We guarantee that your information will not be divulged to the third party. 5052 aluminum alloy has some of the best welding characteristics, has great finishing qualities, has excellent saltwater corrosion resistance, but is not easily machined. Fatigue strength is a material’s ability to withstand periodic loading cycles. Materials with higher moduli are considered more elastic because it takes more work to permanently deform the material. Bronze vs. Brass - What's the Difference? Generally, 6061 aluminum is best served for machining, while 5052 is used for sheet metal and welding applications, and this is a direct result of the qualities of each alloy. Company. | Enlist Your Company ico-arrow-default-right, Select From Over 500,000 Industrial Suppliers. Thomasnet Is A Registered Trademark Of Thomas Publishing Its chemical composition is 0.6% Si, 1.0%Mg, 0.2%Cr, 0.28% Cu, and 97.9% Al, though these numbers can slightly differ based on impurities and manufacturing methods. Aluminum 5083 is the representative product of the 5 series. 5052 aluminum has a higher modulus of elasticity than 6061 aluminum (70.3 GPa VS. 68.9 GPa), which explains why it excels as a forming alloy. In addition, the 6061 T651 aluminum plate commonly used in the market should be added with a stretching process. Each unique alloy has been given a four-digit name, where the first digit designates what are the basic alloying elements of that group, known as the series number. Its major alloying element is magnesium. 6061 aluminum is one of the most common grades of aluminum sheet used in the market. If you have any questions or good suggestions on our products and site, or if you want to know more information about our products, please write them and send to us, we will contact you within one business day. California Do Not Track Notice. Introduction: In the construction industry, there are many kinds of plates have different alloy number. Plus, the aluminum oxide layer will repair itself if damaged. In addition to its strength; attractive finish and an ability to undergo the anodizing process are also great qualities of aluminum. They have a very high 98% of their average alloy composition in common. Aluminum alloys are also gentle on the environment. It also is often used in electronic enclosures, hardware signs, pressure vessels, and medical equipment. The chart below shows the relative durability of aluminum in various environmental conditions. Aluminum 6061 and aluminum 6063 are popular alloys of aluminum that offer a wide range of benefits for manufacturing industries. difference between 5052 and 6061 aluminum . Chart 1: Durability of aluminum in various atmospheric conditions. Last time, we analyzed the difference between 5052 and 6061, today we will analyze another common aluminum alloy: 6063. Find materials, components, equipment, MRO supplies and more. Thomas Register® and Most of the temper is H321, H116, 5083 was usually used in the shipbuilding industry. 6061 is structurally stronger than 5052. Thomas Regional® are part of Thomasnet.com. These alloys are 5052 and 6061 aluminum alloys, and they are both invaluable materials in their respective domains (more information on these alloys can be found in our articles all about 6061 and 5052 aluminum). Terms and Conditions, 5052 … The aluminum plate manufacturer Mingtai Aluminum will find out for you. These two aluminum alloy grades fall into the 6xxxx series of aluminum alloys. We are using the power of our platform to aid in the mass shortage of critical supplies. These material properties were taken from 6061-T6 and 5052-H32 hardened aluminum alloys, but know that each strengthening process has its own unique set of values. 6061 aluminum does not have as high a fatigue strength as 5052 aluminum (96.5 MPa VS. 117 MPa, calculated using 500,000,000 deflections below the yield strength), which means 5052 aluminum can successfully withstand more cycles of deforming. A brief explanation of each value will follow, but they are summarized in Table 1 for easy viewing. 5052 is usually more expensive. COVID-19 Response This is a consequence of its good formability, weldability, fair corrosion resistance, and moderately high strength, which all make 6061 aluminum highly versatile. Find and evaluate OEMs, Custom Manufacturers, Service Companies and Distributors. The superior corrosion resistance quality of aluminum makes it a superior metal for use in industries such water management and wastewater treatment. 5052/6061 aluminum plate performance difference. Sheet of aluminum Custom aluminum enclosures. The 5052 alloy aluminum sheet is the 5 series representative aluminum alloy sheet, and its main metal element is magnesium; the important elements of the 6061 aluminum alloy sheet are magnesium and silicon, and there are similarities in the material. Commonly, you will see 6061 listed as 6061-T6, which is a heat treated 6061. This makes it a heat … 6061 also features high resistance to stress combined with good formability and weldability. By examining the strengths, uses, and properties of these alloys and then comparing them, this article will show how to specify an alloy for a job and how each aluminum alloy has their own merits in an application. Protect your sensitive components in a lightweight, corrosion resistant NEMA rated aluminum electrical enclosure that provides higher tensile strength than other materials. Top Aluminum Suppliers and Manufacturers in the USA, Different Types of Aluminum Grades (Properties and Uses), All About 6061 Aluminum (Properties, Strength and Uses), All About 7075 Aluminum (Properties, Strength and Uses), All About 5052 Aluminum (Properties, Strength and Uses), All About 2024 Aluminum (Properties, Strength and Uses), All About 6063 Aluminum (Properties, Strength and Uses), All About 3003 Aluminum (Properties, Strength and Uses), 6061 Aluminum vs. 7075 Aluminum - Differences in Properties, Strength and Uses, 6061 Aluminum vs. 6063 Aluminum - Differences in Properties, Strength and Uses, 6061 Aluminum vs. 2024 Aluminum - Differences in Properties, Strength and Uses, 3003 Aluminum vs. 6061 Aluminum - Differences in Properties, Strength and Uses, https://materialsdata.nist.gov/bitstream/handle/11115/173/Aluminum%20and%20Aluminum%20Alloys%20Davis.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y, https://www.aluminum.org/resources/industry-standards/aluminum-alloys-101, https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML0633/ML063390144.pdf, https://materialsdata.nist.gov/bitstream/handle/11115/185/Understanding%20Wrought%20and%20Cast%20Al%20Alloy%20Designations.pdf?isAllowed=y&sequence=3, http://asm.matweb.com/search/SpecificMaterial.asp?bassnum=MA6061T6, http://asm.matweb.com/search/SpecificMaterial.asp?bassnum=MA5052H32, https://materialsdata.nist.gov/bitstream/handle/11115/200/Machining%20of%20Al.pdf?sequence=3&isAllowed=y.

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