This list is constantly updated. Has the ability to play a plethora of floodgates and hand traps naturally. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. Price ~ 40 $ USD, TOP 5 Meta Yu-Gi-Oh! Sealed Product. Yugioh News Top Decklists Most Viewed Install APP; Search side deck Search. Yugioh meta decks 2020 reddit. Excellent control package inserted into already excellent package. Because of these effects working together, “Crystal Beast” users can wind up many cards ahead of their opponent, and the various searching options facilitate the Summoning of “Rainbow Dragon” far quicker than would otherwise be possible. Additionally there are some cards rather than archetypes that should be mentioned and so, I'll have a whole separate category addressing this as well. Solid analysis. Christos Georgiou’s build that won the main event at a recent Regional in Cyprus then went on to win a post-event Top 4 playoff as well, and it’s a really cool example of that technique adopting Dragon Link as an engine: Georgiou used Dragonmaids to fuel Guardragon combos that are actually pretty similar to the mainstream Dragon Link decks. update 01/10/2020. Salamangreats! Dinos are also the other good combo deck, though that depends on what build you want to use. As long as you got a solution for the bad opening board the deck makes, it can build nice boards and win. Deck Profiles. 3 comments. These cards are featured by unique […], What's the price of your Yu-Gi-Oh cards? Table of contents. Handtraps are the lifeline of most decks in the format today and I suppose Salad becomes one in a dozen. Home. You’re not wrong about me forgetting about Prank Kids, I do know that their Link-1 will be pivotal for the deck but similarly to PK, I reserve my opinions on such until the deck actually releases. IMO a solid tier 3. Should be an immediate add-on for most decks and an excellent way for mass backrow removal to come back. Yu-Gi-Oh is the number one anime game in Japan and the US. It's too fair, and one of it's biggest selling points is invalidated in a combo format. anime series or manga. The deck Can be argued for Tier 3 however, I believe more has to be done, events wise, before we know definitively that this deck has fallen from grace. Is now arguably the second best backrow control deck because of its ability to play both engines effectively. If you are curious what the absolute best decks are right now, here’s a list of them below. EDIT** Dropped from Tier 1, Reliant on needle/linkross combo to go hard. I do not believe it is significant enough to do anything in the meta however, I am more than open to having my mind changed. Is adaptable by nature and capable of flexibility with problem solving and establishing boards. Yugioh Side deck not required. Meta Decks: Deck Master: Vision HERO Faris: TCG/OCG: TCG: Submission Date: March 9th 2020: Author: TrongNguyen: YGOPRODeck File Download : View in Online Deck Builder Purchase on TCGplayer Text View YDKe : Hard Brick. Perhaps both? Is that a bad thing? ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. Decks 2020 – Pure Sacred Beasts Card Lists – yugioh meta deck composition, TOP 5 Most Expensive Yugioh Cards – Stunning TGC Price, YuGiOh price guide – Top 7 sites to sell Yu-Gi-Oh cards, F1 2021 Car Launch: dates and images [UPDATED], Toradora ending explained: relations and characters, Code Geass Explained – Lelouch of the Rebellion: meaning, plot and characters. Not at all! The Tuners can even be easily Special Summoned from the hand following certain requirements; “Adamancipator Analyzer” may take the first move to Special Summon himself via his “Cyber Dragon”-esque effect, then the player can proceed to further Special Summon the other two “Adamancipator” Tuners, “Seeker” and “Researcher”. Punished incorrect timing of interruptions, Can snowball fairly quickly if unprepared, Following its recent tops, opponents are more likely to understand how the deck works and understand when to negate certain things and react to others. Eldlich- Sure, Eldlich’s arguable most potent strategy, synchro variant, has taken a hit however, it does not change its nature in the defining points I have mentioned. html Get your SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Election 2020. Great consistency with getting to win con, Can easily play through multiple hand traps, Side decks typically are under prepared to deal with Dragon link, Loses pretty drastically to floodgates (Winda, Summon Limit, etc), Can have a hard time deal with oppressive back row, Can be vulnerable to board wipes (Nibiru, DRNM, etc). Can establish one of the most oppressive boards in the game, Decent ability to play through hand traps, Losses to floodgates (e.g. Decks 2020 – Adamancipator Card Lists – yugioh meta deck composition. Price ~ 750 $ USD, TOP 5 Meta Yu-Gi-Oh! I certainly did not expect anyone to think less of Salad but what you say does indeed make sense. TIER 2- Good consistency and good ability to play through interruptions however, not as effectively as those in Tier 1. The best master rule 5 decks for this format. The subreddit for players of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trends come and go in Yugioh’s ever-evolving metagame. I probably spoke a little out of term when I placed it here to be honest. It is one of the best decks to play TTT in and can wasily incorporate Fallen droplet by sendin activated quick plays to the GY. Panier. Granted you are right in regards to the hit on Block Dragon and it will probably fall off but I think it’s worth mentioning for now in rogue where I put it. We find some of the world's wettest and wildest attractions. Yugioh Tier List 2020. hide. Price ~ 1000 $ USD. Shop. Toggle Deck List; Monster: Nibiru, the Primal Being x1. “Jurrac” is a powerful stand-alone archetype that can hold its own against many meta decks if built and played correctly. Dragon Link- Made it through the banlist without seeing any hits and so, at the moment it is the best combo deck in the game. Top 10 Best Yugioh Decks Ever | Review 2020. