Ultimately it is our goal to ensure our participants in today’s session are empowered, committed, and acting to advance equity by combating injustice, inequity, disparities and move from awareness to allyship overall as we continue our journey on a world of understanding. If you’re looking to engage in deep, meaningful conversations about diversity and inclusion, the 10 conferences and events listed above offer compelling content and the opportunity to interact with industry professionals and leading experts focused on advancing this goal. (KNOE) - Louisiana Tech University’s College of Business will host Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace on Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2021. Equality People Our values are rooted in respect: respect for ourselves, for each other, respect for diversity and respect for the future. Learn More . Diversity & Inclusion at UConn In order to develop an inclusive community for instruction, research and outreach, the University of Connecticut embraces diversity and cultivates leadership, integrity, and engaged citizenship among our students, faculty and staff. The virtual forum includes five sessions featuring an array of speakers who are diversity, equity, and inclusion thought-leaders from top global corporations. Beyond Diversity and Inclusion: Creating a Culture of Belonging. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council To the Campus Community: I write to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus, and to identify the… May 1, 2018 For sponsorship opportunities, contact info@opalgroup.net. Google is committed to continuing to make diversity, equity, and inclusion part of everything we do—from how we build our products to how we build our workforce. Now more than ever, companies are being called upon to solve complex societal challenges and inequities – isolation, mental and behavioral health issues, systemic racism – not just for employees and customers but for the greater good overall. Contact Ashley Hagglund at (212) 532-9898 ext 243 or email info@opalgroup.net. Virtual OK My Bookmarks. Without a comparable systemic approach to combat hundreds of years of systemic discrimination, this opportune time will be just another moment in time of perceived progress. So, it is especially useful to practice having uncomfortable or even difficult conversations. Visit go.unl.edu/barkerofficehours during scheduled office hours. We believe in creating a memorable, collaborative and effective experience focused on continuous improvement for Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion, and Talent Management executives. Our diversity and inclusion initiative, VMinclusion, is a business-led effort to attract and engage the multinational, multicultural talent critical to our globally connected business. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Businesses should strive to have an organizational culture that can sustain itself beyond the transition of leaders and employees. Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award nominees sought February 10, 2021. > We are delighted to have been named in The Times’ Top 50 Employers for Women for the sixth year running in 2019. The SABR Virtual Analytics Conference is a four-day event featuring guest speakers, panels, and presentations on the … Phone Number: 402-472-0148 Fax: 402-472-8714 Email: diversity@unl.edu . Executives representing solution provider organizations can attend through sponsorship.

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