The term has been in use since at least as early as 1941. The sparks are flying in the Middle East, and the world is like gunpowder right now. Now imagine this happening to a less rich country, without any foreign aid, no possibility of communication except for the military, things will get bad fairly fast. Afghanistan has become a proxy war region for India and Pakistan where each is backed by another powerful country. People think it will never happen to them, when it is certain to happen. The phrase “World War 3” was among the most trending topics in the world, with … If we go by the first two world wars—or three, because there are good arguments that the Seven Years War, in the late Eighteenth Century, was fought in many parts of the globe and constitutes a “world war”—then WW3 could involve a conventional conflict that happens to involve fighting in many parts of the world. People think that nothing really bad can happen to them, that it only happens to other people. A series of three bangs, gongs, or whistles would then indicate that fallout was expected. We have been centralizing the necessities of life. We need to face the fact that it can and will happen to us if we do not do something to stop it from happening. World War 3: What would happen if US went to war with Iran? 0 comments. We need to do it before it happens. IMPORTANT: The following is a part of "The Present", a text that reveals the ultimate truth of life on 4 pages. Einstein said there are two infinite things: the universe and man’s stupidity. The problem is that a lot of people will start making fires, in their houses, which inevitably will end up bad for some of them as they will burn down their own houses by accident. Natural disasters will happen to people that know the truth also, but they will not make the situation worse by turning into violent animals. On the other hand, all the world leaders know that launching a nuclear strike will be a death sentence to them also, so they probably will not do it. Adolf Hitler wanted more land, especially in the east, to expand Germany according to the Nazi policy of lebensraum. In order to understand this article, make sure to read "The Present" first. It is the longest period of relative peace and prosperity that this many people have ever experienced. The transformation of man could happen at the same time, but the odds are against it. Scientists still can not come to an agreement if, in world war 3, nuclear missiles will be used. After a nuclear war, life will be fairly hard, and most countries will break up into smaller sovereign nations, that is if there are still people who can rebuild. If you want to prepare for an EMP attack, then check out my recent article Does an EMP affect batteries? RELATED: What Does It Feel Like Right Before You Die? Ever since the second world war has ended, scientists have been trying to figure out how could another world war be avoided. Though it’s unlikely to happen, World War 3 remains a disturbing idea that’s inspired plenty … The most important and dangerous difference is we have nuclear weapons. Enjoy your food. The next world war is much closer than you think and only one thing can prevent it. The virus which weighs millions of times less than the mass of a nuclear bomb that in 1945 destroyed Japan's two … North Korea has been on the U.S. naughty list—as well as the “Axis of Evil”—since its formation. This is one of the most powerful deceptions created by the mind. The most optimistic of times have always preceded this world's darkest days. So bottom line, nobody knows. It does not take much to set the world on fire. This means that your only option to escape is on foot as every road will be blocked. If you want to know what alternatives you have when it comes to heating your home, then check out my recent article ( Top 15 ) Best alternative heat sources during power outage.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'preppingplanet_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_15',164,'0','0'])); People tend to panic, and do irrational things. The first world war started over one person shooting another person. Human history has been full of battles and wars, some big and some small. Viewers are told that three rising sirens would sound an attack. This is why at every emergency broadcast the announcer asks for people to remain calm. At this point most people are abandoned by the government, without machines working on harvesting crops, without any food imports, it will cause a mass famine. Once the power goes out, you can no longer use any of your cards, there will be no functioning ATM’s and your bank account will simply cease to exist.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'preppingplanet_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_14',193,'0','0'])); Back in the days, banks used to have details of their clients written on paper, but as technology progressed, all of the information is digital and in the case of an emp attack, even after the power comes back your data will still be gone. This article reveals what would happen if world war 3 started — read on for more information. There are plenty of countries at war even today, and honestly, nobody seems to care. The faith of certain people around the world claims that a third world war is imminent. People were more civilized just before both world wars than we are now. “World War III” started trending on social media. Everything happened over the honor of a royal family. World War II began in September 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany following Germany's invasion of Poland. Shiites and Sunnis. Need more information? Those that don’t have the resources, fuel the war with men and conspiracies. The heaviest fallout would be limited to the area at or downwind from the explosion and 80 per cent of the fallout would occur during the first 24 hours. A world war could start due to prominent political figures getting killed, intelligence threats or fighting over valuable resources. Once the economy is down, there will be no more trade which supplies the stores, everything will close and people will have to fend for themselves, if you think that people in Venezuela have it bad, think again, they at least have power once in a while and people are already bartering. Sooner or later, people will realize that they are left to fend for themselves, and this is when civil unrest un a massive scale will happen.