Administrator and turismologist, passionate about the possibilities that Excel gives to managers, entrepreneurs and students. 1 0 obj They’ve tripled in size. Lego Marketing Mix: The strategy that led LEGO to conquer ... those who are surprised when things happen, Strategic Map and BSC (Balanced Scorecard), Survey of target audience and market share. <> 9 0 obj He is the managing partner of the spreadsheet department at LUZ - Spreadsheets ( and is responsible for the development of spreadsheets with business and personal focus commercialized in its website. Create Accountability Assign each committee BOD leader "homework" - so that at the next strategic planning meeting they will be able to present a refined vision of their priorities for the year (after they … 17 0 obj One possibility is to convert a ppt to pdf and send the file by email to make this alignment. <> 3. endobj endobj He also teaches online Excel courses ( and likes to help thousands of planners through the LUZ Forum and Blog. Their organization is dominating the industry. If you want to make your planning presentation from scratch, it pays to look at these eight how to make a professional powerpoint presentation. © All Rights Reserved © 2007 - 2018 LUZ | LUZ LAB DE IDEIAS LTDA - CNPJ 12.390.095 / 0001-86, Presentation of strategic plan in ppt: tips on how to do, 5 Analysis of Porter's Competitive Forces, how to make a professional powerpoint presentation, Business plan: how to do spreadsheet and presentation of business plan, 5 surefire strategies to optimize your Digital Marketing. 11 0 obj 14 0 obj 4 0 obj Long Range Planning… x�͕_k�0�� ��iXeQ�_V k�u��k c&uC�l�۱o�+�+Jb:��ő�=ǿ{Cw�^�zpu�߇����#�2Ƹ̂�b���h|eu/�4��q�a�r�Τ�8==���8���@��w�R�y�R#�������W{��7�Fk���X���zn%8vPp�o��&20X��ܪ׭2��l*�{Ae�6����* Items that can not be missed: To consolidate all of this information you can establish responsible for each analysis. �E�l����A)����Z{%e,M �|+a������1�縳��2��%7�բ(s�F_��b�nX�հg�_� They’ve introduced a number of new products. After all, Power Point is just a representation of everything that was planned. Integrated 'Functional' Planning. 4. Keep it simple and clear. They are the beliefs you have that will … Strategic planning is a process of looking into the future and identifying trends and issues against which to align organizational priorities of the Department or Office. endstream It should be concise and appealing to the reader. endobj Comprehensive PowerPoint presentation on Strategic/Tactical planning,Sales Planning Strategic and Resource Management Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and … What is a strategic plan and why is it needed? Once your overall … This action plan … Be mindful that it’s also important where you place them. <> You can … Simple and clear, the way that everyone wants to see. Relies on input from internal and external stakeholders. Its main objective is to align with the employees of your company and with possible stakeholders what you want to achieve and how it will be done. If you prefer, it may make sense to have different presentations for each moment. endobj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 12 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> A 10-minute presentation, … Vision of the future is essential. That way, in addition to planning your business, you can share how to make them happen. It is not sufficient to say that managers must take actions to make strategic planning … <> And it’s easier to write a meaningful summary once you have filled in the rest of your plan. To create an overall vision, some organizations start by holding a brainstorming session in which they “imagine a world” where: 1. 12 0 obj It provides an anchor point for all plans and strategies. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. %PDF-1.5 [ 15 0 R] <> Have you ever thought that financial data can be interesting and not boring? <> Finally, the third group of slides is the one of planning. Core Values. Strategic Planning Robert Borys 2. Strategic Planning usually has two purposes: Q The activity of seeking God’s Will for a ministry or church Q The decision to act in faith on what has been discerned For this exercise we define strategic planning … I believe in 4 essential steps for any strategic plan: You can use the presentation of strategic plan in two different moments: Depending on your choice, the slides used and the format can be changed. The executive summary of your business plan should explain what is great about your business model and its products or services. endobj <> ��t�3����j�4�i�ϊ|�����AdA~��m��;��Ņ�z*�s�V��:�|6Mc�^A^B�V�eG�~a4�Ǐ�?=O39�b(mi�����ߥ�vM[����jk7�wOЉ=�9���4����A4�f����]�z�l�x�=H'X��>/�J��jZ9�[ns�W���;��(T�~-)v�FF�m���q�׊�Z\?J"Q���f2�� 6 0 obj endstream 19 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 19 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 2>> There is a way to make financial results more interesting, show sales, production, accounting data and other KPIs in eye-catching visual form. stream The template is suitable for marketing implementation as well as direct marketing presentations to be used by a marketing company or marketing firm, but it can also be used for presentations on Strategic Thinking or Strategy PowerPoint presentations. Some slides that can not be missed: One way you can go is to summarize these slides in one presentation of the strategic plan only. endobj Strategic consulting services in India - Genpro Research - Genpro provides strategic consulting services in regulatory submissions, data submissions and early stage studies.Our expert pool of statisticians, … 10 0 obj Knowing how to make a marketing plan presentation isn’t only about know all the essential elements. endobj endobj 2. 5 0 obj A summary of your business marketing plan should always be the first element of your presentation… For this it is very important to know your company thoroughly. It will be … Focused on change and adapting to actual or perceived changes. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Its good to start every strategic presentation or plan with a reminder of the highest level mission. Here you will get a summary of what was defined in your strategic plan. x���MO1��+����!��4U)4X�qXA %j7���qQ>��\F֮��3� �T'��1��!��wY �BD���,B�(���ʢ��;�]�>����ZC{�܌�иW�7{e�,`|2xA���h�z�� _�h�"�?Ġ�f���4T���E�΄�|�4��BP��yE~+ݼ����| I believe that the strategic plan presentation is one of the 10 slide templates most interesting for any company to use. endobj <> With a focus on the future, effective strategic planning … endobj endobj Learn to create you own #StrategicPlan from scratch with the help of our #StrategicPlanning course. The analyzes can be done using the participation of its collaborators. Select a topic. Objectives• Objectives: – The importance of strategic planning – Steps involved in developing a strategic plan – … are aligned. �&ß*�d8E��gz�\c�����o�/{�G����� 15 0 obj STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic planning is a disciplined effort. Some of these presentations are: Each one has a different objective and can help you if the moment you ask. 16 0 obj If you are doing your planning, it is worth remembering a very cool saying that there are five types of companies: If you want your company to be in the fifth and best level, it makes a lot of sense to have all your employees aligned. I’ll let you in on the six-step technique I have developed over many years, working with clients and in teaching my public seminars on strategic planning. A roadmap to launch and grow your organization Process as important as product (perhaps more important) Aligns stakeholders around strategic priorities … Select your main points based on the length of your presentation. <> Why Strategic Planning?

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