Answer: Question 2. ... Answer: Humus : Humus is a dark substance formed in soils. What do you understand by percolation? Q 2. Answer: The uppermost horizon is generally dark in colour as it is rich in humus and minerals. Question 1. A new study breaks all of you ideas about humus and shows that it does not exist. 4. Humus has many nutrients that improve the health of soil, nitrogen being the most important. The humus makes the soil fertile and provides nutrients to growing plants. A soil sample takes 45 minutes to percolate 900 mL of water. Function. E. Short Answer Type Questions 1. Draw a well labelled a diagram showing different constituents of soil. Answer: Weathering involves disintegration or decay of solid rock due to change in temperature and weather and their impact on the composition of rock. Humus helps plants to grow well. 4. 2. What is weathering ? Ans. List the factors which cause weathering. Humus has a characteristic black or dark brown color and is an accumulation of organic carbon.Besides the three major soil horizons of (A) surface/topsoil, (B) subsoil, and (C) substratum, some soils have an … What is soil profile? Name the different types of soil. Answers: 1. Draw the different horizons of soil. Humus is the dark organic matter that forms in soil when dead plant and animal matter decays. True 3. It usually gives the soil a blackish colour. What is soil made up of? 3. Answers: 1. This is significant because this attribute enables humus to hold up to 90% of its weight in water, meaning soil laden in humus will be able to retain moisture better and be more drought resistant. I. What is humus? Question 1. 2. False 2. Humus is gold to a gardener and considered important to soil building. What is humus? Soil Class 7 Extra Questions Short Answer Type 2. Why is it important for the soil? The humus sponge also latches onto and safeguards nutrients that plants require, such as calcium , magnesium and … True 4. Ans. 3. When is soil said to be polluted? It is made of dead parts of plants and … Sounds like a topic for another post – but the short answer is that their may be some value to them – but the scientific evidence supporting a real value in the garden is weak at best. As humus Answer:Humus is dark, organic material that forms in soil when plant and animal matter decays. Humus is the major factor in deciding the soil structure because: (i) it causes the soil to become more porous. Humus, nonliving, finely divided organic matter in soil, derived from microbial decomposition of plant and animal substances. False. Humus does not include: a. decomposing organic matter b. leaf litter c. weathered rock d. feces e. dead organisms. 6. Name different horizons of … Q 3. 1. Find the percolation rate of it. The rotted remains of dead plants and animals is called humus. Furthermore, what is humus short answer? View Answer What … Short Answer Questions. Humus, which ranges in colour from brown to black, consists of about 60 percent carbon, 6 percent nitrogen, and smaller amounts of phosphorus and sulfur. What is soil erosion? Why? Write briefly about the topsoil. Humus is the bits of decayed organisms present in the soil. (ii) allows water and air to penetrate deep into the soil making available for the roots of the plants. What is weathering? How is percolation rate calculated? Soil is mainly made up of gravel , sand , clay , humus, water and air. True 5. What is Humus? 3. Short Answer Type Questions. • Write short answers: Q 1. It is a dead organic matter … Which soil will allow more water— sandy soil or clayey soil? Humus (or humous) is the organic matter in the soil. When plants drop leaves, twigs, and other material to the ground,…

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