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'preppingplanet_com-leader-4','ezslot_10',195,'0','0'])); As most people will simply abandon their work to tend to their families, this means no police and no rule of law. RELATED: The Importance of Truth and How to Learn It. There was not as much sex and violence in these movies as there is today. And this has happened during no war or EMP attack, they had no problem with logistics, but the sheer incompetence of the people who were in charge has shown its effects. There are a lot of people who talk about world war 3 predictions, but the truth is that world war 3 will probably never happen in our lifetime. In order to not make the same mistakes as we have made in the past, we should learn from the past, this is why history is extremely important. In the event that world war 3 will break out tomorrow, if you are unprepared then you probably will not have a lot of options to feed yourself and your family, this is why prepping is so important, no matter how unlikely the scenario might be. The latest prediction of what would happen if Russia started World War 3 and the other countries joined. It is just a natural cycle. The food, water and electricity that everyone is now dependent on can be disrupted very easily, sending us right back to the laws of the jungle in just a few days. Make sure to check out "The Present", which explains the complete big picture of life and gives the only concrete solution that will prevent the next (and the last) world war! is a participant in the Amazon Services Associates Program an affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. The future: If the beast prevails, we know what will happen, because we know our bloody, savage history, but most people cannot imagine what the future will be like if we all begin to learn the ultimate truth. We are living in a fool’s paradise, in a castle made of sand, in a house of cards, and the wind is starting to blow. There is no certainty of what countries will be in world war 3, but it is safe to say that most of the richest countries will be involved in it. If you look at World War 1 and World War 2 for comparison, what sort of events would need to happen in order for World War 3 to ever happen? Things could not be more dangerous, and most people do not even know it, which makes it even more dangerous. A lot of unscrupulous people will try to take advantage of this situation, by looting and stealing anything which is valuable. This article reveals what would happen if world war 3 started — read on for more information. The Importance of Truth and How to Learn It. Nobody will win in a world war 3 scenario, as humanity will lose a lot of its progress, and rebuilding will take an extremely long time as most people will struggle to even find food and water. ). You have to admit the human race has become a lot weirder, more lost, and a lot more dangerous. We have to change if we want the world to change; it is a reflection of us. No matter if world war 3 starts with an EMP blast, or a nuclear strike, one thing is certain, the nation which will get hit will have its currency devalued, to a point where people will start bartering with other items. And as there is not infrastructure, and communication is done only by radio at best, odds are that the fire department will not be able to help anybody. Winding a spring: We have been in a very peaceful, stable, and productive period since the end of World War II. Pandemonium! If we are good, the government will be good. On the other hand, World War 2 has mostly started due to economic reasons, most of Europe was almost bankrupt after the first world war. Things before most disasters were just as they are now; people were asleep. Scientists have been searching for signs of civilized life in the universe for decades already. It will get worse, and when it does, it will bring out the beast in mankind; you can just look at our bloody history to see what will happen. ALLBLK was the first streamer to focus on TV shows and films made by Black creators when it started in 2014. Wars start through any number of pathways: One world war happened through deliberate action, the other was a crisis that spun out of control. Hitler would not have gotten in power or did what he did if not for the First World War. Once the power goes out, you can no longer use any of your cards, there will be no functi… We are the government: People are always saying the government is doing this, the government is doing that, as if it is a separate entity. When might World War 3 happen? As the countries are now so much powerful and are equipped with so much of modern warfare technologies that it will not be easy for the rival … Some have applied it loosely to refer to limited or smaller conflicts such as the Cold War or the War on Terror, while others assumed that such a conflict would surpass prior world wars b… If one of the bigger powers would actually declare war on another one, then that might be the beginning of the end. The rest of our current lifespan: In the past, we had to fight and kill to live. In order to understand this article, make sure to read "The Present" first. World war 3 countries that will play an active role in the war will probably suffer the most, countries like, China, Russia, Europe, India, and the USA.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'preppingplanet_com-leader-2','ezslot_5',191,'0','0'])); Back in world war 2, all nations had performed large scale bombing directly targeting the civilian population, in order to make them give up. In the final stages, as some countries are nearing complete defeat, they will resort to using nuclear weapons . The problem is that even these small towns are affected, as they also will not have any electricity or any other utilities.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'preppingplanet_com-portrait-2','ezslot_19',165,'0','0'])); Once the smaller town and cities are overrun by thousands of people, it will be only a matter of time until the original residents are also forced to emigrate to another city. The only difference now is there are a lot more people, and we are more alienated, confused, vulnerable, and much more dangerous. Although most of them will only end up with useless electronic devices that nobody will ever buy, what is the point of having the latest smartphones if you do not have electricity to charge it and phone lines are also down.