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. Please do not hesitate to provide feedback as this list is a collective effort within the community as well as my own personal biases (; I'd argue that Megalith should be dropped off the list completely, or at least drop to rogue tier. I wholeheartedly agree that Dogmatika can win against the Tier 1 options and CAN be fairly diverse in their play however, I think other decks do it better. The core elements of Dragon Link can be squeezed into just about any Dragon-heavy theme, or even decks with very few Dragons at all. Yu-Gi-Oh! I’ve been experimenting with parallel exceed into Abyss Dweller and secret village of the spellcasters and seen great success locally and online. Banlist. I also play the deck and I found some ways to make it better. Has access to one of the strongest floodgate monsters in the game, Schism allows Winda to be summoned on the opponent's turn, Requires appropriate material in grave for schism to work, Can brick if Shaddoll spells/traps are not drawn, Back row effective in helping establish decent boards, Can easily spam the field with high powered monsters, Can overwhelm opponent with high attacking beat sticks, ‘Boss’ monsters have little to no protection, Loses to floodgates (Summon Limit, Winda, etc), Hits very hard and is amongst the strongest in doing such, Dark law is still amongst the best oppression cards in the game, Suffers to board wipes (DRNM, Nibiru, TCBOO, etc), Outside of Law and Plasma, little to no defense. Deck Master: Striker Dragon. Let's discover the most expensive shiny Pokemon […], Which are the most expensive yugioh cards in trading card world? Dragon Link is the only good combo deck left. “Crystal Beast” Decks tend to have a wide variety of searching options for putting “Crystal Beast” cards on the field, either Summoned as monsters or placed in the Spell & Trap Zone as an effect-less Continuous Spell Card, and they have a couple of extra drawing options to speed up the use of the Deck. Before DUOV/ETCO and the onset of this combo format that we're in right now (the release of Haqlifibrax, Linkross and friends), one of the biggest selling points of Salad was that it was super consistent while also having such a small engine that you could play 10+ hand traps to stop your opponent's plays, and not take away from your deck's consistency. ABC/PALEO: As a Paleo lover myself, I'm thrilled but as a realist, I've been stagnant in my opinion since when it was placed on the ban list in the first place. Rusty Bardiche: Although fairly mediocre currently (I say with uncertainty), it will, in my mind, be a part of an upcoming tier 1 deck in Phantom Knights. card game, video games, or fans of the Yu-Gi-Oh! It does not change much how the deck operates however, it opens up more potential for the deck to operate as an engine; namely with Phantom Knights. Trends of the Meta: December 2020 . Altergeist- Has not shown any results following Faker to 3 and so, it declines a Tier. Additionally it can do raye plays more safely do to cbtg limit. Now that we're in the eye of the storm, facing the oncoming wave of PK when Phantom Rage hits, I think it important to address the current status of the meta considering what has just passed yesterday. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Liste. Can establish incredibly oppressive boards for a combo deck, Can struggle against floodgates (e.g. Megalith- Has not done anything following its toppings last month and now that many people are aware of its capabilities, the surprise factor is not as strong. Numeron/Red Eyes). Price ~ 1000 $ USD, TOP 5 Meta Yu-Gi-Oh! TIER 3- Decently consistent, Can play through 1 maybe 2 interruptions. Infernobles is 100% NOT tier 1. At the end of the day, Uria, Lord of Searing Flames is obviously best supported with traps; the more Continuous Traps, the better. Consider supporting me via Patreon! Good ability to play hand traps naturally, Good ability to play floodgates naturally, No definite win condition outside of Accesscode and poking opponent to death, Heavy reliance on Raye/Roze but more so Raye, Very susceptible to hand traps and back row removal. There are lots of valid approaches here, and I’m sure that over time we’ll inevitably see dozens of different “best” Sacred Beast decks with a ton of subjective bias. However, the deck is still Tier 2 but cannot hold a prolonged position in Tier 1 due to its faults. Dino- Another deck free from hits on the banlist. Decks 2020 – Crystal Beast Card Lists – yugioh meta deck composition, Pure Sacred Beasts [August 2020]. Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). It hurts me to place Invoked Dogmatika in Tier 2 as it is my main deck at the moment. Discuss tactics, episodes, decks, … Pendulum Cbtg was one of the best cards against prank kids and now It Is limited. In order to create these Meta decks our advice is to buy their respective structure deck (we talked about the best structure deck here). “Evoldar” is not stand-alone as it requires the help of “Evoldo” monsters. 3v3 is a team variant of a normal Yu-Gi-Oh! TCBOO, Summon Limit).
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