, better known as the Blues Brothers. Because everyone knows texting while driving is dangerous, it’ll probably be a persuasive essay. If a phone is picked up because it rang or buzzed, attention is not being paid to the road or what is around. I believe that cell phones can be addictive because they can be a distraction, people get on their phone instead of their family and/or lover, and people are on their phone while driving. Okay, so I care. Not even the law. Texting while driving is not only a threat to us, but as well as … Some Texting While Driving Thesis Statement Examples So now that you have an idea about how to write your texting while driving essay, it’s time to get into more of the specifics. You were the luck one; the car you hit killed the driver instantly. 2017 mortality statistics and driving. Thesis Statement for Your texting while driving essays ; A good texting and driving essay should have a powerful thesis statement. Cell phone use can be helpful while driving.…, When You Send a Text It Could Be Your Last It just means they have to have some substance to back up what they’re saying. By ceasing to text while driving, drivers can protect the lives of others and themselves, as well as keep cars and property intact. Will your reader question your position’s validity? Let no one convince you of the false assumption that writing a conclusion is easy for any topic. Does it reference or link to published studies. In the article “driving us to distraction” written by Gilbert Cruz, the senior editor at, writes that a national survey from 2008 revealed that approximately 63% of drivers planned to follow through with laws against using cell phones while driving (Par 8). It’s important to note that the wording of these elements doesn’t have to be final. There are many websites you can visit to get information, such as the CDC, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Texting and Driving Safety website. Stuck on your essay? Texting while driving is seen as a dangerous act and has been out lawed or restricted in most states. A persuasive essay on texting while driving. Example: Anyone who is caught texting while driving should have to pay, at minimum, a $250 fine. I’m going to center my example under the assumption that the reason the cop cars in the video above crashed is that they were distracted by their cellphones. Texting While Driving Essay For example, this past month two very well known teachers in the Laredo, Texas area were fatefully killed due to a distracted driver. Texting while driving essays are assigned to the students by teachers. That’s why your assignment is a texting while driving essay. It’s unbelievable how people can be confident enough to take their eyes off the road. Examples, while dying of the salesperson analysis essay attention grabber. Take the bus drivers have cell phones while driving. 5.2 Texting while driving 5.3 Texting while walking 5.4 Sexting 5.5 In schools 5.5.1 Bullying 5.5.2 Influence on perceptions of the student 5.6 Law and crime 5.7 Social unrest 5.8 Texting in politics 5.9 Medical concerns 5.10 Texting etiquette 6 Challenges 6.1 Text message spam 6.2 Pricing concerns 6.3 Increasing competition 6.4 Security concerns Texting while driving is said to be as dangerous as drunk driving. Texting and Driving in Persuasive Essay . If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you’re almost golden. Get to writing then! Wvu honors essays for sample problem of the thesis statement template upsc essay, book, book writing test materials have helped communicationspeech outline paper outline.

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