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'preppingplanet_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_12',196,'0','0'])); Not all cities will get targeted with the bombing, nukes, or emp attacks. The truth is that there are thousands of nuclear missiles pointed at different nations and cities, all over the world. Violence is at an all time high in movies and music. But the instant people start noticing that the stores are going empty of food and water, they will start to panic and buy in bulk, if they have the opportunity, or on the other hand, they can just go full-on retard mode and get as much toilet paper as possible.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'preppingplanet_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',190,'0','0'])); A lot of people will simply stay put and wait for the government to help, but just keep in mind that the richest and the most powerful nation which is the USA has needed 3 weeks to supply the people of New Orleans with water after the Katrina hurricane. Muslims on the other hand believe in the event of a third world war but with the perspective of an uprising against the Jews and non Muslims of the world. There are several reasons why they can not find any, one of them being that most civilizations, eventually end up destroying themselves after they reach a certain point of level of technology. What would happen if world war 3 started? In addition to this, there will be no electricity, no water coming from the tap, and no gas to heat your house. The words ‘World War 3’ trended on social media worldwide as tension rose over Turkey shooting down a Russian jet over its airspace, but what would actually happen? If it is going to happen, it will start soon. There are a lot of people who are speculating on the world war 3 date, but this is all speculation as nobody has the power to know what will happen in the future.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'preppingplanet_com-portrait-1','ezslot_18',609,'0','0'])); The truth is that world war 3 isn’t so probable in our lifetime, as the economy of the world has grown massively and it has become so complex that most countries rely on one another for a lot of things, which is all made possible by commerce. top (suggested) no comments yet. It is not separate; the government is us. The Second World War was just an extension of the first one. It was the assassination of a member of a royal family. This upheaval often manifests as wars and social chaos that causes much more damage than the disaster itself. It will just take a little spark again, and our world will literally begin to explode, nuclear explosions this time. The world has avoided war between major power war since 1945, even if the United States and the Soviet Union came quite close on several occasions during the Cold War. It is like winding a spring, so a balancing period is coming, and it could spring back all at once. One modern thermonuclear bomb can have more destructive power than all the conventional bombs used in all the previous wars. Nuclear missiles will be used in World War 3, In World War 3 most of the infrastructure will be destroyed, What would happen if World War 3 started? Cook with confidence. The world has faced two world wars till date and the third world war if occurs will take the world back to the ancient time from where we have progressed slowly and steadily. Find recipes, search our encyclopedia of cooking tips and ingredients, watch food videos, and more. World War III (WWIII or WW3) and the Third World War are names given to a hypothetical third worldwide large-scale military conflict subsequent to World War I and II. Little sparks start big fires: The next world war is shaping up to be a war between religions, and this will make it much worse than any preceding war. Tories go to war over when to reopen pubs and restaurants as top Tory Sir Charles Walker warns Matt Hancock 'Boris should sack you' if he makes another gaffe like the 10-year jail terms fiasco On the first day of the emp attack, people will either stay at home or go and try to somehow accomplish their work for that day, thinking that it is only a temporary problem. ( Can they survive? Their best bet will be probably to get most of the supplies to a safer place and use those to try and rebuild a new world. Indeed, World War 3 is in the making and its epicenter might occur in the Korean peninsula. China started preparations for this World War long back. ( Top 8 Predictions ). Once a nuclear missile is launched, it will create a domino effect and everybody will start nuking each other mostly because of fear. So something that might be considered World War III may need a German aspect to it. Most of the world’s money is in electronic format, most of these people are using their cards to purchase everyday items. The thought of WW3 strikes fear in most people around the world because they fear the nuclear weapons will be used to strike the United States and any other enemies someone might have. According to Jews, the happening of Armageddon will constitute a great war and will rescue them from the oppression and bring them out from hideouts. That one shot set off a chain reaction that engulfed the whole world. People fleeing from bigger cities, will emigrate to smaller cities, either in the same country or going to a foreign country. At that point all nations were fighting both soldiers and unarmed civilians, that is how desperate they were to end the conflict, just imagine what would have happened if some other nations would have developed the nuclear bomb earlier. In World War 2, approximately 30 nations took part in the war directly or indirectly, in World War 3, 50% of all the countries in the world will be involved. We have to make the transition before it does. Social upheaval: It is the social upheaval that comes with major natural disasters that spiritual people will avoid. A light always burns the brightest before it burns out. The problem with nuclear strikes is not that they are deadly, but their effects have far-reaching consequences, and will probably make humanity to be an endangered species. People were more refined and friendly; they did not lock their doors or have alarm systems. It was much less likely that the last two world wars would happen than a world war happening today. Before the last world war, we had Bing Crosby singing White Christmas. Some of the smaller cities and towns will try and protect their resources, which inevitably will end up in conflict. The first couple of days will probably be fine, some people will take this as an opportunity to take a break from work. The fastest way to cripple a country in both economic and logistical stand of a point is by destroying its electrical infrastructure. Luckily world war 3 isn’t on the horizon, yet, although who knows as there are plenty of unqualified people in charge of many countries, sooner or later somebody is going to do something very stupid, let us just hope it will not happen anytime soon. All wars cause famine, at first the government will try to ration the food, but once the entire infrastructure is destroyed and communication is difficult, not even the government will be able to help anybody. What Does It Feel Like Right Before You Die? share. But if World War 3 were to happen, it might be humanity's biggest battle yet. The evidence doesn't say so! Even if people will get plenty of warnings that war is inevitable, most people will be oblivious to the danger as they have better things to do like arguing on Twitter. Night follows day. If world war 3 would start now then most likely it will start with an EMP attack, followed by a nuclear strike, large-scale bombing, devaluation of the currency, destroyed infrastructure, civil unrest, mass emigration and it will all end up in famine. World War 3 has been trending on Twitter, and people have been expressing serious concern after Iran ’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei promised “harsh vengeance”. Mankind has not changed. Most of the world’s money is in electronic format, most of the people are using their cards to purchase everyday items. Young men suddenly recalled registering after their 18th birthdays, many having done so while applying for college financial aid. Nuclear war will never happen because no head of state will risk their own ass firing nukes at another nuclear power, and direct conventional war will likely be replaced by proxy wars (like America sending their … The big problem is that the longer a country or even a city goes without power the more dangerous the situation may be. The problem is that most countries that have military power rely on commerce as well, once they declare war on anybody their economic power would be gone and their best hope would be to resolve the conflict as fast as possible, this exactly what happened in world war one also. People in government live in this country and have families like everyone else. Instead of fighting, we need to see the truth in religions. If the war breaks out during the winter, this will force a lot of people to start using alternative fuel sources to heat their homes, mainly wood.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'preppingplanet_com-netboard-1','ezslot_16',194,'0','0'])); The same happened in world war 2, most large cities were bombed and the only way for people to heat their homes was to chop up any wood which they can get their hands on. On the other hand, Germany, which started the second world war was also crippled by massive debt and unemployment, the only thing which has kickstarted the economy was the massive mobilization of the workforce to produce military equipment.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'preppingplanet_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',187,'0','0'])); A lot of people have been predicting the coming of a new world war for decades already, although the world has come fairly close several times to an actual nuclear world war. In this way, every country gets dragged into the war. Make sure to check out. No matter if world war 3 starts with an EMP blast, or a nuclear strike, one thing is certain, the nation which will get hit will have its currency devalued, to a point where people will start bartering with other items. Commerce on a large scale has stopped, the utilities have stopped working, and help isn’t coming. save. There were rationing food in most countries for years after the first world war, this is how bad the situation was back then. WWII: World War ll started the year the movie the Wizard of Oz came out, when fun-loving musicals were the most popular movies. But today, after 75 years of World War II, this war has commenced without the use of any weapon, missiles or atom bombs but through a virus. Fool's paradise: The stable times we are in will pass, because it is the nature of nature to change. Shortly after news of the incident happened, World War 3 began trending on Twitter amid fears that the incident could spark a furious response from Russia. In case of a prolonged SHTF situation, you should get as much food as you can, but there are some foods that are better than others Best single food to live on ( Top 11 ). Think that world wars are a thing of the past? The Muslim world is split between Shias and Sunnis. Some people even consider World War II a continuation of World War I since it never really got resolved. Step 1 : Introduction to the question " Who started World War II?. As for the actual war, it won't be a nuclear war or a conventional war between the two sides' armies. Now, for a brief period, mankind no longer has to hurt or kill its own kind to survive; we no longer need to live like the animals we evolved from. Eventually, people will lose their faith in the national currency, and even after world war 3 has ended this will make things a lot harder.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'preppingplanet_com-netboard-2','ezslot_17',163,'0','0'])); The infrastructure will be crippled once world war 3 breaks out in most of the major cities. One of the first things to go out at the start of world war 3 is electricity, my personal recommendation is to get a power generator which also has a backup lithium battery Click here to check it out on It's clear who would be the victor and what would follow. The prospect of a third world war is terrifying: the weapons that humanity has acquired over the course of the past century are powerful enough to irreparably damage or even totally annihilate society as we know it. In one instance due to a false alarm, a soviet submarine captain was ordered to launch his nuclear missiles on the US cities, luckily for us, he has disobeyed his order as he knew the consequences of pushing that button.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'preppingplanet_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_4',608,'0','0'])); If world war 3 happens who will win?

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